mrkgnao: I think that is what kbnrylaec is pointing out, namely the deficiencies of GOG's system, one of which is that extras don't get flagged, just like multi-edition games or unbundled games don't get flagged. There is no real reason why extras shouldn't be flagged, is there?
MarkoH01: No, of course there isn't but I always thought the main idea behind the list of missing update flags was to point out how often the update system did not work as it was intended (broken) and not to point out the fundamental flaws in GOGs policy (which there are many and I am well aware) - that's why I mentioned the extras part.
I think that was the initial intention, but since kbnrylaec began posting the offending games alongside the monthly report, it has become clear that most of the issues in recent months are related to those "fundamental" GOG bugs that I have mentioned above, rather than to any temporary malfunction. I think it's important to underline these fundamental bugs, as kbnrylaec indefatigably does, with the hope that GOG will eventually fix them (right after GOGmixes return).