Thiev: Large number of Windows installers will receive silent update in the upcoming days. There are no game content changes, just installers' (removed billboards of games no longer in catalogue).
What is deemed a minor change receive no notification. If said change does not involve game content whatsoever, the build remains the same version.
Yes, you don't like it. No, I cannot do anything about it.
So won't like my answer aswell >.>
It's just not professional , wihtout a decent system update notification. And you expect we don't say anything. We resquested something decent about tracking the changes. I personnaly requested the stop of silent updates here & make some requests to the support since the introduction of the v2 installer. And you simply said the behaviour continues, it's just a bad joke :( .
"Removing billboard for games no more in the catalog" , sorry, but if the billboards didn't have been introduced in first place, you shouldn't have to do this now. You do realize, everytimes some games will be removed from your catalog you will have to do the same thing ? (at the rate you do this , it could be happend once a year) -> It's just fantastic for those who maintain a list with accurate informations (md5 sums and such) ; and from what i observed with the downloader : it adds chunks to the lastest "version", not sure if it's a good thing....
And after the long process to updating all games to the v2 installers; you prepare to do another change (which is hidden),. This behaviour occured once in the past , i though you learned from your mistake, but obviously no. see my topic here : and the post from TET (which seems to be the same thing, you prepare to do) It's like, nodody read my request or ignored it.
And yes , you can do something, posting a list about the games affected : It's the bare minimum for the customers right now, i don't want to buy anything from GOG. :/
ps : nothing personnal.