Rise of Industry
#### Patch (19 February 2018)
9 people and 56 energy drinks later, we present to you patch 0.5.1!
Want to start by saying that we've personally have been checking every single
review, thread, tweet and let's play to gather as much feedback as possible to
make this first patch a clear message about how we intend to develop this
game. We are always watching and reading, as we believe Early Access is about
developer and player interaction, so there can be a strong exchange of
thoughts and feedback to improve. If not, what's the point? Sell a few copies
and run? Nah...
We're here to resurrect our childhood love: Industry Giant, and bring it to
this decade. For that, we need your help, so keep those threads and videos
coming! Of course, we would like to make all of the changes now, but bear with
us, some take longer than others. Throughout Early Access (and after full
release where necessary) we will keep tweaking and improving the overall
gameplay experience.
But for now, please sit back and check out these changes (especially in the
new wholesalers and tech tree changes), as a lot might change the way you have
to play.
Now need to sleep for 3 or 4 days straight. Enjoy the weekend!
Release Date 2/16/2018Patch 0.5.1:1602
##### Additions
* Added Logistical Permits to Settlements, 3 Permit options are now available:-- Purchase Full Build Permit - (formerly known as PURCHASE PERMIT)-- Purchase Logistical Permit - (Allows Logistical Buildings and Network structures to be placed at 25% the price of a Full Build Permit)-- Upgrade to Full Build Permit - (Allows you to upgrade your Logistical Permit)
* Added Truck Drive Settings in the Gameplay Options:-- RIGHT HANDED to RIGHT SIDE\-- LEFT HANDED to LEFT SIDE
* Added togglable mouse wheel functionality to rotate buildings when placing.
* Added functionality, allowing Product Icons to open their Recipe.
* Added building clone functionality to copies settings like the recipes and destinations of the chosen building:-- Left-CTRL + Left-Click in eyedropper mode. First, click on your source, then click on your target(s).
* Added a New mouse cursor to better match our art style.
* Added a Building Demolition Confirmation popup that appears when Demolishing.
* Added a Confirm Demolish setting in the Gameplay options to turn the Demolish Confirmation popup on and off
* Added a Region Size setting to Custom Game Settings.-- Range: 25% to 200% (Default: 100%)
* Added an option to disable Alerts/Notifications on Buildings via an icon in the top right corner of their panels.
* Added a 1-Day delay to Alerts on buildings to prevent Full Capacity Alert spam.
* Added more functionality to the TAB Key, it now has 4 modes:-- Show no labels.-- Show only Settlement and Region labels.-- Show Settlement, Regions, and Resource labels.-- Show all labels (Settlements, Regions, Resources, and Buildings).
* Added a scroll view to the Wholesaler panel to allow visibility of all products available.
* Added New Event and Alert Icons to help with clarity.
* Added functionality that pauses the game when the player when working in the tech tree or the Choose Specialization screen.
* Added a Full Storage Alerts setting in the Gameplay options to turn Full Storage Alerts on and off.
* Added functionality to check if a Product is a Component and raises its Shop Price by +10%
* Added functionality to check if a Product is a Raw Resource and raises its Shop Price by +25%
##### Improvements and Changes
* Adjusted Tech Tree Unlocks to improve access:-- Plantation T3 to T1.-- Compost Pit T1 to T3.-- Glassworks & Smelter T2 to T1.-- Food Factory T1 to T2.-- Orchard T1 to T2.-- Fish Farm T2 to T1.-- Livestock T2 to T3.-- Berries are now the default minor unlock of the Plantation.
* Adjusted Dynamic Economy Formula to lower Demand:-- Monthly Quantity demanded = Roundup((Population of Settlement / 10,000) _(how many of that product are made in a month_ 0.1) to Monthly Quantity demanded = Roundup((Population of Settlement / 25,000) _(how many of that product are made in a month_ 0.1).
* Adjusted Region Coastal Building placement rules for coastlines that are shared by two Regions.
* Adjusted Wholesaler Product list to include Products the Settlement generates.
* Adjusted Building Area of Influence color for better visibility.
* Adjusted the Budget Flow to reflect the last 30 days instead of the current month.
* Adjusted Balance Tooltip to say “Last 30 Days”
* Adjusted the Dirt Road Speed to favor the Urban Road.
* Dirt Road Speed 75% to 50% Speed
* Adjusted Wholesaler prices to adjust long-term playstyles:-- Sells Products at 100% Market Price to Sells Products at 200% Market Price
* Adjusted the In-Game Tutorial on how to place Roads to be more clear and concise.
* Adjusted the Panel Spawn Location to be closer to the left edge of the screen.
* Adjusted the top Event notification to always appear in front of everything, including panels and Tech Tree.
* Adjusted Regional Events to spawn only when a Player has a building in that Region.
* Changed Sounds for Mouse-hover, Rotation, and Demolition Sounds.
* Changed Building Hub Road to use Dirt Roads instead of Urban Road on Farms, Gatherers, and Harvesters.
* Changed Autosave Interval Options:
* Never 1, 2,3,5,10 minutes to Never, 5, 15, 30, 60 minutes
* Cleaned up number format to appear more clear and concise.
* Enabled the Tutorial UI to scale when the UI Scale setting is changed.
* Implemented TextMeshPro to improve the appearance of text
* Reduced the size of Alert Icons by 50% at specific zoom levels.
* Refined a few UI Elements to be more clear and concise:
* Dump button in storage panel
* Yes/No buttons when changing production in the production panel
* Vehicles tooltip italic text
* Removed Rotation Cooldown to improve building flow.
* Removed the Pin Icon on Building Panels.
* Removed Truck Upkeep for Idle Trucks so only Dispatched Trucks will cost money.
* Removed the 1 Steel from Wooden Barrel Recipe
* Removed need to select Minor Unlocks in the Tutorial
* Updated the Recipe Book PDF link in the Main Menu.
##### Bugfixes
* Fixed the Building Manager not saving configurations.
* Fixed the Money Tex Colors to properly represent their values.
* Fixed the Lumberyard Harvesters not disabling when Trees are removed.
* Fixed the Warehouse gathering error “Tried getting path from warehouse for null?!“.
* Fixed the Train Station Hub Track Deletion exploit.
* Fixed the Settings Screen not being accessible when in the Tutorial.
* Fixed the Event Notifications not scaling with the UI Scale setting.
* Fixed the Cargo Models orientation on Trucks.
* Fixed the inability to place Bridges when unlocked in Tech Tree.
* Fixed the Game Speed key sounds not playing.
* Fixed the Missing Train Terminal placement hologram model.
* Fixed the bug that crashed the game after the Intro is done playing.
* Fixed the Construction Panel Tunnel and Bridge sounds not playing on when built directly from the Construction Panel.
* Fixed the issue where Trade Route names would not appear properly.
* Fixed the Copper resource to appear when the TAB key is clicked.
* Fixed the compatibility issue after the intro video played on Linux builds.
* Fixed the Tunnel Image.
* Fixed the Shops Product List to include all Raw Resources.
* Fixed the Input Field for the Building Name in the Building Panel.
* Fixed the Input Field for the Recipe Book search field.
* Fixed the Input Field for the Savegame name.
* Fixed missing text in the Choose your Specialization
* Fixed misaligned text in the Help Panel
* Fixed bug that prevented trucks from being Dispatch from a cloned building.
* Fixed the missing Truck Depot tooltip.
* Fixed the “Building in Range” panel so it can be closed.
* Fixed Event Typo:
* Invocation to Innovation
The offline installers for
60 Seconds! have been updated to version
1.304, no changelog as of now.