AlexTerranova: Wow! Have not been following Witcher fan community for several years and almost missed the movie.
I am very interested in any forms of fan creation, and this one is looking awesome! Thanks for sharing. :)
There was a movie?
Man, i should be careful saying things like this. GOG might see it as an invitation for another annoying banner.
Frankly, there are better ways of promoting something than what has been done. Even my martial arts instructor managed to hear of the Monster Hunter movie, and wished he took my advice, as the fan of the series that I am, and did not watcdh it.
TBH, i thought about finally starting my copy of TW2, and then playing TW3, but i'm about witchered out 'cause of GOG. Like, the series is especially good in game format (imo, not at anything else), but the connection to CDP's crappy practices kind of ruins it for me. The whole shitshow around this "con," without me even bothering to take a look at it, just added more to it. Great setting , great potential, and the source material gives it eactly what we want from it, but all this stuff outside of the games (other than the books) more or less tends to ruin the whole thing. A bunch of people trying to cash in on something good, without a clue on why people like it. And, here we are, with CDP's most recent addition of Cyberpunk, with heavy corporate practices involved.
What's next? Are going to see CDP hire a bunch of atheists to make a game about Jesus? Are we going to have a bunch of catholic monks make a game about lesbian sex? I'm sure Monsanto will fund the next Jurassic Park game. And then that'll go so impressively that Bill Gates will then fund a game about writing your own OS to compete with microsoft. Then Jingping won't be able to resist joining in and ensuring they develop a game that shows why censorship is evil.
This just in, your father is determined to catch all the various pikachus in your pikachu monster game, because he wants to show you how cool and hip he can be, just like the corporations. Around here, we don't talk about tone deaf.
Orkhepaj: yeah too few boobs and naked girls
Crosmando: True, of all the girls Geralt fucks, and you never get a sex scene with Ciri or the Queen (Henriette was it?), what a travesty.
IIRC, wasn't Ciri bi? Would've been a great way to get some politics in, too! Not that it'd necessarily be politics, but this is a corporation we're talking about. We surely would not have heard the end of it.