dtgreene: Except that the mechanic hurts the player more than it helps.
GameRager: How does having an extra healing method hurt the player?
Because it's a trap. Using it not only costs money and takes a fair amount of real time, but it also ages the character if done too much, which increases the likelihood that your stats will drop at level up.
If you're going to put an inn in your game, do it the way JRPGs handled it; one trip should fully restore the whole party for a nominal fee. Don't make the player wait for hit points to be restored (or else use spells and then rest again), and certainly don't permanently age the character for doing so.
(Another game with spectacularly poor healing options is Pool of Radiance, though unlike Wizardry resting doesn't cost or age (but is still slow), but there's no full heal spell to save you from the tedium of healing later in the game.)
dtgreene: There aren't any rocket launchers or grenade launchers. The only explosive weapons are the Ven Potion (explodes in a lingering gas cloud, which is only dangerous if you stand in it too long) and the Ful Bomb (explodes like a fireball, and is actually dangerous to be caught by).
GameRager: My bad, I meant in all games in general.
But you might run into games where doing so is actually a good idea.
In some games, for example, you become invincible after taking damage, so hitting yourself weakly can make you invincible just long enough to avoid a more dangerous attack. In others, taking damage knocks you back, and that knock back can be used to your advantage, to reach places that you wouldn't otherwise be able to. (See damage boosting and rocket jumping for examples of this sort of thing.) There are even games where there are advantages to being near death or disadvantages to being healthy. (For example, in Mario games, small Mario can fit in places that Super Mario can't; if you are playing troll levels (Mario Maker) or hacks, sometimes you need to intentionally take a hit in order to progress.)
Edit: Why the low rating? What did I do wrong in this post?