BrianSim: Normally I agree but in that particular example, they literally went out of their way to be infected including disabling the (enabled by default) incoming firewall then moving it from behind typical router's NAT / secondary firewall to connecting it to the net "raw" (like an old analogue 56k modem). W11 would absolutely be infected in the same way under same conditions. A router with a half decent firewall / NAT would straight up block incoming port scans, etc, from ever reaching devices which is why someone literally "hacking" other years out of support devices (eg, smart TV's, Blu-Ray players, consoles, etc) rarely happens in practise.
That is the reason why I'm at odds with IPv6, because the ONLY thing that stands between the Green Net and the Red net are the firewall rules, running atop some custom-made OS on a custom-made device (IOW, little to no real-world testing and feedback). With IPv4 you had to have NAT, which auto-shielded everything unless it's configured to properly forward it, so you are fully isolated unless explicitly configured otherwise (and even then it hits ony device only). With IPv6, you are by default fully exposed and the router only blocks things depending on its configuration and software. Leave a stray "ALLOW ALL" in the firewall rules and -bang-, you're fully exposed, not only one machine being forwarded to, but the entirety of your LAN. And that's perfectly imaginable human error on the manufacturers side, even if it occurs due to some failed parsing and processing of user input, possibly just because the parser chokes on a machine name containing whitespaces or perfectly valid unicode characters. We don't need to go to chinese backdoors (hello Netgear!) for that, but we could, or course.
Apart from that, I'd not be able to connect NWN2 for MP over the internet.
Anyway, I'm currently considering to switch.... from W7 to W10.
Linux has come a long way, and I use it for everything, except gaming. Not even Galaxy has a native Linux client, and SWTOR is getting a MAC installer after all these years, but no Linux support. I think about triple-booting DraugerOS, but if not even Steam could make Linux a go-to choice for game development with it's steam deck...
But in the end... it's nowhere near the worst case, just another major PITA.