xa_chan: Oh, that would be bad to make it a WWE-only thread! There's so much more to enjoy in smaller promotions (although WWE became good again recently, at least for me, with the Wyatt family, Kevin Owens, etc...)!
Lookup for (in USA)
- CZW (if you're more into really bloody wrestling)
or (in Japan)
- DDT (so that's where Joey Ryan got the magic schlong's techniques)
- Hustle
- Osaka pro
these three promotions being comedy-oriented
or the undying
and don't overlook Dragon Gate promotion, also in Japan!
Personnally, CHIKARA was by far my best promotion, WWE included, because of over-the-top-yet-very-good-at-wrestling characters, nice storylines andexcellent referees!
Don't forget the GFW. Though to be fair, I'm not entirely sure that the GFW exists beyond the imagination of Jeff Jarrett.