maritai: I have just bought a new pc, and i wonder if it can run Witcher 3. Specs are
i7-4710HQ (2,5 , but can run up to 3, 5, it is claimed)
Nvidia GeForce GT 840M(with 2 gb ram)
8 gb ram DDR3
res 1920 x 1080 (Full HD)
After comparing my specs with the ones recommended on Witchers page, I see that a problem might be the graphics card. The one i have, is GT, not GTX. Since I, up to now, mainly have played old games, I am not so knowledgeable about how GT compares to GTX, I know that the GTX is better, so If somebody want to teach me more, Id be grateful.
As stg83 said, mobile GPUs are generally much less potent than their desktop counterparts. I don't know how much power this particular GPU has, but it definitely won't produce decent framerates in Full HD/ 1080p. You might be OK if you set the resolution of the game to 720p and/or turn the quality and details setting down to a mix of Medium & Low. The CPU and RAM should be fine.
Edit: Checked out the performance comparison in the link, and indeed this GPU seems much slower than the GTX 660. The biggest disadvantage is probably the outdated DDR3 RAM. On the plus side, it seems to be a fairly new GPU, so it probably supports many modern rendering technologies, at least in theory.
I still think W3 might be doable, at 720p, low settings and some ~30+ frames per second. Of course, it's up to you whether you would find that enjoyable. If you're mostly playing for the story and characters and not so much for the eye candy, you might still have fun with it.