Posted March 18, 2021

Leaf Kaigai Nikki
Registered: Mar 2009
From Canada

vaccines work she/her
Registered: Jan 2010
From United States
Posted March 18, 2021
I did notice one minor change with the Stranger of Sword City Revisited update:
* In 1.0.0, when you save, the game tells you not to turn off the console (even though this is a PC game, not a console game)
* In 1.0.1, it instead tells you not to turn off the device, which makes more sense in this context.
* In 1.0.0, when you save, the game tells you not to turn off the console (even though this is a PC game, not a console game)
* In 1.0.1, it instead tells you not to turn off the device, which makes more sense in this context.

New User
Registered: Sep 2008
From France

vaccines work she/her
Registered: Jan 2010
From United States
Posted March 18, 2021

Hi everyone, we've updated the game to address a few issues.
-Fixed the size for the launcher
-The launcher can now be used with mouse support. Please note that you will still need a keyboard or controller to play each game. (The games do not support mouse control)
-When the game is started for the first time and the computer's local language is Japanese, the language will automatically be set to Japanese as well.
-Title screen of Saviors of Sapphire Wings is now fixed when playing in Japanese.
We are also looking into the following issues:
-Players being unable to startup the game. (Please note that you must have Windows 10 to play the game)
-Controller detection issues
-Softlock issues and related bugs when attempting to input text into a field.
Thank you for your patience!

(Of course, even though it says you need Windows 10, I'm actually playing it without Windows 10, and without Windows entirely; it runs (albeit with a performance issue when exploring the dungeon) under Linux with WINE.)

Player 1
Registered: May 2017
From Germany
Posted March 19, 2021
high rated
Surviving Mars
Updated to Tito 1001551 (Galaxy & Offline Installer)
Changelog for version Tito 1001539 from Steam:
Changelog for version Tito 1001551 from GOG:
Updated to Tito 1001551 (Galaxy & Offline Installer)
Changelog for version Tito 1001539 from Steam:
Tourism update hotfix - patch notes
Game Version: 1001539
Bug fixes
- Fixed Windows 7 startup crash
- Fixed crash that often occurred on Mega Dome completion in existing save games.
- Fixed an issue where colonists suddenly committed suicide in large numbers.
- Fixed an issue where colonists stopped aging and tourists didn’t want to leave Mars after 5 sols.
- Fixed an issue where the Low-G Amusement Park awarded a lot more satisfaction than intended.
- Fixes Rocket naming issue
- Terra Tourism text change in English only (for now) to fit with the new tourism reward mechanic.
Known issues
- Windows 7 always starts in windowed mode
+++ Game Version: 1001539
Bug fixes
- Fixed Windows 7 startup crash
- Fixed crash that often occurred on Mega Dome completion in existing save games.
- Fixed an issue where colonists suddenly committed suicide in large numbers.
- Fixed an issue where colonists stopped aging and tourists didn’t want to leave Mars after 5 sols.
- Fixed an issue where the Low-G Amusement Park awarded a lot more satisfaction than intended.
- Fixes Rocket naming issue
- Terra Tourism text change in English only (for now) to fit with the new tourism reward mechanic.
Known issues
- Windows 7 always starts in windowed mode
Changelog for version Tito 1001551 from GOG:
Update Tito 1001551 (18 March 2021)
Hey Survivors, we have another small hotfix coming your way today.
Bug fixes
- Fixed Xbox One Paradox Account login
- Fixed tourist expedition exploit
- Fixed In-Dome building pack localization
- RC Safari visiting tweaked
- The RC Safari should show it has a maximum of 10 passengers
- Increasing the wait time before departing
Known issues
- Windows 7 always starts in windowed mode
- Rocket Naming does not stick on saves created before the hotfix. Renaming functions correctly with new games.
Hey Survivors, we have another small hotfix coming your way today.
Bug fixes
- Fixed Xbox One Paradox Account login
- Fixed tourist expedition exploit
- Fixed In-Dome building pack localization
- RC Safari visiting tweaked
- The RC Safari should show it has a maximum of 10 passengers
- Increasing the wait time before departing
Known issues
- Windows 7 always starts in windowed mode
- Rocket Naming does not stick on saves created before the hotfix. Renaming functions correctly with new games.

Player 1
Registered: May 2017
From Germany
Posted March 19, 2021
high rated
Updated to (Galaxy & Offline Installer)
Changelog from Steam:
PART 1 / 2
Updated to (Galaxy & Offline Installer)
Changelog from Steam:
PART 1 / 2
Balancing Patch 6 [MARCH 2021]
Hello Vikings!
Today, we’re releasing a huge (possibly even our biggest yet) balance patch that will bring widespread changes to Northgard and all of the formidable clans that inhabit it!
We’ve made a number of massive changes across the board, introducing new ways to approach the game and manage your people as you strive for conquest and you can see the whole list of what’s new below!
The Guardian Military path is still considered to be too weak, and as the vast majority of players usually choose between Tactician and Conqueror, it is being buffed:
⇒ Militia behavior
- Militia is now controllable by player
- Militia still cannot leave the player’s territory
- Militia cannot be assigned to any other role
- The Militia respawn frequency has been increased
- The maximum of Militia is back to 2 / 4 / 6
⇒ Suppressing Fire
- -50% WatchTowers upkeep
The objective here is to give more space to other military units and give more value to warband upgrading:
- Warrior recruitment cost: 20 krowns => 30 krowns
- Each new military unit increases the next cost by +5 => +6 krowns.
- The Watch Tower building cost : 60 => 50 woods, upgrade remains unchanged.
Values change:
- -5% attack power and defense penalty for each zone away from your territory beyond the first.
- Malus is lowered by 2 for each year passed since the beginning of the game.
- +50 => +30% attack power versus Mythical Creatures.
- Dragonkin are Mythical creatures.
Defense 4 => 3
The Jotunn neutral faction always appeared a little too binary for us. With these changes, we’re trying to add a bit more depth to the trading with Giants:
- Players will now have the possibility to trade with two Jotunn Factions: the Skrymir and the Fjolsvin.
- Each of those factions can be befriended and grant the players a giant hero : Lög & Jafnadr.
- The Skrymir and the Fjolsvin are rivals: each player can only trade with one of the two factions, and befriending one will lock the possibility to trade with the other.
- When befriending a faction, you don’t colonize their zone anymore.
- You can still trade with the befriended faction.
The powerful Champion of Jötunnheim's workers, here to help you overthrow the lords who have inherited the land. Seize the means of wool production!
The dreaded Judicator of Jötunnheim, supreme enforcer of the lords' inherited authority and defender of private property. I am the law!
When clicking on a Jotunn camp, players will now see the relation progression of every other player.
The needed value to befriend neutral factions is scaled on team size:
food requirement will be lower in FFA than in team games.
Warchief Recruitment Cost
Mielikki costs 80 => 150 krowns
Both lynx Move speed -15%
- Arrows don't cost wood anymore.
- Trackers now defend themselves in close combat as previously intended.
- Trackers in close combat no longer profit from special arrows advantages.
- Trackers 11 => 10 attack
Trophies & Mythical beast waves
- Sacred Ram, Sacred Wolves and Sacred Bears stats have changed.
- Spectral animals now have the same stats than sacred animals.
- Sacred Ram:
- PV 37.5 / att 5 / def 5 / militaryXp 5 / HuntTrophy 5 / Meat 30
- Sacred Wolf:
- PV 50 / att 11 / def 2.5 / militaryXp 15 / HuntTrophy 15 / Meat 15
- Sacred Bear:
- PV 62.5 / att 10 / def 13 / militaryXp 50 / HuntTrophy 50 / Meat 80
- Waves increment is changed. Waves come every 2 => 3 months.
- Sacred wolves and sacred bears don't have special attacks anymore.
- Placing Gleipnir’s traps in a zone in combat is no longer possible.
- Traps must have been set before the fight starts, they can then be activated.
- You can now put 1 trap each year.
- First Bonus:
- Townhall zone starts with deers. Hunters +10% production.
- Second bonus:
- Archery Range give +3 max military pop (instead of +2) and Trackers are 10 krowns cheaper.
- Third bonus:
- No change : Oskoreia calls the 2 last waves (not only the last one).
Fame 200
- Unlock SacredLure ability for Mielikki. Once placed, it periodically attracts Mythical beasts to the zone, more and more as time passes.
Cost feast reduction by 5% (up to 50) for each animal killed.
Fame 500
- Mielikki won’t die anymore by casting Oskeria.
- While casting Oskeria, wave max isn’t reset.
- Spectral animals last longer.
- They are now 3 different Hunting Paths.
- The Hunt Trophy “Path Completed” can be chosen multiple times while one path is complete.
- Special arrows effects can stack.
- Trophy costs unlock have changed.
Sharp Eye
- Brundr & Kaelinn scout and use camouflage.
Nature Takeover
- Decolonization Speed +10% if Mielikki is in the zone. Same for Brundr and Kaelinn.
Fire Arrows
- +50% damage on Watchtowers.
- Target unit has 30% chance to burn.
Caring Siblings
- Brundr & Kaelinn slowly regenerate when they are together in ally territory.
- Brundr +30% att if it is with Kaelinn.
The Great Hunt
- Get trophies on all Mystical creatures.
- +20% Attack power on Mystical Creatures
Wild Hunter
- Military Units don't suffer supply malus nor winter attack power penalty
Sibling Rivalry
- Brundr & Kaelinn produce food in territory.
- Kaelinn gets +40% defense if it is with Brundr
The Wise One
- Mielikki produce +3 lore outside combat in your territory
Double Shot
- Trackers fire 2 arrows with 30% damage for the second
Path completed
- Trackers +5% att speed, +5% range, +5% move speed.
- Can be bought many times.
Spoils of Plenty
- Your Warchief can put two Standard Lures in a zone to attract Savage Deer that gives +10% food
- You can assign 2 Hunters to a Standard Lure.
- Hunter’s tool is free and 50% forging time.
Archery Mastery (replace Fur Coats)
- Your first Tracker is always free.
- Upgrade cost for Archery Range -50%.
- +15% merchants' production.
- Hunting trophies can be sold on the Market for krowns
- Allows trading routes.
Nimble Paws
- Lynx Max health increased by 35%.
- Dodge 30% of the attacks.
The Wild Hunt
- +1 Mythical Lure no more
- +20% attack on spirits.
At Mystical Lure, Myelikki can summon up to 3 different Spectral Beasts to defend her. The number of invocable beast depends on Mythical Waves cleared:
- Wave 1:
- 1 Spectral Ram for 5 Trophies.
- Wave 3:
- +1 Spectral Wolf for 20 Trophies.
- Wave 6:
- +1 Spectral Bear for 75 Trophies.
Beasts have a cooldown before being summoned again.
Hello Vikings!
Today, we’re releasing a huge (possibly even our biggest yet) balance patch that will bring widespread changes to Northgard and all of the formidable clans that inhabit it!
We’ve made a number of massive changes across the board, introducing new ways to approach the game and manage your people as you strive for conquest and you can see the whole list of what’s new below!
The Guardian Military path is still considered to be too weak, and as the vast majority of players usually choose between Tactician and Conqueror, it is being buffed:
⇒ Militia behavior
- Militia is now controllable by player
- Militia still cannot leave the player’s territory
- Militia cannot be assigned to any other role
- The Militia respawn frequency has been increased
- The maximum of Militia is back to 2 / 4 / 6
⇒ Suppressing Fire
- -50% WatchTowers upkeep
The objective here is to give more space to other military units and give more value to warband upgrading:
- Warrior recruitment cost: 20 krowns => 30 krowns
- Each new military unit increases the next cost by +5 => +6 krowns.
- The Watch Tower building cost : 60 => 50 woods, upgrade remains unchanged.
Values change:
- -5% attack power and defense penalty for each zone away from your territory beyond the first.
- Malus is lowered by 2 for each year passed since the beginning of the game.
- +50 => +30% attack power versus Mythical Creatures.
- Dragonkin are Mythical creatures.
Defense 4 => 3
The Jotunn neutral faction always appeared a little too binary for us. With these changes, we’re trying to add a bit more depth to the trading with Giants:
- Players will now have the possibility to trade with two Jotunn Factions: the Skrymir and the Fjolsvin.
- Each of those factions can be befriended and grant the players a giant hero : Lög & Jafnadr.
- The Skrymir and the Fjolsvin are rivals: each player can only trade with one of the two factions, and befriending one will lock the possibility to trade with the other.
- When befriending a faction, you don’t colonize their zone anymore.
- You can still trade with the befriended faction.
The powerful Champion of Jötunnheim's workers, here to help you overthrow the lords who have inherited the land. Seize the means of wool production!
The dreaded Judicator of Jötunnheim, supreme enforcer of the lords' inherited authority and defender of private property. I am the law!
When clicking on a Jotunn camp, players will now see the relation progression of every other player.
The needed value to befriend neutral factions is scaled on team size:
food requirement will be lower in FFA than in team games.
Warchief Recruitment Cost
Mielikki costs 80 => 150 krowns
Both lynx Move speed -15%
- Arrows don't cost wood anymore.
- Trackers now defend themselves in close combat as previously intended.
- Trackers in close combat no longer profit from special arrows advantages.
- Trackers 11 => 10 attack
Trophies & Mythical beast waves
- Sacred Ram, Sacred Wolves and Sacred Bears stats have changed.
- Spectral animals now have the same stats than sacred animals.
- Sacred Ram:
- PV 37.5 / att 5 / def 5 / militaryXp 5 / HuntTrophy 5 / Meat 30
- Sacred Wolf:
- PV 50 / att 11 / def 2.5 / militaryXp 15 / HuntTrophy 15 / Meat 15
- Sacred Bear:
- PV 62.5 / att 10 / def 13 / militaryXp 50 / HuntTrophy 50 / Meat 80
- Waves increment is changed. Waves come every 2 => 3 months.
- Sacred wolves and sacred bears don't have special attacks anymore.
- Placing Gleipnir’s traps in a zone in combat is no longer possible.
- Traps must have been set before the fight starts, they can then be activated.
- You can now put 1 trap each year.
- First Bonus:
- Townhall zone starts with deers. Hunters +10% production.
- Second bonus:
- Archery Range give +3 max military pop (instead of +2) and Trackers are 10 krowns cheaper.
- Third bonus:
- No change : Oskoreia calls the 2 last waves (not only the last one).
Fame 200
- Unlock SacredLure ability for Mielikki. Once placed, it periodically attracts Mythical beasts to the zone, more and more as time passes.
Cost feast reduction by 5% (up to 50) for each animal killed.
Fame 500
- Mielikki won’t die anymore by casting Oskeria.
- While casting Oskeria, wave max isn’t reset.
- Spectral animals last longer.
- They are now 3 different Hunting Paths.
- The Hunt Trophy “Path Completed” can be chosen multiple times while one path is complete.
- Special arrows effects can stack.
- Trophy costs unlock have changed.
Sharp Eye
- Brundr & Kaelinn scout and use camouflage.
Nature Takeover
- Decolonization Speed +10% if Mielikki is in the zone. Same for Brundr and Kaelinn.
Fire Arrows
- +50% damage on Watchtowers.
- Target unit has 30% chance to burn.
Caring Siblings
- Brundr & Kaelinn slowly regenerate when they are together in ally territory.
- Brundr +30% att if it is with Kaelinn.
The Great Hunt
- Get trophies on all Mystical creatures.
- +20% Attack power on Mystical Creatures
Wild Hunter
- Military Units don't suffer supply malus nor winter attack power penalty
Sibling Rivalry
- Brundr & Kaelinn produce food in territory.
- Kaelinn gets +40% defense if it is with Brundr
The Wise One
- Mielikki produce +3 lore outside combat in your territory
Double Shot
- Trackers fire 2 arrows with 30% damage for the second
Path completed
- Trackers +5% att speed, +5% range, +5% move speed.
- Can be bought many times.
Spoils of Plenty
- Your Warchief can put two Standard Lures in a zone to attract Savage Deer that gives +10% food
- You can assign 2 Hunters to a Standard Lure.
- Hunter’s tool is free and 50% forging time.
Archery Mastery (replace Fur Coats)
- Your first Tracker is always free.
- Upgrade cost for Archery Range -50%.
- +15% merchants' production.
- Hunting trophies can be sold on the Market for krowns
- Allows trading routes.
Nimble Paws
- Lynx Max health increased by 35%.
- Dodge 30% of the attacks.
The Wild Hunt
- +1 Mythical Lure no more
- +20% attack on spirits.
At Mystical Lure, Myelikki can summon up to 3 different Spectral Beasts to defend her. The number of invocable beast depends on Mythical Waves cleared:
- Wave 1:
- 1 Spectral Ram for 5 Trophies.
- Wave 3:
- +1 Spectral Wolf for 20 Trophies.
- Wave 6:
- +1 Spectral Bear for 75 Trophies.
Beasts have a cooldown before being summoned again.
Post edited March 19, 2021 by Hustlefan

Player 1
Registered: May 2017
From Germany
Posted March 19, 2021
high rated
Updated to (Galaxy & Offline Installer)
Changelog from Steam:
PART 2 / 2
Updated to (Galaxy & Offline Installer)
Changelog from Steam:
PART 2 / 2
Starting Bonuses
- 10 ⇒ 15% attack power and defense bonus .
- Specialized civilian units have a 30 ⇒ 40% production bonus, except Loremasters.
- +10 ⇒ +15% Food consumption
- +10% ⇒ 5% attack power and defense for each discovered Artifact.
Torfin’s hitbox
- A bit lowered.
Starting Bonuses
- Added +1 base Wyrd production.
Lore Changes
- Fresh Fish now replace Colonisation.
- “Knowledge from Beyond” gives +2 lore per merchant in the Trading Post while trading a neutral faction.
- Dragonkin recruit cost 50 ⇒ 40 krowns .
- Dragonkin Incremental cost +10 ⇒ 15 krowns .
- Dragonkin are considered as mythical creatures. They trigger Monster Slayer ability.
- Their spinning attack triggers more frequently.
- Under Pressure 0.5 ⇒ 1 Food production
- Skirmisher recruitment cost: 15 krowns => 20 krowns
Starting Bonuses
- The player is allowed to colonize zones containing only neutral wolves or bears, at the exception of wolf caverns. Colonization cost +20% in this situation.
- Wolves and bears in colonized tiles become non aggressive for Boar clan and allies. They cannot be controlled. They defend the zone if it is attacked.
Lay of the land
- Adds: the player can colonize Wolf Caverns if it contains only neutral wolves. This closes the Cavern as usual.
- While Menders are not healing, they produce 1 lore and enough food to feed themselves.
- Kindred Spirit bonus 10% ⇒ 15%.
Cost of coastal exploration
- 10 ⇒ 20 Krowns.
Fame 200
- You can trade with Homeland even if “Coinage” isn’t unlocked.
- Commercial Influence +20% => +10%
Lore Changes
- Swap position between Hero emblem and Food preservation.
- The Value of Great Deeds: Skalds produce +1 ⇒ +1.5 krowns, +1.5 ⇒ +2 if upgraded.
Relic Changes
- Gefjun's Jar becomes a generic relic. No more additional Sheepfold. No more sheep can come with new villagers.
- Eldhrumnir becomes the Goat specific relic. It now allows building an additional Sheepfold.
Jarl bonus
- Tower and military units gets +20% => +15% defense when feasting
Spoils of War
- Enemy warriors loot 10 ⇒ 15 krowns.
Veiled Threats
- Trading bonus with the Berserker in the Trading Post zone : +125% ⇒ +100%
Each clan starts with +50 woods .
Woodcutter lodge is no more mandatory to build other buildings (except campaign).
A building becomes greyed if no woodcutter lodges, and player will have less than 50 woods after building it.
- Brewer, Skalds and Norns produce +25% resources.
- Upgraded Brewery, Hall of Skalds and Horgr gets +50% => +20% production bonus for Happiness , Fame & Wyrd.
- Brewery, Hall of Skalds and Horgr building cost is now 60 woods and 10 krowns . The yearly upkeep cost has been decreased by 30%.
The value of happiness now displays the full decimal value.
The amount of resources you can trade with a Trade Route depends on the number of merchants assigned to this Trading Post.
Trade routes cost more resources.
- With 1 merchant, you can trade 2 Food , 2 Wood , 0.1 Stone , 0.1 Iron for 1 krowns .
- With 2 merchants, you can trade 4 Food , 4 Wood , 0.2 Stone , 0.2 Iron for 2 krowns .
- With 3 merchants, you can trade 6 Food , 6 Wood , 0.3 Stone , 0.3 Iron for 3 krowns .
Relationship between players (ally and enemy) no longer exists. Relationships will only impact neutral factions (for trade).
Increases Sailors’s resource by 20% => 25%
It now takes +20% time to unlock the lore .
- Brewery, Hall of Skalds, Horgr: 60s => 40s.
- Forge, Völund's Forge => 40s.
Jotunn stats: 100 hp ⇒ 110 hp.
A new option allows Fame and Military Path level up to be notified by a simple notification, in a more discreet way than usual.
Nerf of AI teams in Conquest.
Increases Villagers’ build and repair speed by 15% => 50%.
They are slightly lowered.
Thank you all for your support and all of the incredible feedback you’ve provided in the last few months that has contributed towards this update. Keep the feedback and suggestions coming, and we’ll see you in Northgard!
- Shiro Games
Starting Bonuses
- 10 ⇒ 15% attack power and defense bonus .
- Specialized civilian units have a 30 ⇒ 40% production bonus, except Loremasters.
- +10 ⇒ +15% Food consumption
- +10% ⇒ 5% attack power and defense for each discovered Artifact.
Torfin’s hitbox
- A bit lowered.
Starting Bonuses
- Added +1 base Wyrd production.
Lore Changes
- Fresh Fish now replace Colonisation.
- “Knowledge from Beyond” gives +2 lore per merchant in the Trading Post while trading a neutral faction.
- Dragonkin recruit cost 50 ⇒ 40 krowns .
- Dragonkin Incremental cost +10 ⇒ 15 krowns .
- Dragonkin are considered as mythical creatures. They trigger Monster Slayer ability.
- Their spinning attack triggers more frequently.
- Under Pressure 0.5 ⇒ 1 Food production
- Skirmisher recruitment cost: 15 krowns => 20 krowns
Starting Bonuses
- The player is allowed to colonize zones containing only neutral wolves or bears, at the exception of wolf caverns. Colonization cost +20% in this situation.
- Wolves and bears in colonized tiles become non aggressive for Boar clan and allies. They cannot be controlled. They defend the zone if it is attacked.
Lay of the land
- Adds: the player can colonize Wolf Caverns if it contains only neutral wolves. This closes the Cavern as usual.
- While Menders are not healing, they produce 1 lore and enough food to feed themselves.
- Kindred Spirit bonus 10% ⇒ 15%.
Cost of coastal exploration
- 10 ⇒ 20 Krowns.
Fame 200
- You can trade with Homeland even if “Coinage” isn’t unlocked.
- Commercial Influence +20% => +10%
Lore Changes
- Swap position between Hero emblem and Food preservation.
- The Value of Great Deeds: Skalds produce +1 ⇒ +1.5 krowns, +1.5 ⇒ +2 if upgraded.
Relic Changes
- Gefjun's Jar becomes a generic relic. No more additional Sheepfold. No more sheep can come with new villagers.
- Eldhrumnir becomes the Goat specific relic. It now allows building an additional Sheepfold.
Jarl bonus
- Tower and military units gets +20% => +15% defense when feasting
Spoils of War
- Enemy warriors loot 10 ⇒ 15 krowns.
Veiled Threats
- Trading bonus with the Berserker in the Trading Post zone : +125% ⇒ +100%
Each clan starts with +50 woods .
Woodcutter lodge is no more mandatory to build other buildings (except campaign).
A building becomes greyed if no woodcutter lodges, and player will have less than 50 woods after building it.
- Brewer, Skalds and Norns produce +25% resources.
- Upgraded Brewery, Hall of Skalds and Horgr gets +50% => +20% production bonus for Happiness , Fame & Wyrd.
- Brewery, Hall of Skalds and Horgr building cost is now 60 woods and 10 krowns . The yearly upkeep cost has been decreased by 30%.
The value of happiness now displays the full decimal value.
The amount of resources you can trade with a Trade Route depends on the number of merchants assigned to this Trading Post.
Trade routes cost more resources.
- With 1 merchant, you can trade 2 Food , 2 Wood , 0.1 Stone , 0.1 Iron for 1 krowns .
- With 2 merchants, you can trade 4 Food , 4 Wood , 0.2 Stone , 0.2 Iron for 2 krowns .
- With 3 merchants, you can trade 6 Food , 6 Wood , 0.3 Stone , 0.3 Iron for 3 krowns .
Relationship between players (ally and enemy) no longer exists. Relationships will only impact neutral factions (for trade).
Increases Sailors’s resource by 20% => 25%
It now takes +20% time to unlock the lore .
- Brewery, Hall of Skalds, Horgr: 60s => 40s.
- Forge, Völund's Forge => 40s.
Jotunn stats: 100 hp ⇒ 110 hp.
A new option allows Fame and Military Path level up to be notified by a simple notification, in a more discreet way than usual.
Nerf of AI teams in Conquest.
Increases Villagers’ build and repair speed by 15% => 50%.
They are slightly lowered.
Thank you all for your support and all of the incredible feedback you’ve provided in the last few months that has contributed towards this update. Keep the feedback and suggestions coming, and we’ll see you in Northgard!
- Shiro Games

Player 1
Registered: May 2017
From Germany
Posted March 19, 2021
high rated
Endzone - A World Apart
Updated to 1.0.7747.26262 (Galaxy & Offline Installer)
Changelog from Steam:
PART 1 / 4
Updated to 1.0.7747.26262 (Galaxy & Offline Installer)
Changelog from Steam:
PART 1 / 4
Endzone - A World Apart | Full Release Update - Available now!
The final update of the Early Access moves "Endzone - A World Apart" into the Full Release and starts a new chapter!
12 major updates, 20 patches, 100 new features & missions. One year, 350 fixes, 5000 hours of playtesting, demolished desks, buried plants, unending home office, coffee on tap an a dev accidently locked in to the office – and yet we are alive and breathing!
Endzone flourished due to your dedication. Some reached season 10.000 and beyond by building massive settlements. You, the community sticked to the game, patiently followed it's development and kept on playing. You brought the world of Endzone to life by reaching over 3.5 million hours of playtime and together we have planted more than 40.000 trees.
By releasing this update we are leaving Early Access. And yet, at your request, survival has become more exciting than ever. Raiders are roaming the lands looking for rich and easy prey. Are you willing to pay and keep the peace – or are you going to fight them off with guns and bullets?
- Raiders: Added raiders to the game. They consist of 5 different tribes, and start spawning in the mid game, around season 30. Every raider tribe has its own leader and motivation. You can fight off raider encounters by building defensive countermeasures. Alternatively, you can also pay tribute, which will increase every time. If you choose to fight, a raging mob spawns on the map, demolishing buildings and stealing resources from your settlement. Every mob has its health and morale. Reducing health can be achieved by firing with lethal ammunition. Less health means that the raider mob has less power. Lowering morale can be achieved by firing rubber bullets or using Siren Towers. This doesn’t weaken the effectiveness of the mob until it has lost its morale, at which point raiders will start to flee.
- Buildings: Added the Watchtower as a defensive measure against raiders. Assign Militia to the tower to stock it up with ammunition and to fight back in case of a raider attack.
- Buildings: Added the Siren Tower as a defensive measure against raiders. Provide the siren tower with electricity to fight back autonomously against raiders.
- Buildings: Added Barricades with 5 different variations as a defensive measure against raiders. Barricades slow down raider movement.
- Buildings: Added the Ammunition Factory as part of the defensive measures against raiders. It can produce two different types of ammunition. Rubber bullets and lethal ammunition. Rubber bullets reduce raiders’ morale. Lethal ammunition reduces their health.
- Buildings: Added ability to build diagonal roads using a shortcut.
- Buildings: Added a smoke effect for damaged buildings.
- Research: Added 3 new technologies to the tech tree: Defensive measures, the Siren Tower and barricades.
- Resources: Added Sulfur as a new resource that can be produced in the mine. Sulfur is used for creating bullets.
- Options: Added FPS limiter as a graphic option. If you are experiencing heat issues you might want to enable vsync or set a FPS limitation to 30, 48 or 60 fps. Default is 60.
- Options: Added ability to completely activate/deactivate the radiation effect.
- Statistics: Added a game progress screen where you can track and see several key achievements of your ongoing session.
- UI: Added a building condition analytic view to see the state of all the buildings in your settlement.
- UI: Added planning mode. This mode allows you to place buildings as paused construction sites, to plan ahead with no resources being allocated. The mode can be activated via shortcut or by clicking on the planning mode icon when placing a building.
- Settlers: Added the possibility for diseases to break out, when many dead bodies are lying around; also added a new "plague" notification.
- Sound: added voice overs in English and German for all scenarios, traders, raider encounters, tutorials and expedition introductions.
- Sound: Added 2 new soundtrack files for raider encounters and one new gameplay track.
- Scenarios: Added a new Scenario: Hunters and the Hunted.
- Achievements: Added 25 new achievements to the game.
- Main Menu: Added a map preview for the survival game mode.
- Map Generation: Added over 585 new map variations for the starting area, to make each map more unique.
- Decrees: Added a new Outlander decree, and reorganized outlander missions.
- Side Missions: Added 2 new outlander side missions and 3 new research missions.
- World Task: Added a task to upgrade all streets in a selected area.
New Map Preview
The final update of the Early Access moves "Endzone - A World Apart" into the Full Release and starts a new chapter!
12 major updates, 20 patches, 100 new features & missions. One year, 350 fixes, 5000 hours of playtesting, demolished desks, buried plants, unending home office, coffee on tap an a dev accidently locked in to the office – and yet we are alive and breathing!
Endzone flourished due to your dedication. Some reached season 10.000 and beyond by building massive settlements. You, the community sticked to the game, patiently followed it's development and kept on playing. You brought the world of Endzone to life by reaching over 3.5 million hours of playtime and together we have planted more than 40.000 trees.
By releasing this update we are leaving Early Access. And yet, at your request, survival has become more exciting than ever. Raiders are roaming the lands looking for rich and easy prey. Are you willing to pay and keep the peace – or are you going to fight them off with guns and bullets?
- Raiders: Added raiders to the game. They consist of 5 different tribes, and start spawning in the mid game, around season 30. Every raider tribe has its own leader and motivation. You can fight off raider encounters by building defensive countermeasures. Alternatively, you can also pay tribute, which will increase every time. If you choose to fight, a raging mob spawns on the map, demolishing buildings and stealing resources from your settlement. Every mob has its health and morale. Reducing health can be achieved by firing with lethal ammunition. Less health means that the raider mob has less power. Lowering morale can be achieved by firing rubber bullets or using Siren Towers. This doesn’t weaken the effectiveness of the mob until it has lost its morale, at which point raiders will start to flee.
- Buildings: Added the Watchtower as a defensive measure against raiders. Assign Militia to the tower to stock it up with ammunition and to fight back in case of a raider attack.
- Buildings: Added the Siren Tower as a defensive measure against raiders. Provide the siren tower with electricity to fight back autonomously against raiders.
- Buildings: Added Barricades with 5 different variations as a defensive measure against raiders. Barricades slow down raider movement.
- Buildings: Added the Ammunition Factory as part of the defensive measures against raiders. It can produce two different types of ammunition. Rubber bullets and lethal ammunition. Rubber bullets reduce raiders’ morale. Lethal ammunition reduces their health.
- Buildings: Added ability to build diagonal roads using a shortcut.
- Buildings: Added a smoke effect for damaged buildings.
- Research: Added 3 new technologies to the tech tree: Defensive measures, the Siren Tower and barricades.
- Resources: Added Sulfur as a new resource that can be produced in the mine. Sulfur is used for creating bullets.
- Options: Added FPS limiter as a graphic option. If you are experiencing heat issues you might want to enable vsync or set a FPS limitation to 30, 48 or 60 fps. Default is 60.
- Options: Added ability to completely activate/deactivate the radiation effect.
- Statistics: Added a game progress screen where you can track and see several key achievements of your ongoing session.
- UI: Added a building condition analytic view to see the state of all the buildings in your settlement.
- UI: Added planning mode. This mode allows you to place buildings as paused construction sites, to plan ahead with no resources being allocated. The mode can be activated via shortcut or by clicking on the planning mode icon when placing a building.
- Settlers: Added the possibility for diseases to break out, when many dead bodies are lying around; also added a new "plague" notification.
- Sound: added voice overs in English and German for all scenarios, traders, raider encounters, tutorials and expedition introductions.
- Sound: Added 2 new soundtrack files for raider encounters and one new gameplay track.
- Scenarios: Added a new Scenario: Hunters and the Hunted.
- Achievements: Added 25 new achievements to the game.
- Main Menu: Added a map preview for the survival game mode.
- Map Generation: Added over 585 new map variations for the starting area, to make each map more unique.
- Decrees: Added a new Outlander decree, and reorganized outlander missions.
- Side Missions: Added 2 new outlander side missions and 3 new research missions.
- World Task: Added a task to upgrade all streets in a selected area.
New Map Preview
Post edited March 19, 2021 by Hustlefan

Player 1
Registered: May 2017
From Germany
Posted March 19, 2021
high rated
Endzone - A World Apart
Updated to 1.0.7747.26262 (Galaxy & Offline Installer)
Changelog from Steam:
PART 2 / 4
Updated to 1.0.7747.26262 (Galaxy & Offline Installer)
Changelog from Steam:
PART 2 / 4
- Tutorial: Fixed bug that prevented the completion of the Trade Tutorial
- Tutorial: In the expedition tutorial, when sending the expedition to the gas station, Arthur now talks to the player, as the text suggests.
- Localization: Fixed a lot of voice over to text mismatches.
- Map Generation: Fixed error when generating small maps.
- Map Generation: Distance to water is now always correctly calculated.
- Buildings: Fixed an error when destroying the medical center.
- Buildings: Fixed hunter shooting animals outside of it’s area of influence.
- Buildings: Fixed Research Station not being able to handle food correctly.
- Buildings: Fixed animals that were moving while they should be killed/caught.
- Buildings: Fixed bug where the hunting lodge complained about missing animals, while animals were in the area of influence.
- Buildings: Fixed effect stuttering of damaged buildings.
- Buildings: Fixing a bug where the list of animals on the map would not be cleared when starting a new game.
- Buildings: Settlers will now visit the pavilion and memorial.
- Buildings: Fixed plantations and fields not removing crops correctly after a savegame upgrade.
- Buildings: Fixed odd plantation placement and moved plantation trees to new positions in older saved games.
- Buildings: Fixed missing icon highlights for certain world tasks.
- Buildings: Buildings now get repaired to be functional again if not all resources for an upgrade are available at the moment.
- Expeditions: Fixed expedition taking the wrong items when going to a resource ruin.
- Expeditions: Fixed several placeholder errors in expeditions.
- Expeditions: Fixed missing localization in diner story.
- Expeditions: Fixed error when loading a savegame when the expedition was on its way back from an infinite resource ruin.
- Expeditions: Undiscovered ruins from older savegames are no longer discovered when loading the save game.
- Expeditions: Fixed bad line breaking in expedition window.
- Expeditions: Ruins are now always markable for dismantling from inside the expedition window.
- Expeditions: Fixed error when expedition post inventory does not have enough space for all looted resources.
- Expeditions: Fixed error when starting an expedition when expedition post inventory is full.
- UI: Fixed view issue when scrolling to bottom of expedition configuration's settler list.
- UI: Fixed highlighting of settlement inventory items during looting of expeditions.
- UI: Attractiveness analytic view now always shows the correct values.
- UI: Notification of damaged buildings is now correctly hidden when there are no damaged buildings anymore.
- UI: The placeholder text in search fields is now localized.
- UI: New settlers notification now spawns in all relevant cases.
- Scenarios: Fixed an error when trying to restart a saved scenario.
- Wildlife: Fixed several errors that could result in animals walking over lakes and other path inconsistencies.
- Wildlife: Fixed possibility of only one herd type being on a map.
- Savegames: Fixed an error that could happen right after trying to load a savegame.
- System: Fixed global progress being corrupted, and added reconstruction systems where possible.
- System: Fixed rare issue where the system tries to process autosave-games that are just deleted but still cached by the operating-system
- System: Fixed wrong scenario being initialized when using restart-button on a scenario-savegame
- Camera: Fixed camera animation not playing at the beginning of a scenario/tutorial based on a save game.
- Input: Cancel shortcut (ESC) does nothing when an in game prompt is open.
- Side Missions: Fixed broken Tailor malfunction mission.
- Side Missions: Cooldowns for side missions are now actually saved in a savegame.
- Side Missions: Fixed wrong behavior when counting and solving certain mission goals.
- Main Menu: Fixed error when going back to the tutorial screen after finishing a tutorial.
- Settlers: Fixed builders not repairing upgraded buildings, even if all requirements and resources were met.
- Settlers: Fixed too many settlers being able to live in a house.
- Settlers: Improved algorithm to find the best suited builder for the next task.
- Research: Fixed Pipe System technology not working on electric wells.
- Tutorial: Fixed bug that prevented the completion of the Trade Tutorial
- Tutorial: In the expedition tutorial, when sending the expedition to the gas station, Arthur now talks to the player, as the text suggests.
- Localization: Fixed a lot of voice over to text mismatches.
- Map Generation: Fixed error when generating small maps.
- Map Generation: Distance to water is now always correctly calculated.
- Buildings: Fixed an error when destroying the medical center.
- Buildings: Fixed hunter shooting animals outside of it’s area of influence.
- Buildings: Fixed Research Station not being able to handle food correctly.
- Buildings: Fixed animals that were moving while they should be killed/caught.
- Buildings: Fixed bug where the hunting lodge complained about missing animals, while animals were in the area of influence.
- Buildings: Fixed effect stuttering of damaged buildings.
- Buildings: Fixing a bug where the list of animals on the map would not be cleared when starting a new game.
- Buildings: Settlers will now visit the pavilion and memorial.
- Buildings: Fixed plantations and fields not removing crops correctly after a savegame upgrade.
- Buildings: Fixed odd plantation placement and moved plantation trees to new positions in older saved games.
- Buildings: Fixed missing icon highlights for certain world tasks.
- Buildings: Buildings now get repaired to be functional again if not all resources for an upgrade are available at the moment.
- Expeditions: Fixed expedition taking the wrong items when going to a resource ruin.
- Expeditions: Fixed several placeholder errors in expeditions.
- Expeditions: Fixed missing localization in diner story.
- Expeditions: Fixed error when loading a savegame when the expedition was on its way back from an infinite resource ruin.
- Expeditions: Undiscovered ruins from older savegames are no longer discovered when loading the save game.
- Expeditions: Fixed bad line breaking in expedition window.
- Expeditions: Ruins are now always markable for dismantling from inside the expedition window.
- Expeditions: Fixed error when expedition post inventory does not have enough space for all looted resources.
- Expeditions: Fixed error when starting an expedition when expedition post inventory is full.
- UI: Fixed view issue when scrolling to bottom of expedition configuration's settler list.
- UI: Fixed highlighting of settlement inventory items during looting of expeditions.
- UI: Attractiveness analytic view now always shows the correct values.
- UI: Notification of damaged buildings is now correctly hidden when there are no damaged buildings anymore.
- UI: The placeholder text in search fields is now localized.
- UI: New settlers notification now spawns in all relevant cases.
- Scenarios: Fixed an error when trying to restart a saved scenario.
- Wildlife: Fixed several errors that could result in animals walking over lakes and other path inconsistencies.
- Wildlife: Fixed possibility of only one herd type being on a map.
- Savegames: Fixed an error that could happen right after trying to load a savegame.
- System: Fixed global progress being corrupted, and added reconstruction systems where possible.
- System: Fixed rare issue where the system tries to process autosave-games that are just deleted but still cached by the operating-system
- System: Fixed wrong scenario being initialized when using restart-button on a scenario-savegame
- Camera: Fixed camera animation not playing at the beginning of a scenario/tutorial based on a save game.
- Input: Cancel shortcut (ESC) does nothing when an in game prompt is open.
- Side Missions: Fixed broken Tailor malfunction mission.
- Side Missions: Cooldowns for side missions are now actually saved in a savegame.
- Side Missions: Fixed wrong behavior when counting and solving certain mission goals.
- Main Menu: Fixed error when going back to the tutorial screen after finishing a tutorial.
- Settlers: Fixed builders not repairing upgraded buildings, even if all requirements and resources were met.
- Settlers: Fixed too many settlers being able to live in a house.
- Settlers: Improved algorithm to find the best suited builder for the next task.
- Research: Fixed Pipe System technology not working on electric wells.

Player 1
Registered: May 2017
From Germany
Posted March 19, 2021
high rated
Endzone - A World Apart
Updated to 1.0.7747.26262 (Galaxy & Offline Installer)
Changelog from Steam:
PART 3 / 4
Updated to 1.0.7747.26262 (Galaxy & Offline Installer)
Changelog from Steam:
PART 3 / 4
- Tutorial: The expedition tutorial now gives all kinds of tools and clothing, so the player has more options to customize the expedition.
- Side Missions: Changed several trigger conditions and rewards for balancing reasons.
- Side Missions: Outlander side missions have now been reorganized and don’t require a town center level 3 upgrade anymore. Instead, they can be triggered in the forum and by activating a special decree.
- Side Missions: Tweaked several side missions to use a trading window, where you can decide what resources you want to “give away”.
- Side Missions: Too many dead people side mission now requires at least one working graveyard.
- Side Missions: Several missions now hide their goals, when no goals should be displayed.
- Side Missions: Knowledge is Power mission no longer spawns when players have more than 9 tech points.
- Side Missions: Improved localization and UI feedback for side missions with optional solve counts.
- Main Menu: Overhauled the session creation UI for survival mode.
- Main Menu: Minor main menu visual and sound tweaks and polishing.
- Main Menu: Removed or rearranged road map, disclaimer texts and social interaction buttons.
- Main Menu: Disabled side missions in the builder mode preset.
- Buildings: Tweaked Memorial textures.
- Buildings: Tweaked visuals of lupin and tomatoes when growing on a field.
- Buildings: Animals that have been captured now remember their gender when being brought to a hunting lodge or pasture.
- Buildings: Tweaked footprint of the school building.
- Buildings: It’s now possible to build power poles on streets that are not yet built.
- Buildings: Changed & optimized the visuals of several buildings.
- Buildings: Solar collectors now reflects light during the day.
- UI: Several tweaks to building inspectors and buttons.
- UI: Improved game log and made sure that text is always displayed correctly.
- UI: Increased font size of all tooltips as they should always be comfortable/easy to read
- UI: Removed bug button to post feedback (You can still post feedback using ‘F1’)
- UI: Tweaked radiation screen effect visuals.
- UI: Changed order of tutorials.
- UI: Lower hud was reorganized, especially timeline view and analytic buttons, to work better in all aspect ratios and ui scales.
- UI: Roadmap doesn’t pop up when starting the game anymore.
- UI: Building Mode overlay is now disabled when the building is currently dismantled.
- UI: The progress for a story ruin is now shown in the expedition window.
- UI: Improved visuals of camera position buttons on minimap.
- UI: Changed sorting of logistics build menu.
- UI: Street, field, and plantation cursor is now highlighted in subtle red, if not placeable.
- Scenario: Endscreen now has different buttons and button actions when the scenario failed (restart & main menu vs. continue & main menu).
- Settlers: Tweaked settler decision making a little to make more sense.
- Settlers: Tweaked priority for upgrading buildings to be higher.
- Settlers: Settlers try to stick more to roads if available.
- Settlers: Adding wandering behavior to idling settlers (they now move around in the near vicinity).
- Performance: Further performance improvements.
- Expeditions: Ruins can no longer be dismantled when chosen to be scouted.
- Expedition: Expedition rations warning no longer triggers when sending an expedition to resource POIs.
- Achievements: Changed the way achievements are unlocked. Session based achievements can now only be unlocked in a survival game, to avoid getting achievements by simply starting specific scenarios and tutorials.
- Achievements: Added info text for all game modes to communicate where achievements can be unlocked.
- Animation: Added scared animation to settlers that are close to an ongoing raider encounter.
- Animation: Added new animations for kids inside the school.
- Options: Sensitivity settings are now reset when reset-all-button is pressed in controls options.
- Options: Removed obsolete resolution warning.
- Environment: Particles now adapt to game speed.
- Trading: Animals offered by traders are now weighted based on the amount of animals present in the settlement.
- Trading: Traders now react after issuing a trading offer, so their reaction in conjunction with the voice overs offers a good experience and feedback.
- Sound: Reduced the sound for flag decorations.
- Sound: Changed prioritization of ambient audio sources to make more sense.
- Tutorial: The expedition tutorial now gives all kinds of tools and clothing, so the player has more options to customize the expedition.
- Side Missions: Changed several trigger conditions and rewards for balancing reasons.
- Side Missions: Outlander side missions have now been reorganized and don’t require a town center level 3 upgrade anymore. Instead, they can be triggered in the forum and by activating a special decree.
- Side Missions: Tweaked several side missions to use a trading window, where you can decide what resources you want to “give away”.
- Side Missions: Too many dead people side mission now requires at least one working graveyard.
- Side Missions: Several missions now hide their goals, when no goals should be displayed.
- Side Missions: Knowledge is Power mission no longer spawns when players have more than 9 tech points.
- Side Missions: Improved localization and UI feedback for side missions with optional solve counts.
- Main Menu: Overhauled the session creation UI for survival mode.
- Main Menu: Minor main menu visual and sound tweaks and polishing.
- Main Menu: Removed or rearranged road map, disclaimer texts and social interaction buttons.
- Main Menu: Disabled side missions in the builder mode preset.
- Buildings: Tweaked Memorial textures.
- Buildings: Tweaked visuals of lupin and tomatoes when growing on a field.
- Buildings: Animals that have been captured now remember their gender when being brought to a hunting lodge or pasture.
- Buildings: Tweaked footprint of the school building.
- Buildings: It’s now possible to build power poles on streets that are not yet built.
- Buildings: Changed & optimized the visuals of several buildings.
- Buildings: Solar collectors now reflects light during the day.
- UI: Several tweaks to building inspectors and buttons.
- UI: Improved game log and made sure that text is always displayed correctly.
- UI: Increased font size of all tooltips as they should always be comfortable/easy to read
- UI: Removed bug button to post feedback (You can still post feedback using ‘F1’)
- UI: Tweaked radiation screen effect visuals.
- UI: Changed order of tutorials.
- UI: Lower hud was reorganized, especially timeline view and analytic buttons, to work better in all aspect ratios and ui scales.
- UI: Roadmap doesn’t pop up when starting the game anymore.
- UI: Building Mode overlay is now disabled when the building is currently dismantled.
- UI: The progress for a story ruin is now shown in the expedition window.
- UI: Improved visuals of camera position buttons on minimap.
- UI: Changed sorting of logistics build menu.
- UI: Street, field, and plantation cursor is now highlighted in subtle red, if not placeable.
- Scenario: Endscreen now has different buttons and button actions when the scenario failed (restart & main menu vs. continue & main menu).
- Settlers: Tweaked settler decision making a little to make more sense.
- Settlers: Tweaked priority for upgrading buildings to be higher.
- Settlers: Settlers try to stick more to roads if available.
- Settlers: Adding wandering behavior to idling settlers (they now move around in the near vicinity).
- Performance: Further performance improvements.
- Expeditions: Ruins can no longer be dismantled when chosen to be scouted.
- Expedition: Expedition rations warning no longer triggers when sending an expedition to resource POIs.
- Achievements: Changed the way achievements are unlocked. Session based achievements can now only be unlocked in a survival game, to avoid getting achievements by simply starting specific scenarios and tutorials.
- Achievements: Added info text for all game modes to communicate where achievements can be unlocked.
- Animation: Added scared animation to settlers that are close to an ongoing raider encounter.
- Animation: Added new animations for kids inside the school.
- Options: Sensitivity settings are now reset when reset-all-button is pressed in controls options.
- Options: Removed obsolete resolution warning.
- Environment: Particles now adapt to game speed.
- Trading: Animals offered by traders are now weighted based on the amount of animals present in the settlement.
- Trading: Traders now react after issuing a trading offer, so their reaction in conjunction with the voice overs offers a good experience and feedback.
- Sound: Reduced the sound for flag decorations.
- Sound: Changed prioritization of ambient audio sources to make more sense.

Player 1
Registered: May 2017
From Germany
Posted March 19, 2021
high rated
Endzone - A World Apart
Updated to 1.0.7747.26262 (Galaxy & Offline Installer)
Changelog from Steam:
PART 4 / 4
Updated to 1.0.7747.26262 (Galaxy & Offline Installer)
Changelog from Steam:
PART 4 / 4
- Map generation: All share codes have become invalid due to the new map variations. New share codes work as expected.
- Buildings: The Market sometimes collects types of food that are prohibited to be collected. Also the Market sometimes gives wrong feedback about Resources that can’t be collected in the near vicinity.
- Buildings: The highest upgrade of the bus can still be connected to a power grid, even though the building no longer benefits from electricity. Additionally, the building tooltip for upgrading the mounted bus to the town center falsely contains fragments of its prior function when supplied with electricity.
Lynn the Queen | The Unshakable Ago | The Nihilists | Liam The Prophet | Mike the Mega-Devourer
Raiders now roam the forests in the world of Endzone, looking for suitable settlements to raid and steal from. Be on the lookout and prepare well!
There are now 5 different tribes of raiders in the game, which will visit your settlement at different intervals depending on your session settings and demand a tribute. If you don't want to give in to this, or have too few resources available, only combat will help. How high the demands are depends on your progress and the tribe that is in conflict with you. The more prosperous your settlement is and the more settlers there are, the more devastating the raids will be. Each tribe has its own motivations and goals for raiding, so you better not let them get too close to your settlement!
Raiders attacking a settlement
Raiders announce themselves just before an attack and spawn on a random spot on the edge of the map. From there they make their way to your settlement. During the raid, the mob decides for itself where in the settlement it can hit you the hardest. Are your water reserves well stocked? Then you better fear for your food! Also, raiders destroy the buildings they come close to. The deeper the mob can get into your settlement, the more severe the destruction will be.
Raiders can be fought off in three different ways. You can either pay the required tribute and avoid the attack, or you can defend yourself by trying to bring either the health bar or the morale of the mob to 0. For both purposes, new buildings have been added to the research tree, which you can construct for defensive purposes.
Additional research for Defensive Measurements
Defensive Measures, Watchtowers, Siren Towers and Barricades must first be researched. So go on expeditions in time to find the necessary technology before an attack happens and you are completely defenseless.
Sirene Tower
Defensive Measures can be researched to unlock the mining of Sulfur in the mine. With Sulfur you'll produce both Metal bullets and Rubber bullets. Ammunition can only be made in the Ammunition Factory. The following recipes are available there:
- Metal bullet: 1 coal, 1 sulfur, 1 metal = 5 units
- Rubber bullet: 1 coal, 1 sulfur, 1 plastic = 5 units
Ammunition Factory
Both types of ammunition can be used by Militias in Watchtowers to shoot at the raiders. Metal bullets decrease the life meter of the mob, rubber bullets decrease its morale. The type of ammunition you want to use to repel the raiders can be set individually in each tower.
Siren Towers are not occupied by settlers, but only require a connection to a power grid. As soon as the raiders enter the siren's radius of action, their morale is lowered. So always make sure that a siren tower has power even at night. Wind turbines that are exclusively available for the tower are particularly suitable for this purpose.
Barricades can also be erected to reduce the attackers' movement speed. If these are well placed, you can delay the advance into the center of the settlement and give your militia the opportunity to defeat the mob before it arrives. In the best case scenario, the raider won’t even proceed far enough to damage any buildings.
As soon as the health bar or morale of the raiders drops to 0, they will take flight and head back to the edge of the map. After leaving the map, you will get an overview of the last attack. It shows how many buildings were damaged and how many resources were stolen from the settlement.
Health bar, morale and looted resources in the Raider UI
Overview of the attack after the raid
- The release build includes a big release update with brand new gameplay features, targeted especially at the late game.
- We’ll further support the game with bug fixes and Quality of Life improvements. We know that you’ll want to give us feedback especially on the newly introduced features and we’ll still be all eyes and ears about that.
- However, in the following months, there won’t be big new feature updates as there were during Early Access.
- We’ll also start working on a classical “add-on” which is targeted to also come out in 2021. We already have some great ideas for that. But, as always, we’d love your ideas and feedback of what you would like to see.
With this update, the Early Access of Endzone - A World Apart is over, but this does not mean that we are done with the development. As already confirmed, an Add-On is planned to be released this year. We still want to hear your feedback and ideas to the game, and how we can improve it. If you want to be part of the development, head over to our Discord Server and share your vision with us!
- Your Team from Gentlymad & Assemble Entertainment
Changelog Version 1.0.7747.26262
- Map generation: All share codes have become invalid due to the new map variations. New share codes work as expected.
- Buildings: The Market sometimes collects types of food that are prohibited to be collected. Also the Market sometimes gives wrong feedback about Resources that can’t be collected in the near vicinity.
- Buildings: The highest upgrade of the bus can still be connected to a power grid, even though the building no longer benefits from electricity. Additionally, the building tooltip for upgrading the mounted bus to the town center falsely contains fragments of its prior function when supplied with electricity.
Lynn the Queen | The Unshakable Ago | The Nihilists | Liam The Prophet | Mike the Mega-Devourer
Raiders now roam the forests in the world of Endzone, looking for suitable settlements to raid and steal from. Be on the lookout and prepare well!
There are now 5 different tribes of raiders in the game, which will visit your settlement at different intervals depending on your session settings and demand a tribute. If you don't want to give in to this, or have too few resources available, only combat will help. How high the demands are depends on your progress and the tribe that is in conflict with you. The more prosperous your settlement is and the more settlers there are, the more devastating the raids will be. Each tribe has its own motivations and goals for raiding, so you better not let them get too close to your settlement!
Raiders attacking a settlement
Raiders announce themselves just before an attack and spawn on a random spot on the edge of the map. From there they make their way to your settlement. During the raid, the mob decides for itself where in the settlement it can hit you the hardest. Are your water reserves well stocked? Then you better fear for your food! Also, raiders destroy the buildings they come close to. The deeper the mob can get into your settlement, the more severe the destruction will be.
Raiders can be fought off in three different ways. You can either pay the required tribute and avoid the attack, or you can defend yourself by trying to bring either the health bar or the morale of the mob to 0. For both purposes, new buildings have been added to the research tree, which you can construct for defensive purposes.
Additional research for Defensive Measurements
Defensive Measures, Watchtowers, Siren Towers and Barricades must first be researched. So go on expeditions in time to find the necessary technology before an attack happens and you are completely defenseless.
Sirene Tower
Defensive Measures can be researched to unlock the mining of Sulfur in the mine. With Sulfur you'll produce both Metal bullets and Rubber bullets. Ammunition can only be made in the Ammunition Factory. The following recipes are available there:
- Metal bullet: 1 coal, 1 sulfur, 1 metal = 5 units
- Rubber bullet: 1 coal, 1 sulfur, 1 plastic = 5 units
Ammunition Factory
Both types of ammunition can be used by Militias in Watchtowers to shoot at the raiders. Metal bullets decrease the life meter of the mob, rubber bullets decrease its morale. The type of ammunition you want to use to repel the raiders can be set individually in each tower.
Siren Towers are not occupied by settlers, but only require a connection to a power grid. As soon as the raiders enter the siren's radius of action, their morale is lowered. So always make sure that a siren tower has power even at night. Wind turbines that are exclusively available for the tower are particularly suitable for this purpose.
Barricades can also be erected to reduce the attackers' movement speed. If these are well placed, you can delay the advance into the center of the settlement and give your militia the opportunity to defeat the mob before it arrives. In the best case scenario, the raider won’t even proceed far enough to damage any buildings.
As soon as the health bar or morale of the raiders drops to 0, they will take flight and head back to the edge of the map. After leaving the map, you will get an overview of the last attack. It shows how many buildings were damaged and how many resources were stolen from the settlement.
Health bar, morale and looted resources in the Raider UI
Overview of the attack after the raid
- The release build includes a big release update with brand new gameplay features, targeted especially at the late game.
- We’ll further support the game with bug fixes and Quality of Life improvements. We know that you’ll want to give us feedback especially on the newly introduced features and we’ll still be all eyes and ears about that.
- However, in the following months, there won’t be big new feature updates as there were during Early Access.
- We’ll also start working on a classical “add-on” which is targeted to also come out in 2021. We already have some great ideas for that. But, as always, we’d love your ideas and feedback of what you would like to see.
With this update, the Early Access of Endzone - A World Apart is over, but this does not mean that we are done with the development. As already confirmed, an Add-On is planned to be released this year. We still want to hear your feedback and ideas to the game, and how we can improve it. If you want to be part of the development, head over to our Discord Server and share your vision with us!
- Your Team from Gentlymad & Assemble Entertainment
Changelog Version 1.0.7747.26262
Post edited March 19, 2021 by Hustlefan

Player 1
Registered: May 2017
From Germany
Posted March 19, 2021
high rated

❐ Old User ❑
Registered: Jul 2015
From Germany
Posted March 19, 2021
high rated
Crossroads Inn Anniversary Edition
Standalone installer updated: [Windows] 2.38 ⇒ 2.39.
Patch 3.0.6
Greetings Innkeepers!
It’s another wonderful day in Delcrys and your dedicated Court Herald has been hard at work to help improve the Kingdom. It’s Patch Day!
This patch had been delayed because there was some additional play testing needed and I wanted to really make sure that things would flow smoothly. For the most part, many issues such as fireplaces getting too much wood or staff not knowing how to use the soap are taken care of. There is still some issue with cats but they are no longer ignored after being tamed and they still don’t run away too fast. I had 3 very happy and rambunctious cats running around my test Inn. They still get into the catnip and try to run into walls now and then, but we are looking into where the catnip is coming from to get it taken care of for good.
Be aware, dear Innkeepers, that if you don’t pay your loans back - the banks notice again! I enjoyed the bit of grace period when the Kingdom kind of forgot about money being lent out. They pay more attention now so make sure you pay back what you borrowed.
One item of note is that not all of the bugs I reported were worked on due to the cut off time. The devs need time to look at each one, find/create a solution, and have it tested. The next patch shouldn’t be so long in coming. For your consideration, I give you the Patch Notes!
Patch notes:
• NPCs will no longer block themselves in the Bathroom's changing rooms
• Baths no longer get filled multiple times and then never get used (part of the blocking issue)
• Fixed an issue that caused a worker to not stop his current task after he was moved by The Hand
• It is no longer possible to build anything outside of specified build area
• Removed an empty scenario
• The game will now correctly react to the player not paying back his Bank loan in time
• Removed the not working "Set" button in Options
• Further fixes to Soap and Dishwashers; it should now work regardless of the type of Dishwasher
• Dugout storage building now appears on the Furniture list after it is unlocked
• Removing a room with shift+drag method now removes the whole room, not only the floor
• Fixed the contents of Media tab in the Main Menu
• Fixed a crash that could occur after loading a quick save game
• Fireplaces now use only the intended amount of wood
I cannot thank the community enough for their help and good humor as I work toward getting things smoothed out. It has been an interesting month getting to know my fellow Innkeepers - especially on Steam and Discord!
I appreciate those who have reached out to me both in chat threads and DMs for assistance. I genuinely enjoy helping people navigate their way through Delcrys and it’s challenges. If I don’t know the answer, I ask those who do.
Stick with me, Innkeepers! Together we can take this very fun and potential-filled game to new heights!
Your Faithful Court Herald,
Standalone installer updated: [Windows] 2.38 ⇒ 2.39.
Patch 3.0.6
Greetings Innkeepers!
It’s another wonderful day in Delcrys and your dedicated Court Herald has been hard at work to help improve the Kingdom. It’s Patch Day!
This patch had been delayed because there was some additional play testing needed and I wanted to really make sure that things would flow smoothly. For the most part, many issues such as fireplaces getting too much wood or staff not knowing how to use the soap are taken care of. There is still some issue with cats but they are no longer ignored after being tamed and they still don’t run away too fast. I had 3 very happy and rambunctious cats running around my test Inn. They still get into the catnip and try to run into walls now and then, but we are looking into where the catnip is coming from to get it taken care of for good.
Be aware, dear Innkeepers, that if you don’t pay your loans back - the banks notice again! I enjoyed the bit of grace period when the Kingdom kind of forgot about money being lent out. They pay more attention now so make sure you pay back what you borrowed.
One item of note is that not all of the bugs I reported were worked on due to the cut off time. The devs need time to look at each one, find/create a solution, and have it tested. The next patch shouldn’t be so long in coming. For your consideration, I give you the Patch Notes!
Patch notes:
• NPCs will no longer block themselves in the Bathroom's changing rooms
• Baths no longer get filled multiple times and then never get used (part of the blocking issue)
• Fixed an issue that caused a worker to not stop his current task after he was moved by The Hand
• It is no longer possible to build anything outside of specified build area
• Removed an empty scenario
• The game will now correctly react to the player not paying back his Bank loan in time
• Removed the not working "Set" button in Options
• Further fixes to Soap and Dishwashers; it should now work regardless of the type of Dishwasher
• Dugout storage building now appears on the Furniture list after it is unlocked
• Removing a room with shift+drag method now removes the whole room, not only the floor
• Fixed the contents of Media tab in the Main Menu
• Fixed a crash that could occur after loading a quick save game
• Fireplaces now use only the intended amount of wood
I cannot thank the community enough for their help and good humor as I work toward getting things smoothed out. It has been an interesting month getting to know my fellow Innkeepers - especially on Steam and Discord!
I appreciate those who have reached out to me both in chat threads and DMs for assistance. I genuinely enjoy helping people navigate their way through Delcrys and it’s challenges. If I don’t know the answer, I ask those who do.
Stick with me, Innkeepers! Together we can take this very fun and potential-filled game to new heights!
Your Faithful Court Herald,

All the lonely people...
Registered: Jun 2012
From Russian Federation
Posted March 19, 2021
high rated
X4: Foundations
Updated to 4.00 HF1
No changelog
Updated to 4.00 HF1
No changelog

Player 1
Registered: May 2017
From Germany
Posted March 20, 2021
high rated
Updated to (Galaxy (Windows & Mac) & Offline Installer (Windows))
Changelog from Steam:
@GOG: Blue dots are missing again since this afternoon. Please fix it!
Updated to (Galaxy (Windows & Mac) & Offline Installer (Windows))
Changelog from Steam:
Update version v2.4.16.20634:
- Fixed Torfin’s black VFX.
- You can no longer place the standard lure on a tile without a free building slot.
- Fixed a crash issue impacting some players when launching Northgard
- The silos unintentionally improved the production of certain units. This has been corrected.
- Trade routes are no longer cancelled when merchants are unhappy.
- Mielikki lore production was affected by some bonuses. It is no longer the case.
- Gemstone trading price has been corrected.
- Healing system improved. Sometimes healers were not able to heal after a fight.
- Fixed a crash for Stag clan in Conquest mode and free silos bonus
+++ - Fixed Torfin’s black VFX.
- You can no longer place the standard lure on a tile without a free building slot.
- Fixed a crash issue impacting some players when launching Northgard
- The silos unintentionally improved the production of certain units. This has been corrected.
- Trade routes are no longer cancelled when merchants are unhappy.
- Mielikki lore production was affected by some bonuses. It is no longer the case.
- Gemstone trading price has been corrected.
- Healing system improved. Sometimes healers were not able to heal after a fight.
- Fixed a crash for Stag clan in Conquest mode and free silos bonus
@GOG: Blue dots are missing again since this afternoon. Please fix it!