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STAR RULER 2 has been updated:

Patch 2.0.0 (28 April 2016)
Added a number of new post processing graphics options, including Bloom, Godrays and Chromatic Aberration.
Many many more improvements to shaders and and lighting to improve graphics quality
The visual surface of planets is now actually rendered to match the biome tile grid from the planet overlay. City lights will automatically appear where buildings are!
The AI has received numerous improvements to how it plays the game. Please report any bugs you find in its new behavior!
You can now determine whether an AI is aggressive, passive and biased against humans separately from difficulty.
You can now set the particular ways an AI cheats and how much it cheats at them
The open tabs, quickbars, and camera location are now saved and restored when you load a game.
Improved the planet requirement UI on the bottom left of the planet overlay.
Added a Replace tool to the ship designer that replaces the subsystem you click on the design with the type of subsystem you have selected while keeping the same size.
Races & FTLs
Mechanoid population above 1 now provides 2 labor, but population above the maximum no longer provides any.
Tweaked the income values of mechanoid planets over population so they don't jump up and down as much.
Fling Beacons now cost FTL energy to construct and have a small FTL upkeep.
Tweaked the cost and duration of opening slipstreams based on the size of the generator.
Notable Fixes
Fixed exploit for exporting labor more than once.
Fixed exploit with Frugal trait where planets could be Level 2 without any tier 1 resources.
vanchann: STAR RULER 2 has been updated:
I guess that the DLC will show up today.
vanchann: STAR RULER 2 has been updated:
Grargar: I guess that the DLC will show up today.
And you have guessed wrong, gato :P
Grargar: I guess that the DLC will show up today.
JudasIscariot: And you have guessed wrong, gato :P
indeed, because oblivion, yes? YES?! o_0 *crazy eyes*
Post edited April 28, 2016 by fortune_p_dawg
JudasIscariot: And you have guessed wrong, gato :P
L̶e̶t̶ ̶m̶e̶ ̶g̶u̶e̶s̶s̶ You stole it, right? :P
B0SC0: Dev caught a minor issue with the build just after it went live on our end, and requested it be pulled :). We've no reason to suspect saves are affected as the issue concerned modding tools, and we'll have a new Mach II out ASAP ;)
Marioface5: Alright, thanks for the information!
NP - New patch has just went live.
From MaGog's logs for 28 April (part 1 of 2):

NOTE! Probably CHANGED FILE Enter the Gungeon, all_files, Windows installer, English, dl_ver: 1.0.6 (gog-8) ***TO*** 1.0.7 (gog-9)

NOTE! Probably CHANGED FILE Enter the Gungeon, all_files, Mac OS X installer, English, dl_ver: 1.0.6 (gog-23) ***TO*** 1.0.7 (gog-27)

NOTE! Probably CHANGED FILE Enter the Gungeon, all_files, Linux installer, English, dl_ver: 1.0.6 (gog-6) ***TO*** 1.0.7 (gog-7)

NOTE! Probably CHANGED FILE Enter the Gungeon, all_files, DLC: Collector's Edition Upgrade: Mac OS X installer, English, dl_ver: 1.0.0 (gog-23) ***TO*** 1.0.0 (gog-27)

NOTE! CHANGED Enter the Gungeon, changelog (
NOTE! ADD +++ Patch 1.0.7 (28 April 2016)
NOTE! ADD +++ Added a new gun inspired by our trip to PAX East, the Poxcannon
NOTE! ADD +++ Collecting Master Rounds with the (secret character) now
NOTE! ADD +++ gives 1 armor instead of nothing
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed an issue which could cause hangs during dungeon generation
NOTE! ADD +++ The High Priest's wall bullets will no longer spawn on top of players
NOTE! ADD +++ Companions will no longer shoot (secret character unlock)
NOTE! ADD +++ Players can no longer take contact damage while using the Ring of Ethereal Form and Potion of Lead Skin
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed an issue which could prevent the Gun Soul from dropping
NOTE! ADD +++ Transmogrified enemies will now correctly drop currency
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed an issue where some summoned enemies were dropping currency
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed an issue where players could get stuck in the door when skipping the Door Lord intro
NOTE! ADD +++ Dying in the Pilot's past now properly unlocks the Time Paradox achievement
NOTE! ADD +++ Keyboard bindings are now used for Player 2 as well
NOTE! ADD +++ Mimics can no longer be transmogrified
NOTE! ADD +++ Added a fourth save slot (Slot D)
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed an issue where the Super Hot Watch and the Bloody Scarf interacted to pause the game for long periods of time
NOTE! ADD +++ The Clone item will now work properly in Boss Rush mode
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed an issue involving turrets and the Rolling Eye
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed a rare issue where angering the shopkeeper in coop could result in both players being locked out of an active room

NOTE! Probably CHANGED FILE Grim Dawn, all_files, Windows installer, English (part 1/2 of 2), dl_ver: (gog-6) ***TO*** (gog-8)

NOTE! Probably ADDED FILE Grim Dawn, all_files, Patch [Windows], dl_ver: ***TO*** (gog-6) -> (gog-8)

NOTE! CHANGED Grim Dawn, changelog (
NOTE! ADD +++ Patch (28th April 2016)
NOTE! ADD +++ Major New Features
NOTE! ADD +++ Modding Tools are now available. You can find them in your Grim Dawn installation folder. These are the same tools that were used by the dev team in the creation of Grim Dawn. You can use them to create new items, new masteries and even entire new worlds. Their vast potential is now in your hands!
NOTE! ADD +++ Celestial Powers now have their chance to activate scale based on the assigned skill, with longer cooldown abilities having up to a 100% chance to trigger.
NOTE! ADD +++ Tech
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed WeaponPool attacks not working with Chance on Enemy Death autocasts.
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed lag hovering over certain weapons.
NOTE! ADD +++ Added cooldown reduction to displayed cooldown values on skills.
NOTE! ADD +++ Basic weapon attacks are no longer added in between casts for zero cooldown skills after a disruption attack.
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed Detail Map centering bugs.
NOTE! ADD +++ Added error messages to the Riftgate map.
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed being able to sell stacks while not at a merchant.
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed transfer stash tabs being unlocked for hardcore characters when buying them on normal characters.
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed certain debuff type skills on items not working with Celestial powers.
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed certain skills being able to trigger multiple Celestial autocasts in multiplayer.
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed inconsistent achievement synchronization for GOG players not using Galaxy.
NOTE! ADD +++ Game
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed an issue with the Servant of Empyrion and Follower of Uroboruuk Achievements not unlocking. This fix is retroactive for characters that meet the requirements.
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed an issue with the Nemesis Monster Infrequent Shoulders only dropping as one of the two possible versions, at level 80+.
NOTE! ADD +++ The Ocean of Blood achievement now requires 500000 monster kills
NOTE! ADD +++ Itemization
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed an issue with several mid-level Shoulder items that had unusually low, or unusually high, Physique Requirements
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed an issue with some of the Nemesis boss Monster Infrequents having inappropriate Physique Requirements
NOTE! ADD +++ Class & Skills
NOTE! ADD +++ Devotion
NOTE! ADD +++ Celestial Power chance to activate now scales with the assigned skill's cooldown and duration (skills with longer cooldowns have a higher activation rate)
NOTE! ADD +++ Mark of the Wendigo: reverted proc rate back to 15%, this was missed when the cooldown was reverted.

NOTE! CHANGED FILE Star Ruler 2, downloadables, Windows installer, English (setup_star_ruler2_2.1.0.2.exe ***TO*** setup_star_ruler2_2.2.0.3.exe; ***TO*** 2.0.0 (gog-3); Tue, 14 Apr 2015 10:33:35 GMT ***TO*** Thu, 28 Apr 2016 10:28:18 GMT; 447,415,584 ***TO*** 546,067,424)

NOTE! CHANGED FILE Star Ruler 2, downloadables, Linux installer, English ( ***TO***; ***TO*** 2.0.0 (gog-4); Tue, 04 Aug 2015 14:28:45 GMT ***TO*** Thu, 28 Apr 2016 10:28:38 GMT; 433,486,362 ***TO*** 564,432,999)

NOTE! CHANGED Star Ruler 2, changelog (
NOTE! ADD +++ Patch 2.0.0 (28 April 2016)
NOTE! ADD +++ Graphics
NOTE! ADD +++ Added a number of new post processing graphics options, including Bloom, Godrays and Chromatic Aberration.
NOTE! ADD +++ Many many more improvements to shaders and and lighting to improve graphics quality
NOTE! ADD +++ The visual surface of planets is now actually rendered to match the biome tile grid from the planet overlay. City lights will automatically appear where buildings are!
NOTE! ADD +++ The AI has received numerous improvements to how it plays the game. Please report any bugs you find in its new behavior!
NOTE! ADD +++ You can now determine whether an AI is aggressive, passive and biased against humans separately from difficulty.
NOTE! ADD +++ You can now set the particular ways an AI cheats and how much it cheats at them
NOTE! ADD +++ The open tabs, quickbars, and camera location are now saved and restored when you load a game.
NOTE! ADD +++ Improved the planet requirement UI on the bottom left of the planet overlay.
NOTE! ADD +++ Added a Replace tool to the ship designer that replaces the subsystem you click on the design with the type of subsystem you have selected while keeping the same size.
NOTE! ADD +++ Races & FTLs
NOTE! ADD +++ Mechanoid population above 1 now provides 2 labor, but population above the maximum no longer provides any.
NOTE! ADD +++ Tweaked the income values of mechanoid planets over population so they don't jump up and down as much.
NOTE! ADD +++ Fling Beacons now cost FTL energy to construct and have a small FTL upkeep.
NOTE! ADD +++ Tweaked the cost and duration of opening slipstreams based on the size of the generator.
NOTE! ADD +++ Notable Fixes
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed exploit for exporting labor more than once.
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed exploit with Frugal trait where planets could be Level 2 without any tier 1 resources.

NOTE! CHANGED Star Ruler 2, file_size: 426 MB ***TO*** 520 MB
From MaGog's logs for 28 April (part 2 of 2):

NOTE! Probably CHANGED FILE Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem [In Dev], all_files, Windows installer, English (part 1/2/3 of 3), dl_ver: 0.1.8 (gog-4) ***TO*** 0.1.9 (gog-5)

NOTE! CHANGED Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem [In Dev], changelog (
NOTE! ADD +++ Patch 0.1.9 (28th April 2016)
NOTE! ADD +++ Huge performance improvements. The performance shouldn't decrease over time now.
NOTE! ADD +++ New: Weather system version 1.0. The sky is now more dynamic, with giant clouds blocking the sun, and rain all over the world of Wolcen.
NOTE! ADD +++ New: Dynamic weapon trails! The system is now fully fonctionnal. It will alow use to add nice trail effects to all weapons and skills using sets of particles. Most weapon particles are currently WIP.
NOTE! ADD +++ New: Once dead, you can only respawn in Amarth. Enemies will respawn. Every looted items on the ground will disappear.
NOTE! ADD +++ New: Merchant purchases will now use gold limitation.
NOTE! ADD +++ New: Active Effect for various magic icons (burn, open wound, movement speed) - Still WIP, some effects are not displaying icons at the moment.
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed various crashes involving enemies projectile
NOTE! ADD +++ Improve: The HUD displaying loot icons is now running in 60 frame per second - Icon struttering is fixed.
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed: Waypoints name weren't displayed on minimap.
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed : various bug displaying item details
NOTE! ADD +++ New : Tooltip for Character Sheet details have been added
NOTE! ADD +++ Improved: The Book tutorial will not appear out of the tutorial area
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed: Missing icons in the Passive Skill tree
NOTE! ADD +++ Improved: English localization thanks to Squidcake!
NOTE! ADD +++ New: Spanish localization by ldtime. Thank you ldtime!
NOTE! ADD +++ New: French localization.
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed : A lot of missing strings have been replaced in both English and French.
NOTE! ADD +++ So Wolcen is now in English, Spanish, French, Chinese, German, and soon hungarian! Thanks to our awesome community. Thank you guys you are doing a great job ;)
NOTE! ADD +++ The fonts are work in progress.
NOTE! ADD +++ Improved: Dead impulse is now more realistic. Most enemies doesn't feel like weighing 20kg anymore.
NOTE! ADD +++ New weapons to loot !
NOTE! ADD +++ Improve: Enemies with elemental aura and affinity don't have a permanent aura anymore - The effect is now active for a limited time, then disappears, and appears again (regular pulse)
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed a glitch allowing the player to move fast after a dodge (space bar)
NOTE! ADD +++ Greatly reduced bleed damage inflicted by butchers
NOTE! ADD +++ Improved: Dialog boxes stay now 15secondes instead of 7.
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed: All enemies are now affected by the dead impulse (some of them were just falling on the ground).
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed: The player will never be blocked in a non walkable area (fixed - the previous patch was not 100% working)
NOTE! ADD +++ Improved: Optimize the polycount of the ferns by approximately 200%
NOTE! ADD +++ Improved: Ennemies spawning on screen
NOTE! ADD +++ New Megascans assets with an area reworked.
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed : Capes are now properly saved and loaded
NOTE! ADD +++ Various fixes for player animations
NOTE! ADD +++ Ogre default attack modified
DeathDiciple: makes me kinda annoyed I didn't catch it before removal :P

and then curse myself when it ends broken.
Well, it's back now. Grab it before they remove it again.
Grargar: Well, it's back now. Grab it before they remove it again.
thanks, lol
high rated
From MaGog's logs for 28 April:

NOTE! Probably CHANGED FILE Man O' War: Corsair [In Dev], all_files, Windows installer, English (part 1/2/3 of 3), dl_ver: 0.1.1 (gog-3) ***TO*** 0.1.2 (gog-4)

NOTE! Probably ADDED FILE Man O' War: Corsair [In Dev], all_files, Patch 0.1.2 (gog-3) [Windows], dl_ver: ***TO*** 0.1.1 (gog-3) -> 0.1.2 (gog-4)

NOTE! CHANGED Man O' War: Corsair [In Dev], changelog (
NOTE! ADD +++ Patch 0.1.2 (28 April 2016)
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed a bug with certain quests that caused save games to fail to load.
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed some Great Ship upgrades costing negative gold.

NOTE! Probably CHANGED FILE Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem [In Dev], all_files, Windows installer, English (part 1/2/3 of 3), dl_ver: 0.1.9 (gog-5) ***TO*** 0.1.91 (gog-6)

NOTE! CHANGED Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem [In Dev], changelog (
NOTE! ADD +++ Patch 0.1.91 (28 April 2016)
NOTE! ADD +++ A small patch to fix some issue from the latest patch. Here is the changelog :
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed : Navigation with mouse was not targetting the right enemy nor moving in the pointed direction when the button was pressed.
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed an issue not displaying the "Return To Amarth" option for newly created character in the Death Screen menu.
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed skill bar not reinitializing correctly for newly loaded characters.
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed player not teleporting back out of a randomly generated dungeon when leaving using the entrance.
NOTE! ADD +++ Modified : Butcher Open Wound effect reduced again.

NOTE! CHANGED Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem [In Dev], languages: Audio and text: English ***TO*** Audio and text: English. Text only: Chinese, German, Spanish, French

NOTE! CHANGED Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem [In Dev], file_size: 5.3 GB ***TO*** 4 GB
From MaGog's logs for 29 April (part 1 of 2):

NOTE! Probably CHANGED FILE 8-bit Armies, all_files, Windows installer, English, dl_ver: 0.73.605655 (gog-6) ***TO*** 0.73.606090 (gog-7)

NOTE! CHANGED 8-bit Armies, changelog (
NOTE! ADD +++ Patch 0.73.606090 (29 April 2016)
NOTE! ADD +++ (PLAYER REQUEST): Added build placement UI so that it’s easier to see where you can build.
NOTE! ADD +++ (PLAYER REQUEST): Added retry option for solo campaign missions and skirmish.
NOTE! ADD +++ (PLAYER REQUEST): Changed difficulty level damage modifier to not apply to superweapon (nukes) or neutral player (environmental lava). This will make hard mode missions a little easier where the AI has nukes.
NOTE! ADD +++ (PLAYER REQUEST): Setting a rally point on a non-primary factory makes that factory the new primary.
NOTE! ADD +++ (PLAYER REQUEST): Resource nodes now go dark when exhausted and radar icon is also removed.
NOTE! ADD +++ (PLAYER REQUEST): User MOD support for unit voice responses. (More information coming once we test this in a live environment).
NOTE! ADD +++ (PLAYER SUGGESTION): Added backgrounds for several menus.
NOTE! ADD +++ (PLAYER REQUEST): Invite functionality for Steam friends lists.
NOTE! ADD +++ (PLAYER REQUEST): Adding in support to enable/disable superweapons in skirmish and multiplayer.
NOTE! ADD +++ (PLAYER REQUEST): Changing sell/repair to work similarly. Pressing either one places you into SELL or REPAIR mode. Players can hold SHIFT to sell or repair MULTIPLE STRUCTURES. (We are looking for player feedback on this one.)
NOTE! ADD +++ (PLAYER REQUEST): Added scatter action for units. Pressing hotkey ‘L’ will now scatter units – helpful against getting run over.
NOTE! ADD +++ (PLAYER REQUEST): Remove constant notifications for damage caused by lava.
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed Starting Buildings so not in props (multiple maps) 4, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13.
NOTE! ADD +++ Mission 15 (Oil Can): Changed Text to 10 minutes to match actual objective timing.
NOTE! ADD +++ Fix for a save/load issue in which player's structures were not being placed due to server side checks failing due to not loading a set.
NOTE! ADD +++ (GENERAL): Rocket Damage type bonus vs. structures reduced. This affects Rocket Infantry, Rocket Copters and Rocket Turrets.
NOTE! ADD +++ (ROCKET TURRETS): Ground and air attacks have been separated out. While damage remains the same, attacks against aircraft are now AoE.
NOTE! ADD +++ (ARTILLERY): Base damage increased and damage vs. vehicles increased. Firing speed increased.
NOTE! ADD +++ (ROCKET HELI): Now requires Radar to produce.
NOTE! ADD +++ (MG HELI): Build cost reduced.
NOTE! ADD +++ (RADAR): Cost and Power reduced, build time slightly increased, effectiveness (range) also increased.
NOTE! ADD +++ (COMMANDOS) Can no longer be crushed by tanks or harvesters.
NOTE! ADD +++ (The Design Team will be watching the forums for feedback on these balance changes. Try it out, then let us know what you think.)
NOTE! ADD +++ Additional delays fixed in multiplayer lobby messaging.
NOTE! ADD +++ Disable multiplayer join button when selected match is full.
NOTE! ADD +++ Disable multiplayer join button while waiting for a response.
NOTE! ADD +++ UI: adding Discord and Twitch icons with links.
NOTE! ADD +++ After playing invited match, player will return to associated match selection screen.
NOTE! ADD +++ Fix for rewards showing garbage in tactical pause menu when in co-op.
NOTE! ADD +++ Fix for player count not refreshing on multiplayer lobby.
NOTE! ADD +++ Adding in text to show multiplayer is retrieving matches.
NOTE! ADD +++ Don't allow multiplayer matches to start if there's only 1 human.
NOTE! ADD +++ Fix for GoG Galaxy message not going away when logged into Galaxy.
NOTE! ADD +++ Make sure objects contained in a transport that is destroyed are properly destroyed so that missions end correctly in annihilation mode.
NOTE! ADD +++ CRASH FIX: [AI] Fix issue related to selling structures.
NOTE! ADD +++ [AI] Prevent transports from unloading in impassable terrain.
NOTE! ADD +++ UI: updating lock icon to white.
NOTE! ADD +++ UI: Adjusted some of the selection colors.
NOTE! ADD +++ Updated tooltips and object stats for balance changes.
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed floating boats and objects that didn't blow up on several maps.
NOTE! ADD +++ Adjusted default FOW alpha setting to mid-range for new players.
NOTE! ADD +++ Fix for game window not staying where you put it.
NOTE! ADD +++ Updated the build tree in the manual.
NOTE! ADD +++ Disabling auto-queue mode for now.

NOTE! CHANGED 8-bit Armies, file_size: 504 MB ***TO*** 533 MB

[I get the feeling that someone forgot to put the "In Dev" label on this game, especially given the version number.]

NOTE! Probably CHANGED FILE Man O' War: Corsair [In Dev], all_files, Mac OS X installer, English, dl_ver: 0.1.1 (gog-6) ***TO*** 0.1.2 (gog-6)

[Probably complements yesterday's Windows update. Curious that the GOG version remained 6.]
From MaGog's logs for 29 April (part 2 of 2):

NOTE! Probably CHANGED FILE Master of Orion: Collector's Edition [In Dev], all_files, Windows installer, English (part 1/2 of 2), dl_ver: (gog-13) ***TO*** (gog-14)

NOTE! Probably ADDED FILE Master of Orion: Collector's Edition [In Dev], all_files, Patch (gog-14) [Windows], dl_ver: ***TO***

NOTE! Probably CHANGED FILE Master of Orion: Collector's Edition [In Dev], all_files, Mac OS X installer, English, dl_ver: (gog-15) ***TO*** (gog-15)

NOTE! CHANGED Master of Orion: Collector's Edition [In Dev], changelog (
NOTE! ADD +++ Patch (29 April 2016)
NOTE! ADD +++ General
NOTE! ADD +++ [Map Generation] Increased the size of Circular Huge galaxies (95 stars to 125)
NOTE! ADD +++ [Combat] Fixed soft lock when invading a colony with only transports
NOTE! ADD +++ [Balance] Increased perceived value of Shared Charts and Trade tech.
NOTE! ADD +++ [AI] Fixed several bugs that prevented AI from building the most apropriate class of ships as required.
NOTE! ADD +++ [AI] Diplomatic AI will accept deals that have a net 0 effect.
NOTE! ADD +++ [AI] Diplomatic AI will use same primitive to estimate how many stars as the Audience module to determine if it's available or not for Shared Starts treaty.
NOTE! ADD +++ [AI] Improved afraid status evaluation during negotiations.
NOTE! ADD +++ [Tactical] Beams were behaving erratically after optimization
NOTE! ADD +++ [Minor Civilizations] Fixed a bug that lowered Minor Civilizations disposition when colonizing anywhere.
NOTE! ADD +++ Patch 43.5 (29 April 2016)
NOTE! ADD +++ General
NOTE! ADD +++ [Mac] Fixed a Fatal Error when clicking the Invest button in the Empire Management Screen.
NOTE! ADD +++ [Balance] Fixed the local security bonuses formula.
NOTE! ADD +++ [GoG] Fixed not being able to quit the game without being logged to GoG Galaxy.
NOTE! ADD +++ [Pirates] Removed pirates around AIs until anti Pirate tactics are implemented. (Temporal Fix)
NOTE! ADD +++ Visual Improvements
NOTE! ADD +++ [Tactical] Gas clouds and Asteroids FX revamp.
NOTE! ADD +++ [Cutscenes] Replaced colony ships during intro cutscene.
NOTE! ADD +++ [Cutscenes] Replaced Silicoid home planet for intro cutscene.
NOTE! ADD +++ [Race Selection] Fixed Silicoid Crystal shader blur.
NOTE! ADD +++ [Diplomacy] Fixed Silicoid lighting in Diplomacy Screen.
NOTE! ADD +++ Diplomacy
NOTE! ADD +++ [AI] The AI now correctly judges deals that it proposed with the "What will make this deal work" option.
NOTE! ADD +++ [AI] The AI now will accept fair deals with 0 net effect.
NOTE! ADD +++ [Diplomacy] Fixed null WarInfo and LogError messages.
NOTE! ADD +++ [Diplomacy] Fixed afraid enemies accepting all trades for only 1 BC.
NOTE! ADD +++ Espionage
NOTE! ADD +++ [Espionage] Fixed stealing technologies message showing to all races and not just the thief.
NOTE! ADD +++ [Espionage] Fixed tech stealing showing techs from the player instead of the enemy.
NOTE! ADD +++ [Espionage] Updated espionage targeting reticle.
NOTE! ADD +++ [Espionage] Different input schemes for selecting agents and giving orders.
NOTE! ADD +++ Tactical Mode
NOTE! ADD +++ [Tactical] Several performance optimizations.
NOTE! ADD +++ [Pirates] Increased overall pirate weapons DPS (it was yielding 0 Att Rating).
NOTE! ADD +++ [Pirates] Slightly buffed Frigate HP.
NOTE! ADD +++ [Tactical] Fixed the Missile Camera endless looping sound.
NOTE! ADD +++ Ship Design
NOTE! ADD +++ [UX] Fixed issue where exlcuding modifiers where selectable.
NOTE! ADD +++ [UX] Fixed Ship Designs list not docking correctly leaving the last designs out of the screen.
NOTE! ADD +++ [UX] Fixed module list scrollbar was not positioned correctly and was overlapping the modules info.
NOTE! ADD +++ Multiplayer
NOTE! ADD +++ [Multiplayer] Fixed unachievable economic victory in two player skirmishes.
NOTE! ADD +++ [Multiplayer] Fixed empty tooltip for allies when war is declared to a member of an alliance.
NOTE! ADD +++ [Multiplayer] Fixed game loading issues.
NOTE! ADD +++ User Interface
NOTE! ADD +++ [Diplomacy] Added full GMF Shares Exchange functionality to Audience screen.
NOTE! ADD +++ [Espionage] Added new targeting reticule for selecting planets.
NOTE! ADD +++ [Research] Fixed top bar not showing in the Research Screen.
NOTE! ADD +++ [UX] Fixed soft lock when using Right and Left Keys to cycle in the Planet Screen.
NOTE! ADD +++ [Visual] Fixed Shares graphic not showing the right info on Invest pop-up.
NOTE! ADD +++ Localization
NOTE! ADD +++ [Localization] Fixed several GNN dialogs in Russian.

NOTE! CHANGED FILE NEO Scavenger, downloadables, Windows installer, English (setup_neo_scavenger_2.6.0.7.exe ***TO*** setup_neo_scavenger_2.7.0.8.exe; 1.13 (gog-7) ***TO*** 1.14 (gog-8); Fri, 20 Nov 2015 11:51:41 GMT ***TO*** Fri, 29 Apr 2016 13:34:15 GMT; 63,784,984 ***TO*** 63,320,872)

NOTE! CHANGED FILE NEO Scavenger, downloadables, Mac OS X installer, English (neo_scavenger_2.6.0.13.dmg ***TO*** neo_scavenger_2.7.0.14.pkg; 1.13 (gog-13) ***TO*** 1.14 (gog-14); Fri, 20 Nov 2015 11:51:52 GMT ***TO*** Fri, 29 Apr 2016 13:34:19 GMT; 70,851,359 ***TO*** 68,531,689)

NOTE! CHANGED FILE NEO Scavenger, downloadables, Linux installer, English ( ***TO***; 1.13 (gog-10) ***TO*** 1.14 (gog-11); Fri, 20 Nov 2015 11:51:58 GMT ***TO*** Fri, 29 Apr 2016 13:34:26 GMT; 58,847,210 ***TO*** 58,901,352)

NOTE! CHANGED NEO Scavenger, changelog (
NOTE! ADD +++ Patch 1.14 (29th April 2016)
NOTE! ADD +++ New changes include:
NOTE! ADD +++ Added optional autosave feature to save game at the beginning of each new turn.
NOTE! ADD +++ Added ability to choose whether encounter map labels appear on minimap by adding =0 or =1 at end of data. If missing, assumes minimap label added.
NOTE! ADD +++ Changed crowded map labels near DMC gates to be invisible on minimap, so only gates visible.
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed a bug that allowed communal barrel fires to be destroyed in extinguished fire recipe.
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed a bug in loading screen that prevented log from being added to clipboard if error in XML file.
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed a bug that misreported 0.0 charges on charged encounter items.
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed several null pointer bugs when loading save file that included content missing from currently-installed mods.
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed a null pointer bug if game tried to load recipe scrap for missing recipe.

NOTE! CHANGED Crypt of the NecroDancer, features: Single-player, Co-op, Leaderboards ***TO*** Single-player, Co-op, Achievements, Leaderboards

NOTE! CHANGED Wargame: European Escalation, languages: Audio and text: German, English, Spanish, French, Italian, Polish ***TO*** Audio and text: English. Text only: German, Spanish, French, Italian, Polish
SATELLITE REIGN has been updated:

Patch 1.07.08 (29 April 2016)
Fixed keyboard bindings not working correctly
Fixed Uzy Korp Assembly plant mission not properly releasing escort VIP
Fixed some enemies (particularly minimechs) not correctly responding to attacks/suspicious activity)
Fixed pings not resetting if game is saved while prototypes are still dropped in a compound after dying.
Fixed minor environment collision issues in CBD
From MaGog's logs for 29 April:

NOTE! Probably CHANGED FILE Battlestation: Harbinger, all_files, Windows installer, English, dl_ver: 1.5.0 (gog-1) ***TO*** 1.5.1 (gog-2)

NOTE! Probably CHANGED FILE Battlestation: Harbinger, all_files, Mac OS X installer, English, dl_ver: 1.5.0 (gog-2) ***TO*** 1.5.1 (gog-3)

NOTE! Probably CHANGED FILE Battlestation: Harbinger, all_files, Linux installer, English, dl_ver: 1.5.0 (gog-2) ***TO*** 1.5.1 (gog-3)

NOTE! CHANGED Battlestation: Harbinger, changelog (
NOTE! ADD +++ Patch 1.5.1 (29th April 2016)
NOTE! ADD +++ Small fix for cloud save issue, where players trying to log in
NOTE! ADD +++ were getting a failed message.

NOTE! Probably CHANGED FILE Master of Orion: Collector's Edition [In Dev], all_files, Windows installer, English (part 1/2 of 2), dl_ver: (gog-14) ***TO*** (gog-15)

NOTE! Probably REMOVED FILE Master of Orion: Collector's Edition [In Dev], all_files, Patch (gog-14) [Windows]

NOTE! Probably ADDED FILE Master of Orion: Collector's Edition [In Dev], all_files, Patch (gog-15) [Windows], dl_ver: ***TO***

NOTE! Probably CHANGED FILE Master of Orion: Collector's Edition [In Dev], all_files, Mac OS X installer, English, dl_ver: (gog-15) ***TO*** (gog-15)

[No changelog]

NOTE! CHANGED FILE Prison Architect, downloadables, Windows installer, English (setup_prison_architect_2.8.0.12.exe ***TO*** setup_prison_architect_2.9.0.13.exe; Update-5c (gog-12) ***TO*** Update-6b (gog-13); Mon, 11 Apr 2016 11:57:06 GMT ***TO*** Fri, 29 Apr 2016 13:58:55 GMT; 346,578,752 ***TO*** 346,819,672)

NOTE! CHANGED FILE Prison Architect, downloadables, Mac OS X installer, English (prison_architect_2.6.0.17.dmg ***TO*** prison_architect_2.7.0.18.pkg; Update-5c (gog-17) ***TO*** Update-6b (gog-18); Mon, 11 Apr 2016 11:56:57 GMT ***TO*** Fri, 29 Apr 2016 13:59:31 GMT; 344,945,624 ***TO*** 342,844,905)

NOTE! CHANGED FILE Prison Architect, downloadables, Linux installer, English ( ***TO***; Update-5c (gog-10) ***TO*** Update-6b (gog-11); Mon, 11 Apr 2016 11:57:37 GMT ***TO*** Fri, 29 Apr 2016 13:59:27 GMT; 344,260,404 ***TO*** 344,467,985)

NOTE! CHANGED Prison Architect, changelog (
NOTE! ADD +++ Update 6b (29th April 2016)
NOTE! ADD +++ Seasons and Weather
NOTE! ADD +++ The game will now move through the seasons, with the outdoor temperature varying based on the time of year.
NOTE! ADD +++ Various weather patterns can occur during the game, varying based on the current season.
NOTE! ADD +++ Overcast
NOTE! ADD +++ Rain
NOTE! ADD +++ Torrential rain (Special event, rare)
NOTE! ADD +++ Snow and frost
NOTE! ADD +++ Heatwave (special event, rare)
NOTE! ADD +++ Prisoners needs will be affected by the weather when they are outdoors. Getting rained on will spike their comfort, clothing and warmth needs.
NOTE! ADD +++ Prisoners left outside in extremely cold conditions (for example in an outdoor solitary confinement cage) can now die of exposure.
NOTE! ADD +++ Weather is DISABLED by default in all prisons, and can be enabled when creating a new map. Alternatively, use the new "Map Settings" screen in the Extras menu.
NOTE! ADD +++ Map Settings
NOTE! ADD +++ You can now adjust the settings of your prison from a new screen called "Map Settings", found in the Extras menu.
NOTE! ADD +++ This screen lets you enable certain options that may not have been enabled (or even available) when you first created the map.
NOTE! ADD +++ Nb. You can enable these options, but you cannot disable them once enabled.
NOTE! ADD +++ Available options:
NOTE! ADD +++ Enable Gangs
NOTE! ADD +++ Enable Events
NOTE! ADD +++ Enable Weather
NOTE! ADD +++ Job Prioritisation
NOTE! ADD +++ You can now mark any job as a high priority. Simple hold control and either left click or left drag a selection to mark jobs. Available workers (who aren't already on a high priority job) will stop what they are doing and be assigned to the high priority job.
NOTE! ADD +++ If no workers are available, high priority jobs will take precedence when the workers become available. A small icon in the lower right of a visible job shows if it is marked as a high priority job.
NOTE! ADD +++ You can remove the high priority marking on jobs by holding control and either right clicking or dragging a selection.
NOTE! ADD +++ Hovering over an in progress job will now highlight the entity working on it, showing a red line leading to the worker responsible for the job.
NOTE! ADD +++ Pressing F while highlighting an in progress job will cause the camera to follow the working entity and keep the highlight active.
NOTE! ADD +++ Performance Work (continued)
NOTE! ADD +++ Further performance gains were made this month through several different approaches to optimisation.
NOTE! ADD +++ More systems moved to overlap with Render().
NOTE! ADD +++ Optimisations to the visible object list builder.
NOTE! ADD +++ Singly linked lists mostly replaced with arrays (FastList).
NOTE! ADD +++ Avoid copying of containers where possible.
NOTE! ADD +++ NeedSystem optimised.
NOTE! ADD +++ Bug Fixes
NOTE! ADD +++ Temperature and lightmap system corruption bug fixed.
NOTE! ADD +++ 0010618: [Gameplay] Temperature next to fire is in the negatives
NOTE! ADD +++ 0010625: [Gameplay] Temperature drops instantly even in areas that should be producing heat

NOTE! Probably CHANGED FILE Satellite Reign, all_files, Windows installer, English, dl_ver: 1.07.06 (gog-9) ***TO*** 1.07.08 (gog-10)

NOTE! Probably ADDED FILE Satellite Reign, all_files, Patch 1.07.08 (gog-10) [Windows], dl_ver: ***TO***

NOTE! Probably CHANGED FILE Satellite Reign, all_files, Mac OS X installer, English, dl_ver: 1.07.06 (gog-7) ***TO*** 1.07.08 (gog-8)

NOTE! Probably CHANGED FILE Satellite Reign, all_files, Linux installer, English, dl_ver: 1.07.06 (gog-7) ***TO*** 1.07.08 (gog-8)

NOTE! Probably ADDED FILE Satellite Reign, all_files, Patch 1.07.08 (gog-8) [Linux], dl_ver: ***TO***

NOTE! CHANGED Satellite Reign, changelog (
NOTE! ADD +++ Patch 1.07.08 (29 April 2016)
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed keyboard bindings not working correctly
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed Uzy Korp Assembly plant mission not properly releasing escort VIP
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed some enemies (particularly minimechs) not correctly responding to attacks/suspicious activity)
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed pings not resetting if game is saved while prototypes are still dropped in a compound after dying.
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed minor environment collision issues in CBD

NOTE! CHANGED Satellite Reign, file_size: 551 MB ***TO*** 552 MB

NOTE! CHANGED Eador. Masters of the Broken World, compatibility: Please be advised that Windows 10 operating system will receive frequent hardware driver and software updates following its release; this may affect game compatibility ***TO*** Compatibility notice: Intel Integrated Graphics devices are not supported, Please be advised that Windows 10 operating system will receive frequent hardware driver and software updates following its release; this may affect game compatibility