Surviving Mars
#### Patch 228184 (28 March 2018)
* OSX: Missing huge pieces of the interface on mac OS
* OSX: Orange blocky terrain on Windows + pre-GCN Radeons (5700, 5800, etc.)
* OSX: Corrupted terrain issues
* OSX: Tourists stay on Mars at least 10 sols
* OSX,Linux: Added OpenGL mods' shaders support
* Linux: Fixed an issue where text elements would flicker and display incorrectly
* Linux: Fixed occasional crash when loading save games
* Windows: Fixed white borders on some UI elements
* UI: Research dialog now scrollable with mouse wheel and camera controls, saves last position on close
* UI: Colonists with special traits are pinned to the menu bar, only when there are less than 100 colonists in the colony
* UI: Voice notification for Pipe leaks/Cable faults disabled for colonies with over 100 colonists
* UI: Tourist trait shown in Review Applicants UI
* UI: Fix for cancelation of change of display settings
* UI: Fix for senior colonists workplace display after the research of Forever Young tech
* UI: Fix for Automation Upgrade Icon (displayed inconsistently in Fungal Farms)
* UI: Fix for Custom anomaly icon disappearing from time to time
* UI: Martian University infopanel now does not show colonists which are not part of the workforce (senior, child, tourist, stressed, etc.)
* UI: Rockets have correct (default) skin on game start
* Gameplay: Fixed an issue where the Explorer Rover had the incorrect price, this is now lowered
* Gameplay: Removed exploit for endless export from the Space Elevator
* Gameplay: Refugees are now immune to Earthsick condition
* Gameplay: Vocation-Oriented Society tech performance bonus now works as intended
* Gameplay: Fix for drones not to be abandoned by RC Rover
* Gameplay: Fix for maximum drones allowed to work on trade rocket
* Gameplay: Resource stockpiles now properly marked as 1-hex large object - should fix drone behavior to move stockpiles adjacent to construction sites rather than underneath them
* Gameplay: RP cost of repeatable techs now increase after each research
* Gameplay: Alien Imprints tech effect reduced
* Gameplay: Fix for Fuel Extractor upgrade effect in the Concrete Extractor building (now 30% increase instead of 50%)
* Gameplay: Fix for stuck drones when picking up resources from destroyed farm
* Gameplay: Fix for resource count when interrupting drone after picking up resource cube from RC Transport
* Gameplay: Fix for RC Transport when changing skin while loading resources
* Gameplay: Fix to properly treat RC Transport as resource depot when adding new drone controller (Rover/Hub/Rocket) or changing active radius of drone controller
* Gameplay: Fix for Rocket take-off in some cases
* Gameplay: Fix for RP calculation to allow modifiers to have effect in cases of little RP production
* Gameplay: Workers properly select workplace based on their specialty
* Gameplay: Fix for workplace and training buildings requiring maintenance when turned off
* Gameplay: Easy start now always starts with a Mystery
* Gameplay: Scanning que increased
* Gameplay: Shielded combination of incompatible traits (e.g. Genius/Idiot combo)
* Gameplay: Biorobot gurus no longer create biorobots
* Visuals: Dome glass has correct self-illumination
* Visuals: Meteorite craters no longer appear over and next to objects
* Visuals: NVIDIA 1050s family now loads High setting preset
* Visuals: Fix for proper positioning of newborn child colonist at spawn
Q.U.B.E. 2
#### Patch 1.2 (29 March 2018)
* Added: Disable Auto Turn option. This option will prevent the player from automatically turning when launched by a blue cube. It can be found in the Accessibility menu.
* Added: Disable Camera Bob option. This option can be found in the Accessibility menu.
* Added: DLC menu added in the main menu for those who have bought DLC.
* Fixed: Rebinding controls causes use to get stuck on the keybinding menu.
* Fixed: Localization - LEFT in the keybinding menu was not localized.
* Fixed: When changing a setting in the Options menu other than Resolution, it would change the resolution to 1920x1080 or the highest supported resolution.
* Fixed: Increased default subtitle font size to 20, and increased subtitle size to 30 for resolutions above 1920px wide.
* Fixed: Sometimes cube types wouldn't attach to white surfaces, especially on moving platforms and later in the game.
* Fixed: Changed FOV range from 80 - 110.
* Fixed: Removed duplicate keybind for changing energy.
* Fixed: Pause menu chapter name and number sometimes disappearing.
* Fixed: Pressing left would return to tab selection in Options when using a gamepad.
* Fixed: Ambient audio was still audible in the main menu and other areas after setting all volume sliders to 0.
* Fixed: Slightly increased force needed to crush Physical Green Cube.
* Fixed: Collision bug causing players to get stuck under the world in the final puzzle rooms.
The following offline installers have also been updated:
Dungeons 3 to version
v1.4.4 build12 @b91b5c8 (In essence the Linux installers have been updated as well, with a short delay)