It seems that you're using an outdated browser. Some things may not work as they should (or don't work at all).
We suggest you upgrade newer and better browser like: Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer or Opera

I think I have solution for game.My game suffer from this Problem. When I online(internet) everything is fine.In offline mode you have unblock "witcher3.exe" from internet.Simple.You have to allow "witcher3.exe" to accessing internet in firewall even you not online.That is because it needs a connection to your localhost

Or simple way is delete those file and game Run Perfectly without Error:
Post edited May 19, 2015 by poormaz
So, I may have found a solution, I tried running the game as an administrator and got this message:

"The Program can't start because MSVCR110.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem."

So, I just downloaded and installed "Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2012 Update 4", restarted and now it works fine! Good luck everyone!
I have tried every fix posted on this threat. Nothing :( Hate to re install the game. With my internet speed it will take about 24 hours. I pre downloaded manually, and didn't even touch galaxy until it wouldn't launch on its own.
zegg: I have tried every fix posted on this threat. Nothing :( Hate to re install the game. With my internet speed it will take about 24 hours. I pre downloaded manually, and didn't even touch galaxy until it wouldn't launch on its own.
Tell us later if it helps pls. I'm still looking for solution
Guys, I have a favor to ask of you.
Everyone whose launch issue was fixed by removing goggalaxy.dll, killing the Galaxy process and/or uninstalling Galaxy, please send me a PM, telling me exactly what anti-virus and firewall software you are using, and if you're running any unusual security settings in these.
I will follow-up with additional questions, but first I need our Galaxy devs to tell me what to ask for. :)

It doesn't look like this issue is widespread, all things considered, and hopefully is only related to interference from extremely hardcore anti-virus/firewall software.
We'll do our best to resolve this, but first we need to recreate the issue.
I'm counting on your feedback. :)
Firek: Guys, I have a favor to ask of you.
Everyone whose launch issue was fixed by removing goggalaxy.dll, killing the Galaxy process and/or uninstalling Galaxy, please send me a PM, telling me exactly what anti-virus and firewall software you are using, and if you're running any unusual security settings in these.
I will follow-up with additional questions, but first I need our Galaxy devs to tell me what to ask for. :)

It doesn't look like this issue is widespread, all things considered, and hopefully is only related to interference from extremely hardcore anti-virus/firewall software.
We'll do our best to resolve this, but first we need to recreate the issue.
I'm counting on your feedback. :)
at the moment i run"completely naked" which means i deinstalled my antivir and firewall (ESET smart security 6).
So far no change.
i would like to send you an pm, but where is the pm option the only thing i can do is to open a chatroom.

my system:
Win 7 64 bit

AMD FX 6300 3.5 GHz
Nvidia GeForce 8800 GTS 512

what else do you want to know ?
Post edited May 19, 2015 by emperror0815
Same launch issue here. I pre-downloaded the game. Then installed Galaxy pre-launch. Galaxy applied the launch day patch. Clicking the launch button did nothing.

I've tried all the suggestions in this thread including uninstalling Galaxy and re-installing my pre-download. Also uninstalled W3 and Galaxy then re-installed Galaxy and re-downloaded the game via Galaxy.

No luck. Always a silent fail.

I should add, I don't run any anti-virus software...
Post edited May 19, 2015 by snypher
Same thing for me, followed all the instructions on page 3, nothing helps.
hey all

I tried everything listed here previously and nothing worked. I send GOG a support and here's what they sent me back. I'm not sure which step exactly did the trick for me (I'm guessing it's the NVIDIA drivers, or installing as admin as I had tried all the rest anyway) but hope this helps

From GOG support (note: I had to remove some urls as it wouldn't let me post):
1) Please make sure that you use "Run as Administrator" to install and to start the game (right-click on the shortcut or setup file and select "Run as Administrator").

2) Please reinstall the game and add it to your anti-virus/firewall software's exception/trusted list.

3) NVidia released Witcher III Game Ready Drivers 18 May 2015, please update your drivers:

Try disabling DSR:

4) Please install Visual C++ 2013 SP1 Redistributable Packages:

after pressing Download select:

5) Please install Microsoft .NET Framework:

6) Please make sure that DEP (Data Execution Prevention) is using its default setting. To do this, follow these steps:
I) Open Menu Start
II) Right click 'Computer' and click 'Properties'
III) Click 'Advanced system settings'
IV) Open tab 'Advanced' and click 'Settings' in 'Performance' section
V) Open tab 'Data Execution Prevention'
VI) Change DEP setting to the first option (Turn on DEP for essential Windows programs and services only)
VII) Confirm with OK.

7) Maybe you have some settings forced on your graphics device in NVidia Control Panel. If so then try to reset them:
I) Right-click on your desktop and select Nvidia Control Panel.
II) Click Manage 3D Settings.
III) In the upper-right corner, click Restore Defaults.

8) If above steps didn't help, please try to run the game directly from it's executable. Go to game installation folder \Bin\x64\ (default: C:\GOG Games\The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt\bin\x64) and run witcher.exe directly.
Did a full check of the above post, nothing.
tilanka: hey all

I tried everything listed here previously and nothing worked. I send GOG a support and here's what they sent me back. I'm not sure which step exactly did the trick for me (I'm guessing it's the NVIDIA drivers, or installing as admin as I had tried all the rest anyway) but hope this helps

From GOG support (note: I had to remove some urls as it wouldn't let me post):
1) Please make sure that you use "Run as Administrator" to install and to start the game (right-click on the shortcut or setup file and select "Run as Administrator").

2) Please reinstall the game and add it to your anti-virus/firewall software's exception/trusted list.

3) NVidia released Witcher III Game Ready Drivers 18 May 2015, please update your drivers:

Try disabling DSR:

4) Please install Visual C++ 2013 SP1 Redistributable Packages:

after pressing Download select:

5) Please install Microsoft .NET Framework:

6) Please make sure that DEP (Data Execution Prevention) is using its default setting. To do this, follow these steps:
I) Open Menu Start
II) Right click 'Computer' and click 'Properties'
III) Click 'Advanced system settings'
IV) Open tab 'Advanced' and click 'Settings' in 'Performance' section
V) Open tab 'Data Execution Prevention'
VI) Change DEP setting to the first option (Turn on DEP for essential Windows programs and services only)
VII) Confirm with OK.

7) Maybe you have some settings forced on your graphics device in NVidia Control Panel. If so then try to reset them:
I) Right-click on your desktop and select Nvidia Control Panel.
II) Click Manage 3D Settings.
III) In the upper-right corner, click Restore Defaults.

8) If above steps didn't help, please try to run the game directly from it's executable. Go to game installation folder \Bin\x64\ (default: C:\GOG Games\The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt\bin\x64) and run witcher.exe directly.
Thanks for the help,

sadly my 8800 gts 512 is not supported by the new nvidia driver
This worked perfectly. Issue seems to be related to Galaxy in some form or another.
fortune_p_dawg: This worked perfectly. Issue seems to be related to Galaxy in some form or another.
And here we go again.

I downloaded and installed the game COMPLETELY WITHOUT Galaxy.
emperror0815: i can't confirm this. Because i never touched galaxy.
Hycinthus: Have you tried all the steps here?

1) If you have GOG Galaxy Client, uninstall it.

2) Then click start button -> type "cmd" -> right click "cmd.exe" and click "run as administrator"

Type :

sc delete GalaxyClientService
sc delete GalaxyCommunication

So the GOG background services are removed from you PC.

3) Then,
Go to the game folder / bin / x64 and delete or rename galaxy.dll... Launch the game, a error dialog will pop out but the game actually runs.

4) If all fails, reboot PC, some found this worked for some of us.
This worked like a damn charm. Any idea why galaxy.dll is causing the game to not launch?
fortune_p_dawg: This worked perfectly. Issue seems to be related to Galaxy in some form or another.
emperror0815: And here we go again.

I downloaded and installed the game COMPLETELY WITHOUT Galaxy.
I HAD Galaxy on my computer up until a couple of days ago, but I uninstalled it. My solution came in the form of deleting some residual Galaxy services that were still running and deleting the galaxy.dll file from one of the subfolders in the games directory.
Post edited May 19, 2015 by fortune_p_dawg
Worked for me, it's Galaxy !

I've installed Galaxy days ago to look at it and then disinstalled Galaxy.
The Witcher was installed via normal setup (Galaxy already uninstalled).

But the GalaxyCommunication Service remained Active

I had to

1) disinstall the GalaxyCommunicationService
2) rename the dll

Thank you !!!
Post edited May 19, 2015 by ManuelMar