Posted February 20, 2015
As for Linux, it definitely has flaws (that scary list is maintained by a Linux fan to goad developers into fixing things) but I get the impression you're thinking of the Linux of several years ago.
These days, the main reason you'll use the terminal in a mainstream distro like Ubuntu is because it's easier for online instructions to say "copy and paste this into the terminal" than to talk someone through the equivalent GUI.
Plus, there are a lot of outdated instructions still floating around which give a skewed impression of things since Google can point you at them, unlike with books like the copy of PC Magazine's DOS Power Tools, Second Edition (Revised for DOS 5.0!) that I bought used to refresh my memory before putting together a nostalgia PC. (My memory gets hazy back before DOS 6.22)
Read Ubuntu Community Help Wiki - DualBoot/MacOSX for a list of pros and cons to dual-booting compared to alternatives like running Linux inside a virtual machine (VirtualBox is free, for example, and has a nice wizard-driven GUI).
Since most Linux install discs are LiveCDs or LiveDVDs (you can boot off them and get a usable desktop for "try before you install" or emergency recovery purposes), I'd suggest experimenting with the various Ubuntu flavours before installing to get a preliminary feel for which desktop you want to start out with. (You can always mix-and-match later, but it's always easiest to start as close to your goal as possible. Here are the sites for , [url=]Kubuntu, , and [url=]Lubuntu.)
For Ubuntu, there's even a JavaScript-based interactive online tour which replicates the desktop in your browser.
The "if you still want to dual-boot" instructions it links to are at Ubuntu Community Help Wiki - MactelSupportTeam/AppleIntelInstallation but the page is rather verbose so you may also want this visual summary of the OSX+Ubuntu section: OMG! Ubuntu! - [How to] Dual Boot Mac OS X and Ubuntu
(Speaking of which, OMG! Ubuntu! is a nice blog to check out in general if you're running Ubuntu or one of its derivatives.)
Feel free to PM me if you get stuck anywhere.
Post edited February 20, 2015 by ssokolow