Thanks for the clarification.
Anyway, I think I may have jumped the gun a little with my indignation. I hadn't yet read any of today's release/preorder threads when I made my previous post, and so when I saw someone in this thread mention "first region-restricted game on GOG", my first thought (in light of the recent addition of German ratings to various gamecards) was, "Great, GOG's laying the groundwork for the launch of German language support by adding ratings to, and probably region-locking or -censoring, certain games." I wasn't even thinking of Australia! ...Still, this
does set a very bad precedent, and I wouldn't be surprised now if broader region-based restrictions are eventually put in place. I hope it doesn't come to that...but if I lived in Germany or Australia (or anywhere else with similar censorship laws), and had any interest whatsoever in any of the titles GOG sells which are otherwise either censored or unavailable in those places, right about now I'd be looking at buying those games and downloading them ASAP.