Alright, I was checking out the new Library listing, it said in the top bar I had one updated game. I looked to see what it was, went back to the full library listing, and the (2) that was by the Updated selection had changed to a (1) [Thank you guys for fixing that discrepancy]. Then, I went to look at the downloads for the game, but didn't see any marking showing what was updated, went to go back to the Updated Library listing to see if the version number had been put there yet, then to settings to see if there was a setting for using the down-loader (there used to be a button to enable/disable using the down-loader), went back to the listing, and it had disappeared - no more listing of updated games, though I never downloaded it.
And I don't remember which game it was (I was more interested in seeing how it was working).
Whether or not this is how it is going to work (mind you, before, if you didn't click on a download link, it didn't clear the updated flag), it would still be nice to have a Sort By Recently Updated in the sort selections.