tfishell: Maybe if/when GOG implements an optional client, providing the fixes will be significantly easier.
Gydion: Optional client doesn't have much to do with providing fixes. That infrastructure would need to be implemented over on the server. GOG would also need to revisit their policy on testing the updates.
Unless, you mean the instead of GOG packaging the fixes the client would push them out. Which would be an issue for people who would never use the client, e.g. me.
I agreed with the server-issue and I think a client will do nothing for providing patches faster here on GOG. I think that as long as GOG is not selling Steamkeys, nothing they add can ever be equal to the up-to-date'ness of the patch-availability on Steam as long as Steam is the top priority of the developers. And this is certainly not a thing I would wish GOG to become, another Steamkey-seller. Ask yourself why developers should all of sudden be willing or even be able to provide patches faster in case GOG would have a client? What makes you think they would not still favour and prioritise the patch-system of Steam because of the biggest user base over there?
That being said, I think that the current patch system certainly needs some improvement. Especially some information on the game page about the latest game version available at the moment and an entry what the last version was you downloaded would be helpful (maybe even a patch history, where you could select the patch you want). Add a direct link to the patch notes and I could live with the system. No need for an additional client, although GOG could bring this functionality directly to the download manager as well of course, as long as the web interface is still equipped with the same functions.
On a side note, any information when we will see the latest Omerta patch. The game got updated on Steam month ago. Could somebody at least talk to Kalypso if they will ever get this patch here?