Posted March 05, 2017

Dad but alive
Registered: Jul 2011
From Other

How appropriate. You fight like a cow.
Registered: Jul 2014
From Poland

All the lonely people...
Registered: Jun 2012
From Russian Federation
Posted March 06, 2017
high rated
Tipsy Tarantula v14 - Patch 03.04.2017 (06 March 2017)
Due to the massive amount of changes, patch notes will be split into two parts. Get comfy...
We’ve been taking in an enormous amount of feedback and suggestions on combat, and this patch is all about it! Thank you to everyone submitting feedback and bug reports, we hope everything will find something they like in the Tipsy Tarantula patch.
Stat Changes
Health has been recalculated to lower the cap for players. When loading a save from a previous build, your team may have current health that exceeds the new maximum. This will be addressed in a future patch, but enjoy the excess health while it lasts! :D
Combat Changes
Combat speed and damage for both mobs and players has been revised. You should find combat at lower levels to be quicker and deadlier overall, with difficulty ramping more smoothly as you advance towards level 30.
Many classes have picked up Regeneration and healing abilities in their support trees. These become more important at higher levels to sustain your team against tougher enemies and reduce reliance on using medkits.
Regeneration heals at the start of a character’s turn. A character can only have 1 active Regeneration effect on them, with stronger effects overriding weaker ones.
Several of the more deadly abilities have had their damage caps adjusted and require building charges to use them at full potential. This creates more opportunities to build power over the course of a run instead of just popping your nukes each battle. Looking at you, Hellfire Salvo.
Several debuffs have been standardized to make them easier to recognize in action: Blind reduces hit chance, Burn deals damage over time, Shock reduces Energy resistance, Corruption converts buffs into damage, and Vulnerability increases damage taken by the target.
Mobs will be updated in the next patch with new abilities and buffs.
Gear Changes
Heavy Armor no longer has a Time Unit penalty, but a dodge penalty.
Light melee weapons and pistols provide a bonus to dodge.
Heavy melee weapons and heavy weapons have a penalty to dodge.
Medkits can once again be used by the Prototype. The mechanic of having a separate healing item just for the Proto sounded fun, but in play was found to be less so.
The damage reduction for shields and armor has been reduced and damage ranges across all three types brought slightly closer together.
These changes do not affect gear generated in previous builds, but you will experience unbalanced play if you choose to use legacy gear.
Meat Shield no longer provides a flat amount of damage reduction but grants a meaty barrier to absorb incoming damage based on average weapon damage.
Defiance (Rank 3) no longer boosts Threat but instead allows the Soldier to cheat death.
Best Defense (Rank 3)now reduces enemy damage dealt.
Bloodthirst is now a passive ability that heals the Soldier when they deal critical damage, taunts targets that are critically hit, and boosts crit chance when combat begins.
Juggernaut and As One have switched places in the ability tree.
As One now begins combat with an 8 turn cooldown that is reduced each time the Soldier taunts and has gained boosted hit and critical hit bonuses.
Juggernaut now gains charges as the Soldier taunts and can be used for an emergency damage reduction, heal, and retaliation attack.
The Soldier has taken their relationship with explosions and fire to the next level.
Frag Grenade (Rank 2) now Burns the primary target for bonus damage when it crits.
Rocket Strike (Rank 2) now gains boosted accuracy
Bouncing Betty (Rank 2) now Burns the primary target for bonus damage when it crits.
Magnetronc Bomb (Rank 2) now causes Bomblets it detonates to Burn targets for bonus damage when they deal critical damage.
Hellfire Salvo now gains charges as the Soldier applies Burn to enemies and boosts the duration and damage of Burn effects on targets in damages. Charges persist between combats.
Removed UXO ability.
NEW ABILITY : This Is Fine (Passive) Boost damage and crit when you set things on fire. Learn to love fire so much that it heals you while you’re on fire.
Boom King (Rank 2) tosses a bomblet when you crit a target afflicted by Burn.
Crack Shot (Rank 2) now also Dazes the target on a critical hit.
Custom Armor now grants a buff and small heal at the start of combat if the Soldier has positive rep with the manufacturer of their armor. This effect is boosted as rep increases.
Flare now deals Fire damage on impact and can Blind and Burn the target.
Kill Count now boosts the Soldier every 5 points and has added bonuses at higher ranks.
Hot Streak (Rank 2) now Burns the target for bonus damage when it crits.
The Specialist now requires 10 charges to activate. Score critical hits to charge!
Root Hack
Overheat now has a 30/60/100% chance to Stun immediately, deals a portion of its damage immediately, and deals increased damage over time.
Scramble now deals damage immediately and bonus damage if the target is Stunned.
Root Hack now deals damage on impact and Charms for 1 turn maximum, but cannot miss and has a high success chance vs. normal mobs on the first use.
Exploit now persists for 1 turn, cannot miss, and no longer consumes Stun on the target.
Cripple cannot miss and no longer consumes Stun on the target.
Snowcrash now requires 10 charges to activate and builds charges by Stunning enemies.
Mindmelt deals damage immediately in addition to each turn.
Shareware now has increased chance to spread viruses, boosted by your crit chance, and has a chance to immediately spread upon infection (Rank 3).
Corruption is now Decay and can apply the Corrupt effect.
Logic Bomb (Rank 3) has a chance to instantly kill common enemies.
Black Ice (Rank 3) has a chance to instantly kill common enemies.
Hotlink now deals damage immediately in addition to each turn.
Time Release now grants your weakest ally Regeneration.
Multi Core now also heals allies for each Hacker buff they have.
Ex Machina now requires charges of Optimization to activate, but is only slightly less OP than you remember. Plus it heals everyone. :O
Void Psyker
Shadowcoil attack speed increased.
Misery has been redesigned and now gives your summons a chance to apply Blind, Corrupt or Vulnerable to foes when scoring a critical hit. Higher ranks can spread these afflictions or deal bonus damage.
Void Psykers will no longer constantly be driven to madness after using Eldritch Horror. The chance will now properly reset each time you go insane.
Eldritch Horror now demands tributes by applying Blind, Corrupt and Vulnerable to enemies and summons a different entity depending on the whims of the Void. Don’t use this ability.
Abilities that consume Combo Points to deal damage now deal nonlinear increased damage.
New Mechanic : Death Notes. Critical hits from Assassin abilities can add Death Notes, granting a chance to instantly kill common enemies.
Expose Weakness now applies Vulnerable to the target and lasts until the end of their turn.
Flurry strikes reduced and hit harder.
Removed Phase Binder ability.
NEW ABILITY : Marked for Death. Double the number of Death Notes on the target and boost damage and crit vs. the target. Teleport in front of target in the timeline.
Assassinate has been redesigned and receives bonuses based on Death Notes on the target.
Deception abilities now make use of Shock and Blind mechanics to deal additional damage.
Added several rank abilities that can apply Shock or Blind.
Concealing Mists now reduces dodge bonus for all allies, not just the ally that dodges, and can heal allies at Rank 3.
Combination abilities gains bonus effects and damage when the target is suffering from Blind, Burn, Vulnerability, or Shock.
Removed common mechanic descriptions from ability tooltips. These will be relocated to the Codex in a future update.
The Prototype will only recite a malfunction haiku on the 1st occurrence in combat.
Fixed ESC menu in Combat sometimes becoming unresponsive.
Fixed randomized options in certain events always choosing the same result, resulting in non-randomization.
Fixed several combat hangs / crashes related to player and mob abilities.
Introduced new and exotic bugs to perplex and torment players.
Tipsy Tarantula v14 - Patch 03.04.2017 (06 March 2017)
Due to the massive amount of changes, patch notes will be split into two parts. Get comfy...
We’ve been taking in an enormous amount of feedback and suggestions on combat, and this patch is all about it! Thank you to everyone submitting feedback and bug reports, we hope everything will find something they like in the Tipsy Tarantula patch.
Stat Changes
Health has been recalculated to lower the cap for players. When loading a save from a previous build, your team may have current health that exceeds the new maximum. This will be addressed in a future patch, but enjoy the excess health while it lasts! :D
Combat Changes
Combat speed and damage for both mobs and players has been revised. You should find combat at lower levels to be quicker and deadlier overall, with difficulty ramping more smoothly as you advance towards level 30.
Many classes have picked up Regeneration and healing abilities in their support trees. These become more important at higher levels to sustain your team against tougher enemies and reduce reliance on using medkits.
Regeneration heals at the start of a character’s turn. A character can only have 1 active Regeneration effect on them, with stronger effects overriding weaker ones.
Several of the more deadly abilities have had their damage caps adjusted and require building charges to use them at full potential. This creates more opportunities to build power over the course of a run instead of just popping your nukes each battle. Looking at you, Hellfire Salvo.
Several debuffs have been standardized to make them easier to recognize in action: Blind reduces hit chance, Burn deals damage over time, Shock reduces Energy resistance, Corruption converts buffs into damage, and Vulnerability increases damage taken by the target.
Mobs will be updated in the next patch with new abilities and buffs.
Gear Changes
Heavy Armor no longer has a Time Unit penalty, but a dodge penalty.
Light melee weapons and pistols provide a bonus to dodge.
Heavy melee weapons and heavy weapons have a penalty to dodge.
Medkits can once again be used by the Prototype. The mechanic of having a separate healing item just for the Proto sounded fun, but in play was found to be less so.
The damage reduction for shields and armor has been reduced and damage ranges across all three types brought slightly closer together.
These changes do not affect gear generated in previous builds, but you will experience unbalanced play if you choose to use legacy gear.
Meat Shield no longer provides a flat amount of damage reduction but grants a meaty barrier to absorb incoming damage based on average weapon damage.
Defiance (Rank 3) no longer boosts Threat but instead allows the Soldier to cheat death.
Best Defense (Rank 3)now reduces enemy damage dealt.
Bloodthirst is now a passive ability that heals the Soldier when they deal critical damage, taunts targets that are critically hit, and boosts crit chance when combat begins.
Juggernaut and As One have switched places in the ability tree.
As One now begins combat with an 8 turn cooldown that is reduced each time the Soldier taunts and has gained boosted hit and critical hit bonuses.
Juggernaut now gains charges as the Soldier taunts and can be used for an emergency damage reduction, heal, and retaliation attack.
The Soldier has taken their relationship with explosions and fire to the next level.
Frag Grenade (Rank 2) now Burns the primary target for bonus damage when it crits.
Rocket Strike (Rank 2) now gains boosted accuracy
Bouncing Betty (Rank 2) now Burns the primary target for bonus damage when it crits.
Magnetronc Bomb (Rank 2) now causes Bomblets it detonates to Burn targets for bonus damage when they deal critical damage.
Hellfire Salvo now gains charges as the Soldier applies Burn to enemies and boosts the duration and damage of Burn effects on targets in damages. Charges persist between combats.
Removed UXO ability.
NEW ABILITY : This Is Fine (Passive) Boost damage and crit when you set things on fire. Learn to love fire so much that it heals you while you’re on fire.
Boom King (Rank 2) tosses a bomblet when you crit a target afflicted by Burn.
Crack Shot (Rank 2) now also Dazes the target on a critical hit.
Custom Armor now grants a buff and small heal at the start of combat if the Soldier has positive rep with the manufacturer of their armor. This effect is boosted as rep increases.
Flare now deals Fire damage on impact and can Blind and Burn the target.
Kill Count now boosts the Soldier every 5 points and has added bonuses at higher ranks.
Hot Streak (Rank 2) now Burns the target for bonus damage when it crits.
The Specialist now requires 10 charges to activate. Score critical hits to charge!
Root Hack
Overheat now has a 30/60/100% chance to Stun immediately, deals a portion of its damage immediately, and deals increased damage over time.
Scramble now deals damage immediately and bonus damage if the target is Stunned.
Root Hack now deals damage on impact and Charms for 1 turn maximum, but cannot miss and has a high success chance vs. normal mobs on the first use.
Exploit now persists for 1 turn, cannot miss, and no longer consumes Stun on the target.
Cripple cannot miss and no longer consumes Stun on the target.
Snowcrash now requires 10 charges to activate and builds charges by Stunning enemies.
Mindmelt deals damage immediately in addition to each turn.
Shareware now has increased chance to spread viruses, boosted by your crit chance, and has a chance to immediately spread upon infection (Rank 3).
Corruption is now Decay and can apply the Corrupt effect.
Logic Bomb (Rank 3) has a chance to instantly kill common enemies.
Black Ice (Rank 3) has a chance to instantly kill common enemies.
Hotlink now deals damage immediately in addition to each turn.
Time Release now grants your weakest ally Regeneration.
Multi Core now also heals allies for each Hacker buff they have.
Ex Machina now requires charges of Optimization to activate, but is only slightly less OP than you remember. Plus it heals everyone. :O
Void Psyker
Shadowcoil attack speed increased.
Misery has been redesigned and now gives your summons a chance to apply Blind, Corrupt or Vulnerable to foes when scoring a critical hit. Higher ranks can spread these afflictions or deal bonus damage.
Void Psykers will no longer constantly be driven to madness after using Eldritch Horror. The chance will now properly reset each time you go insane.
Eldritch Horror now demands tributes by applying Blind, Corrupt and Vulnerable to enemies and summons a different entity depending on the whims of the Void. Don’t use this ability.
Abilities that consume Combo Points to deal damage now deal nonlinear increased damage.
New Mechanic : Death Notes. Critical hits from Assassin abilities can add Death Notes, granting a chance to instantly kill common enemies.
Expose Weakness now applies Vulnerable to the target and lasts until the end of their turn.
Flurry strikes reduced and hit harder.
Removed Phase Binder ability.
NEW ABILITY : Marked for Death. Double the number of Death Notes on the target and boost damage and crit vs. the target. Teleport in front of target in the timeline.
Assassinate has been redesigned and receives bonuses based on Death Notes on the target.
Deception abilities now make use of Shock and Blind mechanics to deal additional damage.
Added several rank abilities that can apply Shock or Blind.
Concealing Mists now reduces dodge bonus for all allies, not just the ally that dodges, and can heal allies at Rank 3.
Combination abilities gains bonus effects and damage when the target is suffering from Blind, Burn, Vulnerability, or Shock.
Removed common mechanic descriptions from ability tooltips. These will be relocated to the Codex in a future update.
The Prototype will only recite a malfunction haiku on the 1st occurrence in combat.
Fixed ESC menu in Combat sometimes becoming unresponsive.
Fixed randomized options in certain events always choosing the same result, resulting in non-randomization.
Fixed several combat hangs / crashes related to player and mob abilities.
Introduced new and exotic bugs to perplex and torment players.

The Reluctant Voter
Registered: Sep 2011
From Vatican City
Posted March 06, 2017

Curious Expedition, The has probably changed
* File changed: Mac OS X installer, English --- File size *FROM* 162.0 MB *TO* 171.0 MB --- Version *FROM* 1.1.2 (gog-22) *TO* (gog-23)
* File changed: Windows installer, English --- File size *FROM* 74.0 MB *TO* 90.0 MB --- Version *FROM* 1.1.2 (gog-19) *TO* (gog-20)
[CHANGELOG UPDATED] (Full changelog) [...]

Captain Cookie
Registered: Nov 2012
From Palau
Posted March 06, 2017
high rated
Ground Control Anthology
Update (06 March 2017)
We have added the French version of Ground Control and its expansion Dark Conspiracy as well as the French manuals.
We'd like to send out a "un grand merci!" to Lukin86 for his donation of the French version of the game.
X3: Terran War Pack We have added the French version of Ground Control and its expansion Dark Conspiracy as well as the French manuals.
We'd like to send out a "un grand merci!" to Lukin86 for his donation of the French version of the game.
Update (06 March 2017)
Fixed another issue that prevented the English voices from working correctly on Macs.
Fixed another issue that prevented the English voices from working correctly on Macs.

🐺 Gwynnbleid 🐺
Registered: Apr 2009
From Austria
Posted March 06, 2017
Ground Control just had a French version added.

Asuka Tanaka
Registered: Nov 2011
From Taiwan
Posted March 06, 2017
Or maybe the Linux update is delayed, and will be reported tomorrow. (I guess.)

The Reluctant Voter
Registered: Sep 2011
From Vatican City

All the lonely people...
Registered: Jun 2012
From Russian Federation
Posted March 06, 2017
high rated
Ha ha ! Now I can post Starcrawlers chagelog part 2! =)
Force Psyker, Engineer, Prototype and Smuggler abilities!
Force Psyker
Force Energy
Now regenerates at a set rate of 5 per turn. Abilities and passives can accelerate regen.
The Guardian tree has received a damage boost and improved power to defend allies.
Aegis Strike damage increased and removes shields from each target (Rank 2).
Mirror Prism damages all enemies when it shatters.
Spirit Armor (Rank 3) now regenerates Force Psyker health when it is low.
Inner Peace (Rank 3) now provides a powerful heal if struck by a deathblow.
Condemn now grants Force Energy when purging enemy buffs and smites a for at Rank 3.
Purity Prism deals damage to enemies each time it absorbs a debuff and can direct debuffs to enemies at Rank 3.
Manifest Spirit now gains charges when you generate Force Energy.
Barriers now draw strength from the current health of the Force Psyker and decay in strength each turn. Healthier Force Psyker = healthier barriers.
Inner Balance now boosts your damage when Force Energy is high, and regenerates Force Energy faster when it is low.
Barrier Prison deals damage on attack, damage each turn (Rank 2) and AoE damage when it shatters (Rank 3).
Manifest Destiny is now charged by creating barriers on allies, passively strengthens all barriers (Rank 2) and grants an infusion of Force Energy (Rank 3).
Force Hammer critical hits Shock the target.
Fists of Fury (Rank 2) has chance to Shock the target and critical hits against Shocked targets deals damage to adjacent enemies (Rank 3).
Mind Bullets no longer drains all Force Energy but fires a set amount of bullets. Spreads Shock to other targets (Rank 2) and deals bonus damage to Shocked targets (Rank 3). Pewpew!
Inner Turmoil now boosts damage when your health is low, boosting higher as health drops.
Shattering Blow now gains bonuses if the target is Vulnerable and crits make targets Vulnerable (Rank 3).
Spirit Onslaught boosts crit until a crit occurs and can heal the Force Psyker (Rank 3).
Manifest Rage is now charges by scoring crits on fools and deals increased damage.
Junk has been replaced with Jigawatz generated by the Engineer’s mechsuit. Engineers everywhere have found this more practical than carrying junk around.
Constructor summons have all gained some capacity to apply Blind, Shock, Burn and Stun effects to enemies.
Special Delivery now also applies a random debuff to damaged enemies.
Twofer now provides damage boosts to the cloned construct and the original.
Master Builder now provides elemental resistance to constructs.
Rigger abilities now power down and refund their Jigawatz if unused on your turn.
Base malfunction chance for all Rigger abilities reduced.
Rumble Pack builds damage and malfunction chance slower.
Railgun deals increased damage.
Ornery now grants a small amount of healing each turn and can heal the team at Rank 2.
Overshield now gain charges when you generate Jigawatz and provides superior elemental resistance to all allies without redirecting damage to the Engineer.
Upgrade now gains charges as you generate Jigawatz and provides a stacking permanent damage boost and damage reduction for the duration of combat.
Bolty max health and threat reduced and gains dodge at Rank 2.
Rocket Elbow now Shocks the target on impact.
Strafe crits Blind targets.
Shotblocker (Rank 3) now heals Bolty each turn while intercepting attacks.
Built Real Good now provides passive healing for Bolty at Rank 3.
Dirty Moves
Explosive Trap is now Volatile Trap, deals increased damage and can Burn enemies.
Flash Bang now applies stacks of Blind and can no longer hit allies.
Timed Mine damage boosted and can Stun (Rank 2) and instantly kill common enemies (Rank 3).
Bag of Wonders artifacts have gained new powers and Stun all enemies on use (Rank 3).
Akimbo now grants a 2nd attack for 50% weapon damage when using a Weapon Ability with a pistol instead of doubling attacks. Gunslinger abilities have had damage boosted to compensate.
Trick Shot base damage increased, number of bounces decreased, but bounces extra times after a critical hit (Rank 3).
Fan the Hammers now grants dodge in addition to damage bonuses (Rank 3).
Buddy Shield (Rank 3) now grants a large damage reduction to you and your meatshie- er, ‘buddy’.
Showdown (Rank 3) grants a large damage boost for several turns. If it ain’t dead, it will be.
Cheap Tricks
Damage maximums for all Cheap Tricks abilities increased.
Coin Toss damage boosted, stacks Bad Luck (Rank 2) and terrible things occur (Rank 3).
Mug damage reduced, chance to steal items reduced until Rank 3, then greatly increased.
Bounty now makes the target Vulnerable and heals the bounty killer (Rank 3).
Roulette heals the Smuggler for damage dealt (Rank 2).
Double Down grants Regeneration at Rank 3.
Slot Machine damage boosted and debuffs with Blind, Fire, and Vulnerability.
Arm Cannon gains bonus hit at Rank 2.
Thunderclap inflicts Shock when purging a buff at Rank 3.
Haiku.exe grants allies Regeneration at Rank 3.
Target Lock now causes your obsession to deal less damage to you (Rank 2) and if they survive, the damage buff persists without nerfing damage to other targets (Rank 3).
Safety Protocols now heals each turn at Rank 3 and has a reduced malfunction rate.
Hunter Killer has been redesigned and now writes enemies you encounter to memory. Gain a stacking crit and damage buff each time you encounter an enemy in memory.
R.A.M (Rank 3) grants debuff immunity while active.
Get Down now Blinds the enemy at Rank 3.
Adaptive Armor now allows Armor to block elemental damage at Rank 3.
Aegis Mode provides damage reduction to allies while it lasts.
Reason (Rank 2) has a chance to Confuse enemies.
Relentless (Rank 3) passively heals the Prototype each turn.
Termination (Rank 2) clears all debuffs from the Prototype.
Chaotic Shot (Rank 2) crits will Blind, Shock, or Corrupt the target and deal bonus damage if the target is already afflicted by all of these effects (Rank 3).
Assault base damage and number of attacks reduced.
Core Dump (Rank 2) will Blind, Shock or Corrupt foes and heals for each charge (Rank 3).
Mut.exe grants Haste (Rank 2) and heals (Rank 3) for each replaced malfunction.
Chaos Model (Rank 2) has a random chance to randomly clear a random debuff from you and deal increased damage when you shutdown (Rank 3).
H.A.M damage and attack count reduced. Still does a ridiculous amount of damage
New abilities and buffs for enemies.
Info Log improvements and lore info for factions.
Hotfixes! Woohoo!
More cool stuff!
Tipsy Tarantula v14 - Patch 03.06.2017 (06 March 2017)
Fixed older saves loading characters with current health over their maximum.
Fixed Ignite removing used shield charges over live ones at Rank 3.
Fixed Manifest Destiny not correctly building charges.
Fixed Stalk only applying one stack of damage when consuming Combo Points.
Fixed escort NPCs from using mob health values and exploding in combat. Max health values may display incorrectly until next patch.
Fixed save system failing to increment save number and overwriting a previous save.
Minor text fixes.
Force Psyker, Engineer, Prototype and Smuggler abilities!
Force Psyker
Force Energy
Now regenerates at a set rate of 5 per turn. Abilities and passives can accelerate regen.
The Guardian tree has received a damage boost and improved power to defend allies.
Aegis Strike damage increased and removes shields from each target (Rank 2).
Mirror Prism damages all enemies when it shatters.
Spirit Armor (Rank 3) now regenerates Force Psyker health when it is low.
Inner Peace (Rank 3) now provides a powerful heal if struck by a deathblow.
Condemn now grants Force Energy when purging enemy buffs and smites a for at Rank 3.
Purity Prism deals damage to enemies each time it absorbs a debuff and can direct debuffs to enemies at Rank 3.
Manifest Spirit now gains charges when you generate Force Energy.
Barriers now draw strength from the current health of the Force Psyker and decay in strength each turn. Healthier Force Psyker = healthier barriers.
Inner Balance now boosts your damage when Force Energy is high, and regenerates Force Energy faster when it is low.
Barrier Prison deals damage on attack, damage each turn (Rank 2) and AoE damage when it shatters (Rank 3).
Manifest Destiny is now charged by creating barriers on allies, passively strengthens all barriers (Rank 2) and grants an infusion of Force Energy (Rank 3).
Force Hammer critical hits Shock the target.
Fists of Fury (Rank 2) has chance to Shock the target and critical hits against Shocked targets deals damage to adjacent enemies (Rank 3).
Mind Bullets no longer drains all Force Energy but fires a set amount of bullets. Spreads Shock to other targets (Rank 2) and deals bonus damage to Shocked targets (Rank 3). Pewpew!
Inner Turmoil now boosts damage when your health is low, boosting higher as health drops.
Shattering Blow now gains bonuses if the target is Vulnerable and crits make targets Vulnerable (Rank 3).
Spirit Onslaught boosts crit until a crit occurs and can heal the Force Psyker (Rank 3).
Manifest Rage is now charges by scoring crits on fools and deals increased damage.
Junk has been replaced with Jigawatz generated by the Engineer’s mechsuit. Engineers everywhere have found this more practical than carrying junk around.
Constructor summons have all gained some capacity to apply Blind, Shock, Burn and Stun effects to enemies.
Special Delivery now also applies a random debuff to damaged enemies.
Twofer now provides damage boosts to the cloned construct and the original.
Master Builder now provides elemental resistance to constructs.
Rigger abilities now power down and refund their Jigawatz if unused on your turn.
Base malfunction chance for all Rigger abilities reduced.
Rumble Pack builds damage and malfunction chance slower.
Railgun deals increased damage.
Ornery now grants a small amount of healing each turn and can heal the team at Rank 2.
Overshield now gain charges when you generate Jigawatz and provides superior elemental resistance to all allies without redirecting damage to the Engineer.
Upgrade now gains charges as you generate Jigawatz and provides a stacking permanent damage boost and damage reduction for the duration of combat.
Bolty max health and threat reduced and gains dodge at Rank 2.
Rocket Elbow now Shocks the target on impact.
Strafe crits Blind targets.
Shotblocker (Rank 3) now heals Bolty each turn while intercepting attacks.
Built Real Good now provides passive healing for Bolty at Rank 3.
Dirty Moves
Explosive Trap is now Volatile Trap, deals increased damage and can Burn enemies.
Flash Bang now applies stacks of Blind and can no longer hit allies.
Timed Mine damage boosted and can Stun (Rank 2) and instantly kill common enemies (Rank 3).
Bag of Wonders artifacts have gained new powers and Stun all enemies on use (Rank 3).
Akimbo now grants a 2nd attack for 50% weapon damage when using a Weapon Ability with a pistol instead of doubling attacks. Gunslinger abilities have had damage boosted to compensate.
Trick Shot base damage increased, number of bounces decreased, but bounces extra times after a critical hit (Rank 3).
Fan the Hammers now grants dodge in addition to damage bonuses (Rank 3).
Buddy Shield (Rank 3) now grants a large damage reduction to you and your meatshie- er, ‘buddy’.
Showdown (Rank 3) grants a large damage boost for several turns. If it ain’t dead, it will be.
Cheap Tricks
Damage maximums for all Cheap Tricks abilities increased.
Coin Toss damage boosted, stacks Bad Luck (Rank 2) and terrible things occur (Rank 3).
Mug damage reduced, chance to steal items reduced until Rank 3, then greatly increased.
Bounty now makes the target Vulnerable and heals the bounty killer (Rank 3).
Roulette heals the Smuggler for damage dealt (Rank 2).
Double Down grants Regeneration at Rank 3.
Slot Machine damage boosted and debuffs with Blind, Fire, and Vulnerability.
Arm Cannon gains bonus hit at Rank 2.
Thunderclap inflicts Shock when purging a buff at Rank 3.
Haiku.exe grants allies Regeneration at Rank 3.
Target Lock now causes your obsession to deal less damage to you (Rank 2) and if they survive, the damage buff persists without nerfing damage to other targets (Rank 3).
Safety Protocols now heals each turn at Rank 3 and has a reduced malfunction rate.
Hunter Killer has been redesigned and now writes enemies you encounter to memory. Gain a stacking crit and damage buff each time you encounter an enemy in memory.
R.A.M (Rank 3) grants debuff immunity while active.
Get Down now Blinds the enemy at Rank 3.
Adaptive Armor now allows Armor to block elemental damage at Rank 3.
Aegis Mode provides damage reduction to allies while it lasts.
Reason (Rank 2) has a chance to Confuse enemies.
Relentless (Rank 3) passively heals the Prototype each turn.
Termination (Rank 2) clears all debuffs from the Prototype.
Chaotic Shot (Rank 2) crits will Blind, Shock, or Corrupt the target and deal bonus damage if the target is already afflicted by all of these effects (Rank 3).
Assault base damage and number of attacks reduced.
Core Dump (Rank 2) will Blind, Shock or Corrupt foes and heals for each charge (Rank 3).
Mut.exe grants Haste (Rank 2) and heals (Rank 3) for each replaced malfunction.
Chaos Model (Rank 2) has a random chance to randomly clear a random debuff from you and deal increased damage when you shutdown (Rank 3).
H.A.M damage and attack count reduced. Still does a ridiculous amount of damage
New abilities and buffs for enemies.
Info Log improvements and lore info for factions.
Hotfixes! Woohoo!
More cool stuff!
Tipsy Tarantula v14 - Patch 03.06.2017 (06 March 2017)
Fixed older saves loading characters with current health over their maximum.
Fixed Ignite removing used shield charges over live ones at Rank 3.
Fixed Manifest Destiny not correctly building charges.
Fixed Stalk only applying one stack of damage when consuming Combo Points.
Fixed escort NPCs from using mob health values and exploding in combat. Max health values may display incorrectly until next patch.
Fixed save system failing to increment save number and overwriting a previous save.
Minor text fixes.
Post edited March 06, 2017 by Edward_Carnby

How appropriate. You fight like a cow.
Registered: Jul 2014
From Poland
Posted March 06, 2017
high rated
Turns out that MaGog was refreshed again after my last updates report (I assume that it was mrkgnao who refreshed her manually so she could display all the discounts from the Spring Sale).
New updates!
Games included in this batch:
· 8-bit Armies
· 8-bit Hordes
· 8-bit Invaders
· Curious Expedition, The
· Diluvion
· Night in the Woods
· Political Animals
· StarCrawlers [In Dev]
· Stories Untold
· Torment: Tides of Numenera - Immortal Edition [Premium]
[Part 1 of 2]
8-bit Armies has probably changed
* File removed: Patch 0.93.635494 [Windows]
* File added: Patch 0.93.636120 [Windows] --- File size: 7.0 MB --- Version: 10102 -> 10274
* File changed: DLC: Guardians Campaign: Windows installer, English --- File size *FROM* 8.0 MB *TO* 4.0 MB --- Version *FROM* 0.93.635494 *TO* 0.93.636120
* File changed: Windows installer, English (part 1 of 2) --- Size has not changed (1.0 MB) --- Version *FROM* 0.93.635494 *TO* 0.93.636120
* File changed: Windows installer, English (part 2 of 2) --- Size has not changed (1.4 GB) --- Version *FROM* 0.93.635494 *TO* 0.93.636120
8-bit Hordes has probably changed
* File removed: Patch 0.93.635494 [Windows]
* File added: Patch 0.93.636120 [Windows] --- File size: 7.0 MB --- Version: 10102 -> 10274
* File changed: Windows installer, English (part 1 of 2) --- Size has not changed (1.0 MB) --- Version *FROM* 0.93.635494 *TO* 0.93.636120
* File changed: Windows installer, English (part 2 of 2) --- File size *FROM* 1.3 GB *TO* 1.4 GB --- Version *FROM* 0.93.635494 *TO* 0.93.636120
(Same as for 8-bit Armies)
(Full changelog)
8-bit Invaders has probably changed
* File removed: Patch 0.93.635494 [Windows]
* File added: Patch 0.93.636120 [Windows] --- File size: 7.0 MB --- Version: 10104 -> 10274
* File changed: Windows installer, English (part 1 of 2) --- Size has not changed (1.0 MB) --- Version *FROM* 0.93.635494 *TO* 0.93.636120
* File changed: Windows installer, English (part 2 of 2) --- Size has not changed (1.4 GB) --- Version *FROM* 0.93.635494 *TO* 0.93.636120
(Same as for 8-bit Armies)
(Full changelog)
Curious Expedition, The has probably changed
* File changed: Linux installer, English --- File size *FROM* 155.0 MB *TO* 190.0 MB --- Version *FROM* 1.1.2 (gog-20) *TO* (gog-21)
Diluvion has probably changed
* File changed: DLC: Clarity's Call: Mac OS X installer, English --- Size has not changed (87.0 MB) --- Version *FROM* gog-9864 *TO* 1.17.1 (gog-10077)
* File changed: DLC: Fleet Edition Upgrade: Mac OS X installer, English --- File size *FROM* 1.5 GB *TO* 15.0 MB --- Version *FROM* gog-9864 *TO* 1.17.1 (gog-10077)
* File changed: DLC: Noble Folly: Mac OS X installer, English --- Size has not changed (97.0 MB) --- Version *FROM* gog-9864 *TO* 1.17.1 (gog-10077)
* File changed: DLC: Pre-Order Exclusive: Mac OS X installer, English --- File size *FROM* 122.0 MB *TO* 51.0 MB --- Version *FROM* gog-9864 *TO* 1.17.1 (gog-10077)
* File changed: DLC: Redeye's Revenge: Mac OS X installer, English --- Size has not changed (128.0 MB) --- Version *FROM* gog-9864 *TO* 1.17.1 (gog-10077)
* File changed: DLC: Spiny Death: Mac OS X installer, English --- Size has not changed (43.0 MB) --- Version *FROM* gog-9864 *TO* 1.17.1 (gog-10077)
* File changed: Mac OS X installer, English --- Size has not changed (2.3 GB) --- Version *FROM* 1.17 (gog-9864) *TO* 1.17.1 (gog-10077)
Night in the Woods has probably changed
>>> Supported OS changed *FROM* Windows (7, 8, 10) and Mac OS X (10.9.0 or newer) and Linux (Ubuntu 14.04, Ubuntu 16.04) *TO* Windows (XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10)
>>> System requirements for Windows changed *FROM* 7 or later, Processor: Intel i5, Memory: 4 GB RAM, Graphics: Intel HD 4000, Storage: 8 GB available space, Mouse & Keyboard *TO* 7 or later, Processor: Quad-core CPU, Memory: - 4GB RAM (32-bit systems must use virtual memory), Graphics: Intel HD 4000, Storage: 8 GB available space, Mouse & Keyboard
Political Animals has probably changed
* File changed: Mac OS X installer, English --- File size *FROM* 194.0 MB *TO* 198.0 MB --- Version *FROM* 0074 NS (gog-4) *TO* 0079 (gog-5)
* File changed: Windows installer, English --- File size *FROM* 132.0 MB *TO* 134.0 MB --- Version *FROM* 0075 NS (gog-6) *TO* 0079 (gog-7)
New updates!
Games included in this batch:
· 8-bit Armies
· 8-bit Hordes
· 8-bit Invaders
· Curious Expedition, The
· Diluvion
· Night in the Woods
· Political Animals
· StarCrawlers [In Dev]
· Stories Untold
· Torment: Tides of Numenera - Immortal Edition [Premium]
[Part 1 of 2]
8-bit Armies has probably changed
* File removed: Patch 0.93.635494 [Windows]
* File added: Patch 0.93.636120 [Windows] --- File size: 7.0 MB --- Version: 10102 -> 10274
* File changed: DLC: Guardians Campaign: Windows installer, English --- File size *FROM* 8.0 MB *TO* 4.0 MB --- Version *FROM* 0.93.635494 *TO* 0.93.636120
* File changed: Windows installer, English (part 1 of 2) --- Size has not changed (1.0 MB) --- Version *FROM* 0.93.635494 *TO* 0.93.636120
* File changed: Windows installer, English (part 2 of 2) --- Size has not changed (1.4 GB) --- Version *FROM* 0.93.635494 *TO* 0.93.636120
Patch 0.93.636120 (06 March 2017)
- Fixed issue preventing the Dragon from using its new anti-air attack at the intended max range.
- FIDO units should now behave correctly with Attack-Move commands.
- The resource fields have been adjusted on the Shipyards map. A new resource node has been added to each base start location in the back (within easy reach of the first refinery). Two resource nodes have been removed from the center area.
- On the River Town map, two resource points added per side; one in the farm area, and one near the ramp by the opposite raised area.
- Players will now cross-spawn in quickmatch games, which means that they will spawn in at the farthest points away from each other when starting the game.
- Ogre - Health / Shields reduced to 200/100 (was 300/100)
- Gorgon - Health / Shields increased to 230/170 (was 150/170), Build cost reduced to 360 (was 370)
- Tripod - Health increased to 280 (was 200), Build cost reduced to 230 (was 260)
(Full changelog) GAME UPDATES
- Fixed issue preventing the Dragon from using its new anti-air attack at the intended max range.
- FIDO units should now behave correctly with Attack-Move commands.
- The resource fields have been adjusted on the Shipyards map. A new resource node has been added to each base start location in the back (within easy reach of the first refinery). Two resource nodes have been removed from the center area.
- On the River Town map, two resource points added per side; one in the farm area, and one near the ramp by the opposite raised area.
- Players will now cross-spawn in quickmatch games, which means that they will spawn in at the farthest points away from each other when starting the game.
- Ogre - Health / Shields reduced to 200/100 (was 300/100)
- Gorgon - Health / Shields increased to 230/170 (was 150/170), Build cost reduced to 360 (was 370)
- Tripod - Health increased to 280 (was 200), Build cost reduced to 230 (was 260)
8-bit Hordes has probably changed
* File removed: Patch 0.93.635494 [Windows]
* File added: Patch 0.93.636120 [Windows] --- File size: 7.0 MB --- Version: 10102 -> 10274
* File changed: Windows installer, English (part 1 of 2) --- Size has not changed (1.0 MB) --- Version *FROM* 0.93.635494 *TO* 0.93.636120
* File changed: Windows installer, English (part 2 of 2) --- File size *FROM* 1.3 GB *TO* 1.4 GB --- Version *FROM* 0.93.635494 *TO* 0.93.636120
(Same as for 8-bit Armies)
(Full changelog)
8-bit Invaders has probably changed
* File removed: Patch 0.93.635494 [Windows]
* File added: Patch 0.93.636120 [Windows] --- File size: 7.0 MB --- Version: 10104 -> 10274
* File changed: Windows installer, English (part 1 of 2) --- Size has not changed (1.0 MB) --- Version *FROM* 0.93.635494 *TO* 0.93.636120
* File changed: Windows installer, English (part 2 of 2) --- Size has not changed (1.4 GB) --- Version *FROM* 0.93.635494 *TO* 0.93.636120
(Same as for 8-bit Armies)
(Full changelog)
Curious Expedition, The has probably changed
* File changed: Linux installer, English --- File size *FROM* 155.0 MB *TO* 190.0 MB --- Version *FROM* 1.1.2 (gog-20) *TO* (gog-21)
Diluvion has probably changed
* File changed: DLC: Clarity's Call: Mac OS X installer, English --- Size has not changed (87.0 MB) --- Version *FROM* gog-9864 *TO* 1.17.1 (gog-10077)
* File changed: DLC: Fleet Edition Upgrade: Mac OS X installer, English --- File size *FROM* 1.5 GB *TO* 15.0 MB --- Version *FROM* gog-9864 *TO* 1.17.1 (gog-10077)
* File changed: DLC: Noble Folly: Mac OS X installer, English --- Size has not changed (97.0 MB) --- Version *FROM* gog-9864 *TO* 1.17.1 (gog-10077)
* File changed: DLC: Pre-Order Exclusive: Mac OS X installer, English --- File size *FROM* 122.0 MB *TO* 51.0 MB --- Version *FROM* gog-9864 *TO* 1.17.1 (gog-10077)
* File changed: DLC: Redeye's Revenge: Mac OS X installer, English --- Size has not changed (128.0 MB) --- Version *FROM* gog-9864 *TO* 1.17.1 (gog-10077)
* File changed: DLC: Spiny Death: Mac OS X installer, English --- Size has not changed (43.0 MB) --- Version *FROM* gog-9864 *TO* 1.17.1 (gog-10077)
* File changed: Mac OS X installer, English --- Size has not changed (2.3 GB) --- Version *FROM* 1.17 (gog-9864) *TO* 1.17.1 (gog-10077)
Patch 1.17.1 (06 March 2017)
- Removed the bonus content (not in-game content) from the installers
- No actual in-game changes have been made, this is an installation clean up.
(Full changelog) - Removed the bonus content (not in-game content) from the installers
- No actual in-game changes have been made, this is an installation clean up.
Night in the Woods has probably changed
>>> Supported OS changed *FROM* Windows (7, 8, 10) and Mac OS X (10.9.0 or newer) and Linux (Ubuntu 14.04, Ubuntu 16.04) *TO* Windows (XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10)
>>> System requirements for Windows changed *FROM* 7 or later, Processor: Intel i5, Memory: 4 GB RAM, Graphics: Intel HD 4000, Storage: 8 GB available space, Mouse & Keyboard *TO* 7 or later, Processor: Quad-core CPU, Memory: - 4GB RAM (32-bit systems must use virtual memory), Graphics: Intel HD 4000, Storage: 8 GB available space, Mouse & Keyboard
Political Animals has probably changed
* File changed: Mac OS X installer, English --- File size *FROM* 194.0 MB *TO* 198.0 MB --- Version *FROM* 0074 NS (gog-4) *TO* 0079 (gog-5)
* File changed: Windows installer, English --- File size *FROM* 132.0 MB *TO* 134.0 MB --- Version *FROM* 0075 NS (gog-6) *TO* 0079 (gog-7)
Patch 0079 (06 march 2017)
- Hello citizens!
- We’ve listened to your demands and we finally made it happen! Political Animals now has local multiplayer and more! Thank you to everyone who gave their feedback and suggestions, we couldn’t have done this without you.
Local Multiplayer
- Why argue over your political differences if you can fight it out in a no-holds barred political campaign? Two player mode is where your true political colors come out, with you and a friend trash-talking each other all the way to the polling stations. Do you think you can make it through the election campaign with your morals intact? There’s only one way to find out!
New Map: Pink Island
- The French presidential elections are coming soon, and what better way to celebrate than to add a new map for our players in France! This land of love is no stranger to salacious scandals, so let the citizens eat cake while you lead your opponent to the political guillotine.
Interesting New Traits!
- Do you fancy running as a Donkey Demagogue or a Lazy Lion? We’ve added some new traits so you can make even more unique and customized candidates! The traits include : Inquisitive, Community Leader, Demagogue, Lazy, Salesman, and Irresponsible!
- Once again, thanks for playing everyone! Stay tuned for more and always feel free to reach out to us for anything you want to know or share.
(Full changelog)- Hello citizens!
- We’ve listened to your demands and we finally made it happen! Political Animals now has local multiplayer and more! Thank you to everyone who gave their feedback and suggestions, we couldn’t have done this without you.
Local Multiplayer
- Why argue over your political differences if you can fight it out in a no-holds barred political campaign? Two player mode is where your true political colors come out, with you and a friend trash-talking each other all the way to the polling stations. Do you think you can make it through the election campaign with your morals intact? There’s only one way to find out!
New Map: Pink Island
- The French presidential elections are coming soon, and what better way to celebrate than to add a new map for our players in France! This land of love is no stranger to salacious scandals, so let the citizens eat cake while you lead your opponent to the political guillotine.
Interesting New Traits!
- Do you fancy running as a Donkey Demagogue or a Lazy Lion? We’ve added some new traits so you can make even more unique and customized candidates! The traits include : Inquisitive, Community Leader, Demagogue, Lazy, Salesman, and Irresponsible!
- Once again, thanks for playing everyone! Stay tuned for more and always feel free to reach out to us for anything you want to know or share.

How appropriate. You fight like a cow.
Registered: Jul 2014
From Poland
Posted March 06, 2017
high rated
[Part 2 of 2]
StarCrawlers [In Dev] has probably changed
* File removed: Patch Ravenous Reindeer v12 - 12.24.2016 [Linux]
* File added: Tipsy Tarantula v14 - Patch 03.04.2017 [Linux] --- File size: 466.0 MB --- Version: [empty]
* File changed: Linux installer, English --- File size *FROM* 837.0 MB *TO* 849.0 MB --- Version *FROM* Sizzling Salamander v13 - hotfix (gog-32) *TO* Tipsy Tarantula v14 - Patch 03.04.2017 (gog-33)
· Part 1
· Part 2
(Thanks Edward_Carnby!)
(Full changelog)
Stories Untold has probably changed
* File removed: Patch 32-bit version [Windows]
* File removed: Windows installer, English
* File added: Nameless Patch gog-2 [Windows] --- File size: 5.0 MB --- Version: 10163 -> 10331
* File added: Windows installer, English (part 1 of 2) --- File size: 613.0 MB --- Version: gog-2
* File added: Windows installer, English (part 2 of 2) --- File size: 611.0 MB --- Version: gog-2
Torment: Tides of Numenera - Immortal Edition [Premium] has probably changed
>>> Compatibility changed *FROM* Immortal Edition content will become available for download upon release. *TO* [empty]
StarCrawlers [In Dev] has probably changed
* File removed: Patch Ravenous Reindeer v12 - 12.24.2016 [Linux]
* File added: Tipsy Tarantula v14 - Patch 03.04.2017 [Linux] --- File size: 466.0 MB --- Version: [empty]
* File changed: Linux installer, English --- File size *FROM* 837.0 MB *TO* 849.0 MB --- Version *FROM* Sizzling Salamander v13 - hotfix (gog-32) *TO* Tipsy Tarantula v14 - Patch 03.04.2017 (gog-33)
· Part 1
· Part 2
(Thanks Edward_Carnby!)
(Full changelog)
Stories Untold has probably changed
* File removed: Patch 32-bit version [Windows]
* File removed: Windows installer, English
* File added: Nameless Patch gog-2 [Windows] --- File size: 5.0 MB --- Version: 10163 -> 10331
* File added: Windows installer, English (part 1 of 2) --- File size: 613.0 MB --- Version: gog-2
* File added: Windows installer, English (part 2 of 2) --- File size: 611.0 MB --- Version: gog-2
Torment: Tides of Numenera - Immortal Edition [Premium] has probably changed
>>> Compatibility changed *FROM* Immortal Edition content will become available for download upon release. *TO* [empty]

How appropriate. You fight like a cow.
Registered: Jul 2014
From Poland
Posted March 06, 2017
high rated
I should've waited a little for the regular 8PM UTC MaGog refresh... :P
Games included in this batch:
· Ground Control Anthology
· StarCrawlers [In Dev]
· X3: Terran War Pack
Ground Control Anthology has probably changed
>>> System requirements for Windows changed *FROM* Windows XP or Windows Vista, 1.8 GHz Processor, 512MB RAM (1 GB recommended), 3D graphics card compatible with DirectX 7 (compatible with DirectX 9 recommended), 4GB HDD, Mouse, Keyboard *TO* Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8, Processor: 1.8 GHz, Memory: 512MB RAM (1 GB recommended), Graphics: 3D graphics card compatible with DirectX 9.0c, Hard drive space: 4GB, Mouse, Keyboard
>>> Supported languages changed *FROM* Audio and text: English *TO* Audio and text: English, French
>>> Bonuses changed *FROM* 2 manuals (107 pages), 3 avatars *TO* 2 manuals (107 pages), 2 manuals (French), 3 avatars
* File added: Windows installer, French --- File name: setup_ground_control_and_expansion_french_2.1.0.10.exe --- File size: 875.6 MB --- Date: Mon 06 Mar 2017 16:58:01 GMT --- Version: (gog-10)
* File added: manuals (French) --- File name: --- File size: 3.2 MB --- Date: Mon 06 Mar 2017 16:57:13 GMT --- Version: [empty]
* File changed: Windows installer, English --- File name has not changed (setup_ground_control_and_expansion_2.0.0.6.exe) --- Size has not changed (834.7 MB) --- Date has not changed (Thu 07 Nov 2013 17:44:00 GMT) --- Version *FROM* [empty] *TO* (gog-6)
StarCrawlers [In Dev] has probably changed
* File changed: Mac OS X installer, English --- File size *FROM* 849.0 MB *TO* 850.0 MB --- Version *FROM* Tipsy Tarantula v14 - Patch 03.04.2017 *TO* Tipsy Tarantula v14 - Patch 03.06.2017 (gog-10336)
* File changed: Windows installer, English --- Size has not changed (1.4 GB) --- Version *FROM* Sizzling Salamander v13 - hotfix (gog-35) *TO* Tipsy Tarantula v14 - Patch 03.06.2017 (gog-36)
X3: Terran War Pack has probably changed
* File changed: Mac OS X installer, Chinese+Czech+French+German+Italian+Japanese+Polish+Russian+Spanish --- File size *FROM* 8.8 GB *TO* 11.8 GB --- Version *FROM* 3.1 (gog-6) *TO* 3.1 (gog-13)
* File changed: Mac OS X installer, English --- File size *FROM* 8.8 GB *TO* 11.8 GB --- Version *FROM* 3.1 (gog-7) *TO* 3.1 (gog-13)
Games included in this batch:
· Ground Control Anthology
· StarCrawlers [In Dev]
· X3: Terran War Pack
Ground Control Anthology has probably changed
>>> System requirements for Windows changed *FROM* Windows XP or Windows Vista, 1.8 GHz Processor, 512MB RAM (1 GB recommended), 3D graphics card compatible with DirectX 7 (compatible with DirectX 9 recommended), 4GB HDD, Mouse, Keyboard *TO* Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8, Processor: 1.8 GHz, Memory: 512MB RAM (1 GB recommended), Graphics: 3D graphics card compatible with DirectX 9.0c, Hard drive space: 4GB, Mouse, Keyboard
>>> Supported languages changed *FROM* Audio and text: English *TO* Audio and text: English, French
>>> Bonuses changed *FROM* 2 manuals (107 pages), 3 avatars *TO* 2 manuals (107 pages), 2 manuals (French), 3 avatars
* File added: Windows installer, French --- File name: setup_ground_control_and_expansion_french_2.1.0.10.exe --- File size: 875.6 MB --- Date: Mon 06 Mar 2017 16:58:01 GMT --- Version: (gog-10)
* File added: manuals (French) --- File name: --- File size: 3.2 MB --- Date: Mon 06 Mar 2017 16:57:13 GMT --- Version: [empty]
* File changed: Windows installer, English --- File name has not changed (setup_ground_control_and_expansion_2.0.0.6.exe) --- Size has not changed (834.7 MB) --- Date has not changed (Thu 07 Nov 2013 17:44:00 GMT) --- Version *FROM* [empty] *TO* (gog-6)
Update (06 March 2017)
- We have added the French version of Ground Control and its expansion Dark Conspiracy as well as the French manuals.
- We'd like to send out a "un grand merci!" to Lukin86 for his donation of the French version of the game.
(Full changelog) - We have added the French version of Ground Control and its expansion Dark Conspiracy as well as the French manuals.
- We'd like to send out a "un grand merci!" to Lukin86 for his donation of the French version of the game.
StarCrawlers [In Dev] has probably changed
* File changed: Mac OS X installer, English --- File size *FROM* 849.0 MB *TO* 850.0 MB --- Version *FROM* Tipsy Tarantula v14 - Patch 03.04.2017 *TO* Tipsy Tarantula v14 - Patch 03.06.2017 (gog-10336)
* File changed: Windows installer, English --- Size has not changed (1.4 GB) --- Version *FROM* Sizzling Salamander v13 - hotfix (gog-35) *TO* Tipsy Tarantula v14 - Patch 03.06.2017 (gog-36)
X3: Terran War Pack has probably changed
* File changed: Mac OS X installer, Chinese+Czech+French+German+Italian+Japanese+Polish+Russian+Spanish --- File size *FROM* 8.8 GB *TO* 11.8 GB --- Version *FROM* 3.1 (gog-6) *TO* 3.1 (gog-13)
* File changed: Mac OS X installer, English --- File size *FROM* 8.8 GB *TO* 11.8 GB --- Version *FROM* 3.1 (gog-7) *TO* 3.1 (gog-13)
Update (06 March 2017)
- Fixed another issue that prevented the English voices from working correctly on Macs.
(Full changelog)- Fixed another issue that prevented the English voices from working correctly on Macs.

The Reluctant Voter
Registered: Sep 2011
From Vatican City
Posted March 07, 2017
high rated
Added the Curious Expedition, The, Ground Control Anthology and X3: Terran War Pack changelogs to the respective game fora.
DeMignon added the 8-bit Armies, 8-bit Hordes, 8-bit Invaders, </span></i>, and <i><span class="bold">[url=]Political Animals ones.
PaterAlf added the Spellforce 2: Dragon Storm changelog.
DeMignon added the 8-bit Armies, 8-bit Hordes, 8-bit Invaders, </span></i>, and <i><span class="bold">[url=]Political Animals ones.
PaterAlf added the Spellforce 2: Dragon Storm changelog.

🐺 Gwynnbleid 🐺
Registered: Apr 2009
From Austria
Posted March 07, 2017
high rated
Magicmaker just got an update. Changelog
Patch 1.0.14 (07 March 2017)
Increased drop rate of alchemy components (essences and stones)
Stones and essences now drop at an even ratio, instead of all alchemy drops having an equal drop rate (causing stones to appear less often)
Training dummies now display your damage per second (DPS) after receiving damage
Added a stone dummy to the training area. It is knockback immune.
Siren's Seafoam projectiles now begin oscillating upwards regardless of the direction they are fired (left vs right)
Siren's Seafoam lasers now undulate in a wave pattern instead of being a static shape
Adjusted tooltips to clarify their effects on spellpower.
Adjusted particle effects on the Pranksgiving Cornucopia artifact
Added some more loading screen tips
Allowed the player to modify their spells if they die to the final boss
Adjusted tutorial text to better explain spellpower and clarify controls
Fixed an issue that caused keys to vanish
Significantly improved the performance of wind gusts in the Forest Zone
Fixed a bug where Crystal Ball-Diamond-Laser spells would only hit once
Fixed a bug that caused Trick Bullet-Turret spells to deal less damage than intended
Fixed an interaction with Trick Bullet and Diamond that would cause projectiles to double hit an enemy
Fixed a bug where very large Diamond Lasers would hit more times than intended on targets very close together
Fixed a bug where Crystal Ball-Diamond-Laser spells would repeatedly hit the same target
Fixed a bug where the turret robe would occasionally not appear or attack
Arrow drops from Quiver spells no longer prevent treasure room portals from opening
Fixed several instances of incompletable levels, especially in the forest
Fixed a rare bug that would cause floating standing stones in the forest
Fixed an issue where fire wisps and salamanders would get stuck in a corner of the desert sandpit trap room
Significantly reduced instances of giant snowball enemies vibrating violently in tiny corridors
Removed a phantom hitbox on the Desert Boss
Fixed several typos.
Increased drop rate of alchemy components (essences and stones)
Stones and essences now drop at an even ratio, instead of all alchemy drops having an equal drop rate (causing stones to appear less often)
Training dummies now display your damage per second (DPS) after receiving damage
Added a stone dummy to the training area. It is knockback immune.
Siren's Seafoam projectiles now begin oscillating upwards regardless of the direction they are fired (left vs right)
Siren's Seafoam lasers now undulate in a wave pattern instead of being a static shape
Adjusted tooltips to clarify their effects on spellpower.
Adjusted particle effects on the Pranksgiving Cornucopia artifact
Added some more loading screen tips
Allowed the player to modify their spells if they die to the final boss
Adjusted tutorial text to better explain spellpower and clarify controls
Fixed an issue that caused keys to vanish
Significantly improved the performance of wind gusts in the Forest Zone
Fixed a bug where Crystal Ball-Diamond-Laser spells would only hit once
Fixed a bug that caused Trick Bullet-Turret spells to deal less damage than intended
Fixed an interaction with Trick Bullet and Diamond that would cause projectiles to double hit an enemy
Fixed a bug where very large Diamond Lasers would hit more times than intended on targets very close together
Fixed a bug where Crystal Ball-Diamond-Laser spells would repeatedly hit the same target
Fixed a bug where the turret robe would occasionally not appear or attack
Arrow drops from Quiver spells no longer prevent treasure room portals from opening
Fixed several instances of incompletable levels, especially in the forest
Fixed a rare bug that would cause floating standing stones in the forest
Fixed an issue where fire wisps and salamanders would get stuck in a corner of the desert sandpit trap room
Significantly reduced instances of giant snowball enemies vibrating violently in tiny corridors
Removed a phantom hitbox on the Desert Boss
Fixed several typos.

Insert cat to continue
Registered: Aug 2012
From Greece
Posted March 07, 2017
high rated
Crimsonland has been updated.
Patch 1.2.3 (07 March 2017)
Making Perks Great Again:
Perk experience level requirements for level 7 and up have been lowered significantly. This simply means you will get more perks. In practice, if you score 500k, you will now get 3 perks more. This should make some of the multipickable perks an option as well.
Anxious Loader perk is now replaced with new perk Slow Time, High Damage. It doubles the reflex powerup duration and you'll do 10x damage during the slowdown. You will also do 50% more damage all around if you've also got Reflex Boosted perk.
New perk Bad Blood which slows down enemies and makes them weaker (less HP).
Removed Veins of Poison perk.
Ammo Within now shoot FIREBULLETS while you're reloading.
Ninja now has 50% chance of dodging an attack instead of 33%.
Man Bomb now makes you explode each time you collect a powerup instead of just standing still for a few seconds.
Hot Tempered now erupts every 2 to 5 seconds instead of 2 to 10 seconds and shoots firebullets and plasma now.
Highlander doesn't take damage from Ammo Within.
Sharpshooter also doesn't slow down reload but you get one extra bullet to your clip instead.
Instant Winner gives you 5k points or 10% of your total points which ever is the highest.
Grim Deal now gives you 66% more experience instead of 6%+6%+6%=18%.
Fatal Lottery now gives you 66k experience points.
Mr. Melee now does a lot more damage and works even when you have shield enabled. It also makes monsters bleed after being hit.
Tough Reloader now makes you invulnerable while reloading.
Breathing Room kills all creatures on screen but takes 99% of your health now. You will also get the experience.
Lifeline now gives you experience points for the removed creatures.
Bandage now restores full health.
Stationary Reloader now boosts reloading speed by 50% and has a chance to freeze the monsters around when you start reloading.
Fire Cough now activates every 1- 3 seconds instead of 2- 5 seconds.
Living Fortress now also reduces the damage you take if you stand still.
Final Revenge radius is increased 20% and you get all score 2x.
Fast Shot now shoots bullets even faster.
More bosses are spawned for VERY long games in survival. Also more bosses were added.
Lean Mean Exp Machine now gives you more xp based on the time you've played. The perk is also multipickable.
Pyromaniac now increases flame weapon range A LOT. Also the damage is increased slightly (1.5x - > 1.6x).
Pyromaniac perk also affects plasma weapons.
Ion Gun Master damage and radius increased. Damage from 1.3x to 1.5x and radius from 1.3x to 1.4x.
Jinxed doesn't damage the player anymore. You may see blood stains appearing around the player but no damage is dealt. Instead every 1- 2 second a monster dies automatically as long as there are more than 10 monsters alive.
New perk Cold- blooded added. Each time you take melee damage, everyone around you are frozen. Requires Highland perk.
Toxic Avenger won the Worst Perk Ever award and is removed completely.
Plaguebearer boosted: monsters lose resistance to the plague it every 20 seconds.
Sharpshooter perk now enables you to move camera a bit to the direction you're aiming at.
Perk Expert now lowers level xp limit by 10% and Perk Master 30% in addition to their other effects.
Random weapon now lets you pick the random weapon.
Man Bomb boosts Angry Reloader.
Pyromaniac boosts Fire Caugh.
Sharpshooter and Doctor combo gives you 20% extra damage.
Jinxed has new undisclosed effects on other perks.
Typo'o'shooter Tweaks:
The camera now zooms out so you can see even more view than with Eagle Eyes perk.
Semibosses! Bigger monsters that have 10x more HP. (Can still be one- shotted with point blank shotgun shot.)
Regular monsters don't one- shot you. (They deal 40 damage per hit and you have 100 at start).
Your shotgun shoots more projectiles per shot - - making it more likely you hit something at a distance.
Words don't get so complex so quickly. Three part words are very very rare.
And misc tweaks and bug fixes:
Added Gameplay options for running the game at 1.5x speed. You can blitzify all game modes now.
Blade Gun damage increased 50%.
Pulse Gun now pushes multiple creatures backwards. Also it instantly gibs creatures with less than 50 points of health or less than 15% of maximum health.
Plasma Overload powerup now does a lot more damage.
Gauss Minigun clip size is TRIPLED from 8 to 24, fire rate is increased ~15%, and the accuracy slightly decreased.
Perks shown in highscores now scroll to show all max 16 of them instead of capping at 11.
Splitter Gun is now more powerful and also makes your firebullets split.
Regression bullets no longer affect the difficulty: the game will get more difficult even if you shoot your score to zero.
Frozen monsters take slightly more damage when shot.
Fixed a few misc bugs.
Patch 1.2.3 (07 March 2017)
Making Perks Great Again:
Perk experience level requirements for level 7 and up have been lowered significantly. This simply means you will get more perks. In practice, if you score 500k, you will now get 3 perks more. This should make some of the multipickable perks an option as well.
Anxious Loader perk is now replaced with new perk Slow Time, High Damage. It doubles the reflex powerup duration and you'll do 10x damage during the slowdown. You will also do 50% more damage all around if you've also got Reflex Boosted perk.
New perk Bad Blood which slows down enemies and makes them weaker (less HP).
Removed Veins of Poison perk.
Ammo Within now shoot FIREBULLETS while you're reloading.
Ninja now has 50% chance of dodging an attack instead of 33%.
Man Bomb now makes you explode each time you collect a powerup instead of just standing still for a few seconds.
Hot Tempered now erupts every 2 to 5 seconds instead of 2 to 10 seconds and shoots firebullets and plasma now.
Highlander doesn't take damage from Ammo Within.
Sharpshooter also doesn't slow down reload but you get one extra bullet to your clip instead.
Instant Winner gives you 5k points or 10% of your total points which ever is the highest.
Grim Deal now gives you 66% more experience instead of 6%+6%+6%=18%.
Fatal Lottery now gives you 66k experience points.
Mr. Melee now does a lot more damage and works even when you have shield enabled. It also makes monsters bleed after being hit.
Tough Reloader now makes you invulnerable while reloading.
Breathing Room kills all creatures on screen but takes 99% of your health now. You will also get the experience.
Lifeline now gives you experience points for the removed creatures.
Bandage now restores full health.
Stationary Reloader now boosts reloading speed by 50% and has a chance to freeze the monsters around when you start reloading.
Fire Cough now activates every 1- 3 seconds instead of 2- 5 seconds.
Living Fortress now also reduces the damage you take if you stand still.
Final Revenge radius is increased 20% and you get all score 2x.
Fast Shot now shoots bullets even faster.
More bosses are spawned for VERY long games in survival. Also more bosses were added.
Lean Mean Exp Machine now gives you more xp based on the time you've played. The perk is also multipickable.
Pyromaniac now increases flame weapon range A LOT. Also the damage is increased slightly (1.5x - > 1.6x).
Pyromaniac perk also affects plasma weapons.
Ion Gun Master damage and radius increased. Damage from 1.3x to 1.5x and radius from 1.3x to 1.4x.
Jinxed doesn't damage the player anymore. You may see blood stains appearing around the player but no damage is dealt. Instead every 1- 2 second a monster dies automatically as long as there are more than 10 monsters alive.
New perk Cold- blooded added. Each time you take melee damage, everyone around you are frozen. Requires Highland perk.
Toxic Avenger won the Worst Perk Ever award and is removed completely.
Plaguebearer boosted: monsters lose resistance to the plague it every 20 seconds.
Sharpshooter perk now enables you to move camera a bit to the direction you're aiming at.
Perk Expert now lowers level xp limit by 10% and Perk Master 30% in addition to their other effects.
Random weapon now lets you pick the random weapon.
Man Bomb boosts Angry Reloader.
Pyromaniac boosts Fire Caugh.
Sharpshooter and Doctor combo gives you 20% extra damage.
Jinxed has new undisclosed effects on other perks.
Typo'o'shooter Tweaks:
The camera now zooms out so you can see even more view than with Eagle Eyes perk.
Semibosses! Bigger monsters that have 10x more HP. (Can still be one- shotted with point blank shotgun shot.)
Regular monsters don't one- shot you. (They deal 40 damage per hit and you have 100 at start).
Your shotgun shoots more projectiles per shot - - making it more likely you hit something at a distance.
Words don't get so complex so quickly. Three part words are very very rare.
And misc tweaks and bug fixes:
Added Gameplay options for running the game at 1.5x speed. You can blitzify all game modes now.
Blade Gun damage increased 50%.
Pulse Gun now pushes multiple creatures backwards. Also it instantly gibs creatures with less than 50 points of health or less than 15% of maximum health.
Plasma Overload powerup now does a lot more damage.
Gauss Minigun clip size is TRIPLED from 8 to 24, fire rate is increased ~15%, and the accuracy slightly decreased.
Perks shown in highscores now scroll to show all max 16 of them instead of capping at 11.
Splitter Gun is now more powerful and also makes your firebullets split.
Regression bullets no longer affect the difficulty: the game will get more difficult even if you shoot your score to zero.
Frozen monsters take slightly more damage when shot.
Fixed a few misc bugs.
Post edited March 07, 2017 by Grargar