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low rated
catpower1980: Yo, Tropico 5 review on Polygon is up. Full of social considerations as expected :
I'd hate to see what they really thought of Crusader Kings 2. What, a bunch of white, inbred, power hungry Euro-lords screwing their cousins and marching to holy war against Muslim infidels? I'm smelling an op-ed coming...
thelovebat: Used the search function but didn't find any threads created related to this situation.

Even further than that, Zoe ruined a game jam designed to give women a chance to make their own game. Look here to find out more along with the fact it was a not for profit idea looking to be more about women being able to make games than trying to cry about how oppressed women are in the industry.
The only claim of yours as a female gamer I might have been interested to check for source criticality was this - which I apriori assumed would be dodgy.

Pray elaborate was this a random link maybe? And why so? To test how bigoted, default mean and sexually hostile we fellow gamers might be?

A true scandal would be the link of advertisement revenues paid out only after a sufficiently positive review - and I hate to say this was one of the games I liked. I try to find it, but anyone who knows, pray post!
TStael: The only claim of yours as a female gamer I might have been interested to check for source criticality was this - which I apriori assumed would be dodgy.
I think the picture is referring to the issues that are explained in this interview:
Hey folks. You might have noticed the new Humble weekly is supporting Girls Make Games, and I'm trying to figure out what, if any, connections this event has to the anti-Gamergate, aka SJW, crowd. Are there any questionable backers, judges, participants, promoters associated with it? I've not followed the developments too closely, so can you help me out?
low rated
Spinorial: Hey folks. You might have noticed the new Humble weekly is supporting Girls Make Games, and I'm trying to figure out what, if any, connections this event has to the anti-Gamergate, aka SJW, crowd. Are there any questionable backers, judges, participants, promoters associated with it? I've not followed the developments too closely, so can you help me out?
I wondered too as soon as I saw this.
They won't get a cent from me this time for sure.
low rated
Spinorial: Hey folks. You might have noticed the new Humble weekly is supporting Girls Make Games, and I'm trying to figure out what, if any, connections this event has to the anti-Gamergate, aka SJW, crowd. Are there any questionable backers, judges, participants, promoters associated with it? I've not followed the developments too closely, so can you help me out?
It's amazing how they manage to coordinate all this stuff. It's like everywhere you turn it's "OH THINK OF THE POOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN! SHOO VILE GAMERS!"
low rated
Spinorial: Hey folks. You might have noticed the new Humble weekly is supporting Girls Make Games, and I'm trying to figure out what, if any, connections this event has to the anti-Gamergate, aka SJW, crowd. Are there any questionable backers, judges, participants, promoters associated with it? I've not followed the developments too closely, so can you help me out?
Red_Avatar: It's amazing how they manage to coordinate all this stuff. It's like everywhere you turn it's "OH THINK OF THE POOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN! SHOO VILE GAMERS!"
Never underestimate the effort of true fanatics, especcially politically driven ones.

This makes my masculism tingle, but I try really hard not to fall into another "ism" although I am experiencing the discrimination of men on a more or less daily basis and still hear the bullshit of those blind ideology driven haters/fanatics all the time.

This whole sexism is making me sick.
Have you ever seen a gamedev being especcially supported because he is male?

I'm seeing women-only job offers all the time and the few females that were interested in programming were always treated like goddesses afaik only because they were women and men like to have them around which is not everywhere the case because they naturally don't seem to be interested in some things without some ideologist ranting about how women are not present there and this must be a sign of total discrimination, we want extra money and Frauenbeauftragte, etc...
Gosh, all I want is fairness.
Post edited September 26, 2014 by Klumpen0815
low rated
Well, this Emma Watson connection is interesting. At the very least it shows that very powerful establishment forces are paying attention to this. Could it be a coincidence that she made that speech to the U.N. the other day? Maybe. But when the major news networks, the FBI, NSA, DARPA, AND the U.N. are involved, you can bet your last nut hair that this issue has reached some form of vortex of social energy.

I have a feeling that if gamers involved with Gamergate knew exactly what kind of forces were arraying against them, they'd probably pray to go back to the days of little old Jack Thompson and his Christian censorship brigade.

It also means that Gamergate is onto something... something perhaps very big. Like the old saying goes, 'you know you're over the target when you start getting flak.'
Red_Avatar: It's amazing how they manage to coordinate all this stuff. It's like everywhere you turn it's "OH THINK OF THE POOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN! SHOO VILE GAMERS!"
Klumpen0815: Never underestimate the effort of true fanatics, especcially politically driven ones.
Ummm... guys? I never said they were actually involved in this. I was genuinely asking a question. For all I know, this might be a perfectly legitimate project...
Post edited September 26, 2014 by Spinorial
low rated
Klumpen0815: Never underestimate the effort of true fanatics, especcially politically driven ones.
Spinorial: Ummm... guys? I never said they were actually involved in this. I was genuinely asking a question. For all I know, this might be a perfectly legitimate project...
I know that you didn't, but for me personally this is too much of a "coincidence".
This stuff is everywhere now.

Emob78: Well, this Emma Watson connection is interesting. At the very least it shows that very powerful establishment forces are paying attention to this. Could it be a coincidence that she made that speech to the U.N. the other day? Maybe. But when the major news networks, the FBI, NSA, DARPA, AND the U.N. are involved, you can bet your last nut hair that this issue has reached some form of vortex of social energy.

I have a feeling that if gamers involved with Gamergate knew exactly what kind of forces were arraying against them, they'd probably pray to go back to the days of little old Jack Thompson and his Christian censorship brigade.

It also means that Gamergate is onto something... something perhaps very big. Like the old saying goes, 'you know you're over the target when you start getting flak.'
You don't need a conspiracy for a trend like this whole new age misandry to grow unhindered until it gets an unstoppable momentum, although there are always people with power from some direction enforcing it and shadowbanning the opposition.
Post edited September 26, 2014 by Klumpen0815
Klumpen0815: I know that you didn't, but for me personally this is too much of a "coincidence".
This stuff is everywhere now.
Sorry, but I have to disagree. Strongly. I actually want to see such an event/jam, specifically aimed at female developers and designers. I just don't want to see it be done by these self-serving demagogues, the SJWs. So, if you have some actual information about this event, kindly share it. Otherwise, please refrain from sweeping generalisations that only further muddy the waters.
low rated
Spinorial: Ummm... guys? I never said they were actually involved in this. I was genuinely asking a question. For all I know, this might be a perfectly legitimate project...
Klumpen0815: I know that you didn't, but for me personally this is too much of a "coincidence".
This stuff is everywhere now.

Emob78: Well, this Emma Watson connection is interesting. At the very least it shows that very powerful establishment forces are paying attention to this. Could it be a coincidence that she made that speech to the U.N. the other day? Maybe. But when the major news networks, the FBI, NSA, DARPA, AND the U.N. are involved, you can bet your last nut hair that this issue has reached some form of vortex of social energy.

I have a feeling that if gamers involved with Gamergate knew exactly what kind of forces were arraying against them, they'd probably pray to go back to the days of little old Jack Thompson and his Christian censorship brigade.

It also means that Gamergate is onto something... something perhaps very big. Like the old saying goes, 'you know you're over the target when you start getting flak.'
Klumpen0815: You don't need a conspiracy for a trend like this whole new age misandry to grow unhindered until it gets an unstoppable momentum, although there are always people with power from some direction enforcing it and shadowbanning the opposition.
That raises the question of the bans and censoring. Are those on the journalists/SJW side just that oppressive in their own views, or is there a larger cohesive effort to actually make the dissenting voices... go away? It certainly seems like those on the SJW side are the ones with their fingers on the BAN trigger. They have been quite aggressive on social media, doing everything they can to build a consensus using just about every trick in the book, to make it appear that gamers agree with them and their agenda, despite all the evidence to the contrary.
Spinorial: Hey folks. You might have noticed the new Humble weekly is supporting Girls Make Games, and I'm trying to figure out what, if any, connections this event has to the anti-Gamergate, aka SJW, crowd. Are there any questionable backers, judges, participants, promoters associated with it? I've not followed the developments too closely, so can you help me out?
Klumpen0815: I wondered too as soon as I saw this.
They won't get a cent from me this time for sure.
Is there a reason you don't like"Girls Make Games" or you just won't support any female-centric gamey stuff?

I have been close to buying Cat Lady, Valdis and Lily Looking Through a few times, but I'll just wait for the next gog sale.
Spinorial: I actually want to see such an event/jam, specifically aimed at female developers and designers.
Why is it important for you, which gender a gamedev has and why should one be supported over another because of the genitals he/she was born with?
Why all this sexism?

If girls want to make games, they should make them by getting over all the obstacles men have too.
Post edited September 26, 2014 by Klumpen0815
Emob78: I have a feeling that if gamers involved with Gamergate knew exactly what kind of forces were arraying against them, they'd probably pray to go back to the days of little old Jack Thompson and his Christian censorship brigade.

It also means that Gamergate is onto something... something perhaps very big. Like the old saying goes, 'you know you're over the target when you start getting flak.'
Oh god! :)