Windward was updated (GOG-4).
Patch 2015.07.19 (21.07.2015)
- Stationary turning is now based on the “minSpeed” value as well.
- Challenge level now sets the default “minSpeed”. 200% challenge means minSpeed of 0 (0% speed when sailing into the wind).
- Adjusted wind effectiveness curves for all ships. They should now sail at maximum speed from a much wider range of angles, depending on their sail configuration.
Here are the rest of the changes they seemed to skip over. - Pirate raid quest is no longer obtained from towns. Instead it will show up automatically when pirates raid the region the player is in. It will now also complete properly when all pirates are defeated.
- Several controller-related tweaks to improve controller support.
- Changes related to preparing Windward for Android TVs (NVidia Shield devices).
- Added /set playersForRaids = # replacing /set moreRaids = true. The # represents how many players are needed for pirate raids to occur in non-frontier regions. It’s 5 by default.
- /delete <regionID> has been renamed to /deleteRegion <regionID>.
- /remove can now be used to remove options set by /set.
- Added a new ship with a unique ability. It’s unlockable the same way as the Turtle Ship. Find a Pirate King sailing one, defeat it... profit!
- Fixed low graphics quality water in regions with size above 256.
- You can now set sailing speed in-game using /set minSpeed = # and /set maxSpeed = #, where # is a value between 0 and 1. By default minSpeed is 0.65 and maxSpeed is 1.0. If you set minSpeed to 0, it won’t be possible to sail directly into the wind anymore, forcing players to use tacking ([url=][/url])). Note that minSpeed set to 0 is effectively “hard mode”. You won’t even be able to turn your ship if your sails can’t catch the wind. Note that AI is currently not smart enough to use tacking, so you may find them stubbornly sailing into the wind. Slowly.
- Fixed an issue with the server-side config settings not taking hold when switching worlds.
- Floating loot should no longer disappear quickly when going outside the 256 boundary on larger maps.
- Wind now affects turning speed while stationary.
- Wind will now vary from 50% to 100% strength (before it was from 35%).
- Added in-game /help command that links to - Sail health now affects stationary turning speed, reducing it down to 25-75% with sails gone, depending on the challenge setting.
- Reduced contribution requirements for new ships from 5000 to 3500.
- Increased zoom while in town to let you see your ship easier while customizing it.
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