Posted October 20, 2016

Bad Hair Day
Find me in STEAM OT
Registered: Dec 2012
From Other

Слава России! ура́
Registered: Apr 2012
From Other
Posted October 20, 2016
low rated
My mom is not a street trash, tatoo-wearing faggot like yours, how many times will you have me repeat myself? :P
So much for being nice and inviting you to game together. Now return to your basement to be molested again by your dick wearing travestite ma.
So much for being nice and inviting you to game together. Now return to your basement to be molested again by your dick wearing travestite ma.
Post edited October 20, 2016 by KiNgBrAdLeY7

Pathologic 2 is good
Registered: Feb 2014
From United States
Posted October 20, 2016
I've got a couple. I might be a little bit of an apologist with this first one so here we go.
-It's hard to run. I've tried lowering the settings but it doesn't do enough. Only way I can get 60fps is if I lower the view distance to basically nothing and turn off the clouds (and I like the clouds). Once I get a rig that CAN run it, I will be elated.
-Community is a bunch'a little kids. I have nothing against kids playing games, but whenever I go on a video showing off a new feature from an update or an old video from the alpha/beta I see comments that hate the new features and praise old features (how was zombies dropping feathers a good design choice?) giving little reason as to why. This is no fault of the devs, but still... bleh.
-Polar bears are unnecessary. I mean they fit the look of the game but right now they serve no purpose other than to get fish in the middle of the tundra.
Wizardry 8:
-Game is literally unplayable without continuous mode. Like, holy heck.
-Continuous mode is not on by default. How am suppose to SERIOUSLY play it right away?
-Continuous mode is not continuous enough. When I quit the game, it stops running! How did this get past QA?!!?
-It's hard to run. I've tried lowering the settings but it doesn't do enough. Only way I can get 60fps is if I lower the view distance to basically nothing and turn off the clouds (and I like the clouds). Once I get a rig that CAN run it, I will be elated.
-Community is a bunch'a little kids. I have nothing against kids playing games, but whenever I go on a video showing off a new feature from an update or an old video from the alpha/beta I see comments that hate the new features and praise old features (how was zombies dropping feathers a good design choice?) giving little reason as to why. This is no fault of the devs, but still... bleh.
-Polar bears are unnecessary. I mean they fit the look of the game but right now they serve no purpose other than to get fish in the middle of the tundra.
Wizardry 8:
-Game is literally unplayable without continuous mode. Like, holy heck.
-Continuous mode is not on by default. How am suppose to SERIOUSLY play it right away?
-Continuous mode is not continuous enough. When I quit the game, it stops running! How did this get past QA?!!?

Eldritch Being
Registered: Jun 2009
From Other
Posted October 20, 2016
1 - Some of the puzzles are too obtuse.
2 - You can't drop off ladders.
3 - Starting out, you need to collect money to buy the all-important Handy Scanner and Reader.EXE. Should be default gear in the first place.
1 - Some of the puzzles are too obtuse.
2 - You can't drop off ladders.
3 - Starting out, you need to collect money to buy the all-important Handy Scanner and Reader.EXE. Should be default gear in the first place.

Слава России! ура́
Registered: Apr 2012
From Other
Posted October 20, 2016
low rated
Change of titles because, "reasons". Fuck Diablo 2 and *those* 2...
Vampire Redemption:
1) No multiplayer, official servers dead.
2) Not all (camarila) clans selectable.
3) You can't find the soundtrack CD anymore (exclusive to collector/preorder).
Vampire Bloodlines:
1) No multiplayer.
2) No sabbat or other factions, you are restricted to the delusionally "good" guys...
3) You can't run vanilla in any system past win XP era. :'(
Blade of Darkness:
1) Needs tweaking for modern systems, it is now a real mess.
2) Many crashes.
3) Only one type of bow.
Grand Theft Auto San Andreas:
1) Garages' errors, bugs and glitches (loosing a fully immune car or unique paintjob is not fun).
2) No burping and farting like in GTA1.
3) No payphone missions like in GTA1.
Torchlight 1:
1) Very boring.
2) Impossible luck needed to get the endgame, or secret items; impossible time needs to be wasted farming those.
3) Any difficulty above Normal and summoned creatures suck terribly, being almost non-viable for main build.
Vampire Redemption:
1) No multiplayer, official servers dead.
2) Not all (camarila) clans selectable.
3) You can't find the soundtrack CD anymore (exclusive to collector/preorder).
Vampire Bloodlines:
1) No multiplayer.
2) No sabbat or other factions, you are restricted to the delusionally "good" guys...
3) You can't run vanilla in any system past win XP era. :'(
Blade of Darkness:
1) Needs tweaking for modern systems, it is now a real mess.
2) Many crashes.
3) Only one type of bow.
Grand Theft Auto San Andreas:
1) Garages' errors, bugs and glitches (loosing a fully immune car or unique paintjob is not fun).
2) No burping and farting like in GTA1.
3) No payphone missions like in GTA1.
Torchlight 1:
1) Very boring.
2) Impossible luck needed to get the endgame, or secret items; impossible time needs to be wasted farming those.
3) Any difficulty above Normal and summoned creatures suck terribly, being almost non-viable for main build.
Post edited October 20, 2016 by KiNgBrAdLeY7

Bad Hair Day
Find me in STEAM OT
Registered: Dec 2012
From Other

Слава России! ура́
Registered: Apr 2012
From Other
Posted October 20, 2016
It's the end of the world... Serious post from YOU?!? Anyway, since it is a serious post, i will give a serious reply. No, i found it really exciting for both camera and controls. First time i played this game, it reminded me of something like Diablo but in 3D. I use the numpad to alter camera view while walking, slashing or both, it really fit in my playstyle and preferences. I don't know why many people nag, it being 2d/3d and pseudo-isometric really fit me perfectly. I even find it more user friendly to my tastes than bloodlines itself! Its only real problem for me is luminosity, but past torch there is an offhand and disciplines that take care of this.
Post edited October 20, 2016 by KiNgBrAdLeY7

I love gold!
Registered: Jan 2010
From Ireland
Posted October 20, 2016
Cool idea
Jagged Alliance (not my all-time favourite, but definitely in the top 10)
_ Inability to buy/sell weapons and equipment.
_ Guns jamming too often.
_ Annoying water snakes.
Amazing game all the same.
Jagged Alliance (not my all-time favourite, but definitely in the top 10)
_ Inability to buy/sell weapons and equipment.
_ Guns jamming too often.
_ Annoying water snakes.
Amazing game all the same.

Bad Hair Day
Find me in STEAM OT
Registered: Dec 2012
From Other
Posted October 20, 2016

I love gold!
Registered: Jan 2010
From Ireland
Posted October 20, 2016

Think, think...
No, I've got nothing. I seriously can't think of one. And I'm not trying to be an ass here. Max Payne was the first game that I thought off, and then then I drew a blank trying to figure any flaws. The sequel- yeah, I'd find some flaws there (Max's new face, the goofy final fight), though I still think it's great despite that. But I honestly do think the first one is flawless.
_ Colt Commando becomes too powerful towards the end of the game. You find plenty of ammo and it's good in most situations, both short and long range. (In the beginning, you had to make choices and decide which weapon is suited best in a given situation, even resorting to pistols should you run low on ammo). In the end you use Colt Commando 75% of the time, only sometimes changing it to specialty weapons like grenades, sniper or RPG.
2? 3?
_ It ends.
_ It was so good that all its sequels seem bad in comparison.
One of my favourite games too Definitely in top 10, and tied with Alice for best third person shooter.
I can find plenty of flaws with part 2. And 3 was made of flaws (not the worst game though, it was just below average).
Post edited October 20, 2016 by ZFR

Слава России! ура́
Registered: Apr 2012
From Other
Posted October 20, 2016
Yeah, i know what you mean, but for some reason, not only it isn't a tiresome chore for me, but i actually enjoy quickly shifting my hands here and there, fast and with pin-point precision (habit from real life, too)! Blade of darkness also requires some shifting like this, since numpad 0 is for targeting and you need other buttons like space and stuff...
Post edited October 20, 2016 by KiNgBrAdLeY7

Easily Bored
Registered: Oct 2010
From Netherlands
Posted October 20, 2016
vampire bloodlines
1 buggy as hell
2 fairly linear
3 teeny tiny small over worlds and game world in general which kills the immersion and suspension of disbelief
4 the story doesnt actually change much between clans unless the pick the malkavians and even then all that changes are your responses
..oh just 3 right ?
anyway i still love the game its why i got 9 copies of it
1 : very buggy
2 : vanilla oblivion is bland really really bland
3 : main storyline is boring and the "end game " is rather dissapointing
4 : no persistence int he game world nor any in game reaction to what you did and your clothes
you can be the champion of cyrodill and npc's still expect you to slay rats or walk around in full dark brotherhood gear and nobody gives a fuck
5 : the guards are lunatic psychics !
and im getting carried away
1 buggy as hell
2 fairly linear
3 teeny tiny small over worlds and game world in general which kills the immersion and suspension of disbelief
4 the story doesnt actually change much between clans unless the pick the malkavians and even then all that changes are your responses
..oh just 3 right ?
anyway i still love the game its why i got 9 copies of it
1 : very buggy
2 : vanilla oblivion is bland really really bland
3 : main storyline is boring and the "end game " is rather dissapointing
4 : no persistence int he game world nor any in game reaction to what you did and your clothes
you can be the champion of cyrodill and npc's still expect you to slay rats or walk around in full dark brotherhood gear and nobody gives a fuck
5 : the guards are lunatic psychics !
and im getting carried away

Bad Hair Day
Find me in STEAM OT
Registered: Dec 2012
From Other
Posted October 20, 2016

1 buggy as hell
2 fairly linear
3 teeny tiny small over worlds and game world in general which kills the immersion and suspension of disbelief
4 the story doesnt actually change much between clans unless the pick the malkavians and even then all that changes are your responses
..oh just 3 right ?
anyway i still love the game its why i got 9 copies of it
1 : very buggy
2 : vanilla oblivion is bland really really bland
3 : main storyline is boring and the "end game " is rather dissapointing
4 : no persistence int he game world nor any in game reaction to what you did and your clothes
you can be the champion of cyrodill and npc's still expect you to slay rats or walk around in full dark brotherhood gear and nobody gives a fuck
5 : the guards are lunatic psychics !
and im getting carried away

Registered: May 2009
From United States
Posted October 20, 2016
Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines
Let's be honest, it's still occasionally glitchy even with the latest version(s) of the Unofficial Patch. It's not "broken" anymore, but some minor things can still spaz out, such as telephone pole wires shaking violently as if in the middle of a storm.
It's a little too combat heavy at the very end. Most of the time you have multiple ways to get through each mission, but the final hour or so of the game charges you headfirst into generally unavoidable combat. Sure you can sneak around some of the random goons but the bosses have to be dealt with.
The sewer level feels a bit padded and tedious in places, the last leg is particularly annoying. Yep...not much else to say, it's a long long sewer level...
Mount & Blade: Warband
You can't select your weapon in the Arena or in the Tournaments. This gives you the possibility to spawn with a weapon that you're not even remotely proficient with.
The AI will occasionally focus solely on you in the Arena or in the Tournaments. Self explanatory, the arena is supposed to be a free for all, yet the game sometimes decides that four or five people really REALLY hate you. Sure, I know that the actual reason is that each combatant in the regular arena is secretly assigned to a "team" by the AI, and occasionally two people from the same team spawn, but still. In the tournament it's the same thing, only the teams are official and not hidden in a script or the code haha.
You can't choose the ratio of "your troops" vs "their troops" to spawn, when you join a battle in progress. So for example, if King Harlaus of Swadia has 200 troops and you have 10, the game might spawn all 10 of your troops, and the King Harlaus' troops will fill in the rest. Why should you not get a say? Maybe you're in the middle of training your troops, why should they see battle before they're ready? Maybe your troops are still recovering from a battle, why should they be subbed in instead of 10 healthy troops from King Harlaus' army? Maybe you and your thirty knights decide to save a small group of peasants from some bandits, realistically you wouldn't leave 29 of your knights in camp while you, one knight, and the band of unarmed peasants took on the bandits! That's just three examples of why it's annoying...
Let's be honest, it's still occasionally glitchy even with the latest version(s) of the Unofficial Patch. It's not "broken" anymore, but some minor things can still spaz out, such as telephone pole wires shaking violently as if in the middle of a storm.
It's a little too combat heavy at the very end. Most of the time you have multiple ways to get through each mission, but the final hour or so of the game charges you headfirst into generally unavoidable combat. Sure you can sneak around some of the random goons but the bosses have to be dealt with.
The sewer level feels a bit padded and tedious in places, the last leg is particularly annoying. Yep...not much else to say, it's a long long sewer level...
Mount & Blade: Warband
You can't select your weapon in the Arena or in the Tournaments. This gives you the possibility to spawn with a weapon that you're not even remotely proficient with.
The AI will occasionally focus solely on you in the Arena or in the Tournaments. Self explanatory, the arena is supposed to be a free for all, yet the game sometimes decides that four or five people really REALLY hate you. Sure, I know that the actual reason is that each combatant in the regular arena is secretly assigned to a "team" by the AI, and occasionally two people from the same team spawn, but still. In the tournament it's the same thing, only the teams are official and not hidden in a script or the code haha.
You can't choose the ratio of "your troops" vs "their troops" to spawn, when you join a battle in progress. So for example, if King Harlaus of Swadia has 200 troops and you have 10, the game might spawn all 10 of your troops, and the King Harlaus' troops will fill in the rest. Why should you not get a say? Maybe you're in the middle of training your troops, why should they see battle before they're ready? Maybe your troops are still recovering from a battle, why should they be subbed in instead of 10 healthy troops from King Harlaus' army? Maybe you and your thirty knights decide to save a small group of peasants from some bandits, realistically you wouldn't leave 29 of your knights in camp while you, one knight, and the band of unarmed peasants took on the bandits! That's just three examples of why it's annoying...

The Lord thy God
Registered: May 2009
From Chile
Posted October 20, 2016
A couple, one recent and one not so much, which I've played to death and back:
Metal Gear Solid V
- Quiet's outfit is disgusting and its in-story "justification" only makes it worse; her storyline would've been far better if she'd actually been clothed throughout it.
- Adding missions to the endgame that are nothing but harder version of previous ones is problematic for two reasons: one, it's pure padding that artificially extends the game's length and second, it restricts these "hard mode" conditions solely to only a handful of missions.
- Game's dirt easy without becoming involved in FOB missions, and as a sort-of multiplayer mode, that comes with its own set of problems.
Bonus track: PSX models for MGS1 characters clash horribly with the rest of the game; wish they'd at least used those from The Twin Snakes.
One Must Fall: 2097
- All robots are radically different from each other; thus, most people tend to focus on learning just one or two to an even greater degree than other fighting games.
- Story mode's storyline feels like the first chapter of a much larger story... which never came, and I don't think was ever planned to begin with.
- Higher difficulty settings can only be experienced in Story mode, which lacks the customization mechanic of Tournament mode, hurting replayability.
Bonus track: it really deserved a sequel.
Metal Gear Solid V
- Quiet's outfit is disgusting and its in-story "justification" only makes it worse; her storyline would've been far better if she'd actually been clothed throughout it.
- Adding missions to the endgame that are nothing but harder version of previous ones is problematic for two reasons: one, it's pure padding that artificially extends the game's length and second, it restricts these "hard mode" conditions solely to only a handful of missions.
- Game's dirt easy without becoming involved in FOB missions, and as a sort-of multiplayer mode, that comes with its own set of problems.
Bonus track: PSX models for MGS1 characters clash horribly with the rest of the game; wish they'd at least used those from The Twin Snakes.
One Must Fall: 2097
- All robots are radically different from each other; thus, most people tend to focus on learning just one or two to an even greater degree than other fighting games.
- Story mode's storyline feels like the first chapter of a much larger story... which never came, and I don't think was ever planned to begin with.
- Higher difficulty settings can only be experienced in Story mode, which lacks the customization mechanic of Tournament mode, hurting replayability.
Bonus track: it really deserved a sequel.