It seems that you're using an outdated browser. Some things may not work as they should (or don't work at all).
We suggest you upgrade newer and better browser like: Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer or Opera

I filed a bug in mantis on the missing Celtic Kings/Broken Sword 3 extras in Galaxy downloads: <span class="bold"></span>

Update: And... Judas fixed the glitch in 20 milliseconds and replied in the Galaxy beta thread. Judas++
Post edited January 25, 2016 by skeletonbow
For those reasonably new to this thread, you may find my work (with the collaboration of everyone helping), helpful?

My Files -

There are dat files for use with ROM managers, a spreadsheet database to view the collection of files, batch file renamers incase you want 'nicer', more meaningful folder names and md5 files for checking single game collections.

All data is based on the information that people send me, and is reflective of MaGog's log reports and new games added.
If you know of something to be incorrect (not post dated), then please let me know. I try to update every Sunday. :)
Post edited January 25, 2016 by ConnieThunder
From MaGog's logs for 25 January:

NOTE! Probably CHANGED FILE Blood & Gold: Caribbean!, all_files, Windows installer, English, dl_ver: 2.030 (gog-4) ***TO*** 2.040 (gog-5) (same for all other languages)

NOTE! Probably REMOVED FILE Blood & Gold: Caribbean!, all_files, Patch 2.030 [Windows] (dl_ver: 2.020 (gog-3) -> 2.030 (gog-4))

NOTE! Probably ADDED FILE Blood & Gold: Caribbean!, all_files, Patch 2.040 (gog-5) [Windows], dl_ver: ***TO*** 2.030 (gog-4) -> 2.040 (gog-5)

NOTE! CHANGED Blood & Gold: Caribbean!, changelog (
NOTE! ADD +++ Patch 2.040 (25 January 2016)
NOTE! ADD +++ Added:
NOTE! ADD +++ New mission "Assassination from the roof".
NOTE! ADD +++ Shotgun weapon class: Blunderbuss and Blunderbuss Pistol.
NOTE! ADD +++ Animated moving clouds.
NOTE! ADD +++ Ability to choose a ship for sinking after accepting another ship to the player's fleet.
NOTE! ADD +++ Additional experience for completing quests from town's board.
NOTE! ADD +++ Ability to change facial features for the female character in the face editor.
NOTE! ADD +++ Traits for player's companions.
NOTE! ADD +++ Notification about an empty bank account.
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed:
NOTE! ADD +++ Sudden death of sailors during boarding fights along with allies.
NOTE! ADD +++ Removing of ships with zero crew number.
NOTE! ADD +++ Errors in Russian localization.
NOTE! ADD +++ Errors in AI behavior in the siege locations.
NOTE! ADD +++ Chance of getting imprisoned for officer-managers (Treasurer, Secretary etc.) after a fight.
NOTE! ADD +++ Assignment of an unknown captain during fleet autoselection when coming back to the harbor.
NOTE! ADD +++ Bug related to giving orders to a governor with no units in his party.
NOTE! ADD +++ Random ship renaming after changing player's fleet flagship during a battle.
NOTE! ADD +++ Ships/patrols getting stuck near Biloxi on the strategic map.
NOTE! ADD +++ Sapper getting stuck during the "Blowing up mine" mission.
NOTE! ADD +++ Missing particles for the pistol used in the "Killer Nun" mission.
NOTE! ADD +++ Bug related to the damage calculation dealt to player's ships during sea sieges.
NOTE! ADD +++ Bug related to hiring veteran lancer in the player's faction.
NOTE! ADD +++ Bug that caused negative HP for ship hulls.
NOTE! ADD +++ Script error upon promoting units in the player's party.
NOTE! ADD +++ Quest distribution bug when the player is the leader of his own faction.
NOTE! ADD +++ Display bug related to sails on the medium galleon.
NOTE! ADD +++ Bug related to cannonballs not flying out of the front cannons on some ships.
NOTE! ADD +++ Bug that prevented players escaping sleep menu in the cabin.
NOTE! ADD +++ Changed:
NOTE! ADD +++ Functional for calculation and transferring of goods to the player's party when capturing ships after boarding fights.

NOTE! Probably ADDED FILE Evoland 2, A Slight Case of Spacetime Continuum Disorder, all_files, DLC: Evoland 2 Deluxe Edition Upgrade: artbook

NOTE! Probably ADDED FILE Evoland 2, A Slight Case of Spacetime Continuum Disorder, all_files, DLC: Evoland 2 Deluxe Edition Upgrade: soundtrack (MP3)

[I guess a DLC and a deluxe edition are coming]

NOTE! CHANGED FILE UnderRail, downloadables, Windows installer, English (part 1 of 2) (setup_underrail_2.4.1.7.exe ***TO*** setup_underrail_2.5.1.8.exe; (gog-7) ***TO*** (gog-8); Wed, 20 Jan 2016 14:13:30 GMT ***TO*** Mon, 25 Jan 2016 10:42:36 GMT; 26,814,472 ***TO*** 26,814,408)

NOTE! CHANGED FILE UnderRail, downloadables, Windows installer, English (part 2 of 2) (setup_underrail_2.4.1.7-1.bin ***TO*** setup_underrail_2.5.1.8-1.bin; (gog-7) ***TO*** (gog-8); Wed, 20 Jan 2016 14:18:30 GMT ***TO*** Mon, 25 Jan 2016 10:48:22 GMT; 2,210,747,436 ***TO*** 2,212,407,145)

NOTE! REMOVED FILE UnderRail, downloadables, Patch (patch_underrail_2.3.1.6.exe; ; Wed, 20 Jan 2016 10:34:29 GMT; 13,595,600)

NOTE! ADDED FILE UnderRail, downloadables, Patch (patch_underrail_2.5.1.8.exe; Mon, 25 Jan 2016 10:41:46 GMT; 12,977,240)

NOTE! CHANGED UnderRail, changelog (
NOTE! ADD +++ Patch (25 January 2016)
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed the bug that would cause total carried weight to not be updated immediately when stacking items in the utility slots
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed the bug that would cause grenades to sometimes be thrown through walls when they miss their initial marks
NOTE! ADD +++ Enemies that die from the burning effect from incdendiery bombs will no longer count towards "Fire and Ice" achievement
NOTE! ADD +++ Fix the bug that caused the player to sometimes not be able to attack back in melee when rooted (while still getting attacked in melee)
NOTE! ADD +++ Fire and other environmental effects will now properly despawn between arena matches (instead of becoming invisible)
NOTE! ADD +++ Chemical agent is now completely immune to acid and acid puddles
NOTE! ADD +++ Fire from any source will now properly trigger volatile objects (mines and the like)
NOTE! ADD +++ Jawbone crossbow no longer claims it can be unloaded somehow
NOTE! ADD +++ Boot spring made more common
NOTE! ADD +++ Boot spring now provides more extra movement points*
NOTE! ADD +++ Tabi boots extra base real-time movement speed bonus reduced but it now scales with material quality*
NOTE! ADD +++ Auto function on the bartering window will now prioritize SGS credits for merchants that accept them
NOTE! ADD +++ Increased the duration of foods to 20 minutes
NOTE! ADD +++ Fire and acid will now run out eventually even if you're not in the area
NOTE! ADD +++ Auto-attack command in quick invoker / action bar will now be properly disabled in turn-based mode if you don't have enough action points
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed the bug that would in certain cases allow game to resume while the option screen is still open after rebinding a key
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed the Deep Worm loot generation issue that caused all the worms to give out the same loot
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed the bug that would cause certain respawning entities to always drop the same loot
NOTE! ADD +++ Giant grubs are now resistant to acid
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed wrong music playing in the Mushroom Forest
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed being able to repeatedly report to Jack Quicksilver that you've finished his missions
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed Waylon's monitors not shutting down when associated cameras are destroyed
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed being unable to pickpocket Kareem
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed the Faceless at the blockade not behaving as they should after certain events
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed an unreachable light switch in the player's house
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed a minor console in DC not being usable
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed an unusable hidden crawlspace in DC
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed Rassophore Nevil not talking to the player after the event at RAF
NOTE! ADD +++ Typos/Grammar
NOTE! ADD +++ Various minor map fixes
NOTE! ADD +++ Only applies to items generated/crafted after the update is applied. Will not modify existing items.

[I am not sure about the logic of deleting patch and keeping patch If I understood correctly, patch could not be installed without patch, which is why patch returned on January 21, after being deleted on January 20. Or did I get it wrong?]
Got a flag for Read Only Memories...

Patch 1.2 (25 January 2016)

This update adds a new Endless Christmas chapter for all players who finished the canon ending.
Post edited January 25, 2016 by petchema
Patch 3.1.1 (25 January 2016)
Changes and Improvements

GUI performance optimisations
Added Xbox One controller support for Mac
Prevent resolution changes via registry from being overridden on startup
Added Player Settings in Gamemode Settings, allowing you to change movement, jump speed and gravity
One Shot: Suicide no longer grants a new bullet
One Shot: Max score cap increased from 10 to 50
Add info tooltips when new ragdolls/skins unlocked
Add info tooltips for new users
Bot icons indicate bot difficulty
Inputting profile name text will show text in uppercase
In-game music track will shuffle when you rematch or play next round after the current song has been played at least once
Lobby browser will now show lobbies playing in team modes correctly
Default/Inverted guest profiles will now be named “Guest X” instead of - “Default”/”Inverted”
Bot AI is computed on the host machine only


Fix UI elements being obscured in 8 player
Fix text chatbox sometimes covering player names
Don’t play “5 kills to win” when a player had a negative score and scored up to 0
Fixed some cases where you could respawn in elimination style modes
Fix being able to concede a point if you win an elimination round and die during the next round countdown
Fixed some weapon crates not having meshes
Fix some controller icons not switching when going from Xbox One to PS4 controllers
Don’t show “Press (A) to join” for unrecognised controllers that have not been configured
Fix lobby browser showing lobbies being in Party Mode incorrectly
Prevent controller icons from switching in pause menus when a non-paused player uses their controller

Known issues

AI bots can cause bad performance on low-end machines
Darkest Dungeon got a flag too and even a patch version number but an empty changelog for this entry. *shrugs*
From MaGog's logs for 25 January:

NOTE! Probably CHANGED FILE Darkest Dungeon, all_files, Windows installer, English, dl_ver: 13322 (gog-3) ***TO*** 13377 (gog-6)

NOTE! Probably REMOVED FILE Darkest Dungeon, all_files, Patch 13362 [Windows] (dl_ver: 13322 (gog-3) -> 13362 (gog-5))

NOTE! Probably ADDED FILE Darkest Dungeon, all_files, Patch 13377 (gog-6) [Windows], dl_ver: ***TO*** 13362 (gog-5) -> 13377 (gog-6)

NOTE! Probably CHANGED FILE Darkest Dungeon, all_files, Mac OS X installer, English, dl_ver: 13362 (gog-5) ***TO*** 13377 (gog-6)

NOTE! CHANGED Darkest Dungeon, changelog (
NOTE! ADD +++ Patch 13377 (25 January 2016)

[Indeed a leet patch]

NOTE! Probably CHANGED FILE Read Only Memories, all_files, Windows installer, English, dl_ver: 1.1.1b (gog-5) ***TO*** 1.2 (gog-6)

NOTE! Probably CHANGED FILE Read Only Memories, all_files, Mac OS X installer, English, dl_ver: 1.1.1b (gog-6) ***TO*** 1.2 (gog-7)

NOTE! Probably CHANGED FILE Read Only Memories, all_files, Linux installer, English, dl_ver: 1.1.1b (gog-5) ***TO*** 1.2 (gog-6)

NOTE! CHANGED Read Only Memories, changelog (
NOTE! ADD +++ Patch 1.2 (25 January 2016)
NOTE! ADD +++ This update adds a new Endless Christmas chapter for all players who finished the canon ending.

NOTE! CHANGED Read Only Memories, file_size: 175 MB ***TO*** 180 MB

NOTE! CHANGED FILE Screencheat, downloadables, Windows installer, English (setup_screencheat_2.10.0.12.exe ***TO*** setup_screencheat_2.11.0.13.exe; 3.0.3 (gog-12) ***TO*** 3.1.1 (gog-13); Thu, 05 Nov 2015 09:23:19 GMT ***TO*** Mon, 25 Jan 2016 17:23:27 GMT; 429,993,032 ***TO*** 446,762,632)

NOTE! ADDED FILE Screencheat, downloadables, Patch 3.1.1 (patch_screencheat_2.11.0.13.exe; 3.0.3 (gog-12) -> 3.1.1 (gog-13); Mon, 25 Jan 2016 17:22:35 GMT; 49,024,632)

NOTE! CHANGED FILE Screencheat, downloadables, Mac OS X installer, English (screencheat_2.8.0.22.dmg ***TO*** screencheat_2.9.0.23.dmg; 3.0.3 (gog-22) ***TO*** 3.1.1 (gog-23); Thu, 05 Nov 2015 09:23:26 GMT ***TO*** Mon, 25 Jan 2016 17:23:38 GMT; 474,169,977 ***TO*** 517,274,684)

NOTE! CHANGED FILE Screencheat, downloadables, Linux installer, English ( ***TO***; 3.0.3 (gog-16) ***TO*** 3.1.1 (gog-17); Thu, 05 Nov 2015 09:24:01 GMT ***TO*** Mon, 25 Jan 2016 17:24:00 GMT; 522,451,301 ***TO*** 561,499,514)

NOTE! CHANGED Screencheat, changelog (
NOTE! ADD +++ Patch 3.1.1 (25 January 2016)
NOTE! ADD +++ Changes and Improvements
NOTE! ADD +++ GUI performance optimisations
NOTE! ADD +++ Added Xbox One controller support for Mac
NOTE! ADD +++ Prevent resolution changes via registry from being overridden on startup
NOTE! ADD +++ Added Player Settings in Gamemode Settings, allowing you to change movement, jump speed and gravity
NOTE! ADD +++ One Shot: Suicide no longer grants a new bullet
NOTE! ADD +++ One Shot: Max score cap increased from 10 to 50
NOTE! ADD +++ Add info tooltips when new ragdolls/skins unlocked
NOTE! ADD +++ Add info tooltips for new users
NOTE! ADD +++ Bot icons indicate bot difficulty
NOTE! ADD +++ Inputting profile name text will show text in uppercase
NOTE! ADD +++ In-game music track will shuffle when you rematch or play next round after the current song has been played at least once
NOTE! ADD +++ Lobby browser will now show lobbies playing in team modes correctly
NOTE! ADD +++ Default/Inverted guest profiles will now be named “Guest X” instead of - “Default”/”Inverted”
NOTE! ADD +++ Bot AI is computed on the host machine only
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixes
NOTE! ADD +++ Fix UI elements being obscured in 8 player
NOTE! ADD +++ Fix text chatbox sometimes covering player names
NOTE! ADD +++ Don’t play “5 kills to win” when a player had a negative score and scored up to 0
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed some cases where you could respawn in elimination style modes
NOTE! ADD +++ Fix being able to concede a point if you win an elimination round and die during the next round countdown
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed some weapon crates not having meshes
NOTE! ADD +++ Fix some controller icons not switching when going from Xbox One to PS4 controllers
NOTE! ADD +++ Don’t show “Press (A) to join” for unrecognised controllers that have not been configured
NOTE! ADD +++ Fix lobby browser showing lobbies being in Party Mode incorrectly
NOTE! ADD +++ Prevent controller icons from switching in pause menus when a non-paused player uses their controller
NOTE! ADD +++ Known issues
NOTE! ADD +++ AI bots can cause bad performance on low-end machines

NOTE! CHANGED Screencheat, file_size: 410 MB ***TO*** 426 MB

NOTE! CHANGED Order of the Thorne: The King's Challenge [Upcoming], bonuses: ***TO*** manual, wallpaper, soundtrack EP (5 tracks), avatar

NOTE! CHANGED Order of the Thorne: The King's Challenge [Upcoming], os: Windows (XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10) and Mac OS X (10.7.0 or newer) and Linux (Ubuntu 14.04, Mint 17) ***TO*** Windows (Vista, 7, 8, 10) and Mac OS X (10.7.0 or newer) and Linux (Ubuntu 14.04, Mint 17)

NOTE! CHANGED Order of the Thorne: The King's Challenge [Upcoming], file_size: ??? MB ***TO*** 405 MB

NOTE! CHANGED Order of the Thorne: The King's Challenge [Upcoming], sys_req_win: Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / 10, Processor: 900 Mhz, Memory: 128 MB RAM, Graphics: Direct X Compatible Graphics Card, DirectX: Version 9, Hard drive: 800 MB, Sound Card: Direct X Compatible Sound Card ***TO*** Vista / 7 / 8 / 10, Processor: 900 Mhz, Memory: 128 MB RAM, Graphics: Direct X Compatible Graphics Card, DirectX: Version 9, Hard drive: 800 MB, Sound Card: Direct X Compatible Sound Card

[Getting ready for tomorrow.]
From MaGog's logs for 26 January:

NOTE! CHANGED Darkest Dungeon, changelog (
NOTE! ADD +++ Localization string updates
NOTE! ADD +++ Save crash fixes
NOTE! ADD +++ Backer hero fixes

[Completing yesterday's incomplete changelog for Patch 13377]
From MaGog's logs for 26 January:

NOTE! Probably CHANGED FILE Grand Ages: Medieval, all_files, Original Game: Windows installer, English (part 1 of 3), dl_ver: 1.1.1 (gog-6) ***TO*** 1.1.2 (gog-7)

NOTE! Probably CHANGED FILE Grand Ages: Medieval, all_files, Original Game: Windows installer, English (part 2 of 3), dl_ver: 1.1.1 (gog-6) ***TO*** 1.1.2 (gog-7)

NOTE! Probably CHANGED FILE Grand Ages: Medieval, all_files, Original Game: Windows installer, English (part 3 of 3), dl_ver: 1.1.1 (gog-6) ***TO*** 1.1.2 (gog-7)

NOTE! Probably REMOVED FILE Grand Ages: Medieval, all_files, GOG version fix [Windows] (dl_ver: 1.01-19543.B5 (gog-1) -> 1.01-19543.B5 (gog-2))

NOTE! Probably REMOVED FILE Grand Ages: Medieval, all_files, Patch 1.0.2-19639 [Windows] (dl_ver: 1.01-19543.B5 (gog-2) -> 1.0.2-19639 (gog-3))

NOTE! Probably REMOVED FILE Grand Ages: Medieval, all_files, Patch 1.0.3 19962 [Windows] (dl_ver: gog 3 -> gog 4)

NOTE! Probably ADDED FILE Grand Ages: Medieval, all_files, Patch 1.1.2 [Windows], dl_ver: ***TO*** 1.1.1 (gog-6) -> 1.1.2 (gog-7)

NOTE! CHANGED Grand Ages: Medieval, changelog (
NOTE! ADD +++ Patch 1.1.2 (23rd January 2016)
NOTE! ADD +++ Update of Eastern European and Asian languages.

NOTE! CHANGED Grand Ages: Medieval, file_size: 4.2 GB ***TO*** 4.4 GB

[I wonder why they refer to "Asian languages" when there is only one such language mentioned on the game page: Chinese]

NOTE! Probably ADDED FILE Order of the Thorne: The King's Challenge, all_files, Linux installer, English, dl_ver: ***TO*** gog-1

NOTE! CHANGED Order of the Thorne: The King's Challenge [Upcoming], sys_req_linux: Ubuntu 14.04, Mint 17, Processor: 1.8 GHz Dual Core, Memory: 1 GB RAM, Graphics: Integrated GPUs after 2008, Storage: 900 MB available space, Sound Card: ALSA or PulseAudio ***TO*** Ubuntu 14.04, Mint 17, Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 2GHz+, Memory: 1GB of RAM, Graphics: nVidia 8xxx Series or AMD 3xxx or 4xxx Intel HD 3xxx Series GPU, Hard drive: 800 MB, Sound Card: Direct X Compatible Sound Card
Tales of Maj'Eyal has been updated. Wall of text incoming:

Patch 1.4.0 (26 January 2016)

Big Changes
Adds bleeding damage to Bone spells.
Sometimes, rarely, a special room will appear in the Infinite Dungeon to let you access the Item's Vault (if you have it active and are a donator)
New Doomed tree "Advanced Shadowmancy"
Allow selecting spell for Arcane Combat
Command Staff talent available to NPCs, which will now spawn with the most appropriate aspect selected.
Added the Staff Mastery talent to many casters (including bosses) that primarily equip staves.
NPCs will try to equip their drops if possible.
NPCs can now use item's power they have! Beware!
Vault loot can be 1 material tier higher
Adjusted material tier for many znoes.
Fearscape sustain cost drastically reduced but vim drain per turn increases each turn
Updated the Rush talent to allow targeting unoccupied spots
New Reaver tree "Rot
Buffed Corrosive Worm/Poison Storm
Deus Ex Machina achievement altered and now possible to get
Roguelike mode characters can now enter the Eidolon plane by a special exploratory farportal event, thus making Utterly Destroyed achievement possible even in Roguelike mode
Feed does not take a turn
Doomed Fears tree is at mastery level 1.3
Gesture of Pain doubles the damage bonus from mindstars and if dual wielding mindstars will proc their on hit effects
Made Gesture of Deflection not pitiful
Hateful Whispers returns more hate with levels
Rounded up Hateful Whispers range
Reproach does a bit more damage and at high talent level looses less damage per foes
Shadows summon cost reduced slightly
Focus Shadows now forces max shadows to appear before focusing
Shadows take reduced damage from their master, up to 100% at level 5
Unseen Force scales way better
Deflection now regens on rest, displays its current value on the icon, absorbs more damage and regens faster
Rares/randboss can not be Skirmishers, until they can be rebalanced next big version
Starting gold bonus on difficulty levels: 100 for Nightmare, 250 for Insane, 500 for Madness
Starting level bonus on difficulty levels: level 2 on Insane, level 3 on Madness

New default UI skin "Dark"
New big quest popup (disable-able)
Added an option (on by default) to auto swap tinkers when swaping items
Made the zone load tips look nicer
Big Character Sheet update
Show message if player fails to move due to encumberance.
New UI option to make a small flyer with talent icon and name upon talent use, for both player and NPCs; disabled by default
New UI option to get a visual feedback when using a hotkey
Right clicking on an object in the hotkeys bar will give a removal prompt instead of removing it directly
Main menu will now take on the UI theme configured instead
New option to zoom the whole screen, for use on veyr high DPI screens where the game may look too tiny
New tinker tab on the inventory for characters able to use them (like demonologists in Ashes of Urh'Rok)
Warn the player when stores restock
Difficulty and Campaign are set to the last values when you make a new character
Trying to force a recall from an exploratory farportal will not assume "Escape" key to mean "OK!"
Protect chat from urls with # inside

Resurrecting removes sufficating effect more promptly
Make Displacement Shield have priority over other shielding so that it can actually be usefully used in conjunction with them.
Corrected Harassed tooltip display (was 100x too high)
Lowered difficulty of Murgol Lair, specifically the alt version
Clarified Tricks of the Trade to make it more obvious that it does not teach Stealth
Devouring flames (and similar effects) will not try to heal the source if it's dead
Ritch Hive Mother is correctly set as female
Quest items/plot items can not be sent to other party members
Undeads cant use infusions instead of only being able to use runes (doesnt change anything for vanilla)
If the rod of recall fails to activate it wont go on cooldown
Buffed curse of nighmare to start triggering at level 4 (as the description was implying)
Yeeks summoned Wayists do not drop items
Party members are cleaned of debuff when going to the Eidolon plane
Primal Infusion scales with constitution
Mitotic mindstars do not copy if tinkered
Windblade has 0 range, so NPCs won't misuse it
Warn player that the exploratory farportal is broken even if there is less than 45 energy Sludgenest drops Maj'Eyal items
Added new horrors
Updated Cyst Burst description to reflect that it can spread any disease.
Adds more zone-wide effects in. About half of them explain special level mechanics, the rest are just for flavour or some minor gameplay spice. Shield damage correctly reflects no off-hand penalty.
Dug sandwalls have a tooltip.
Arcane Combat now interacts correctly with the Hidden Resources prodigy.
Adds a center view on player key command (Ctrl-Home by default).
Reworked interface Archery to properly handle multiple missile launchers.
Dwarves can no longer stone walk throught foes
Allow damage shields to merge
Clarify Arcane Shield talent description
Adds some failed necromantic experiment creatures to the Blighted Ruins.
Horrors are their own faction
Added achievement image for Best Album Ever
Altered/added a variety of Undead enemies
Draebor is even more annoying.
Reduced the cap on how much Sandman effects Insomnia to 12%
Reduced Paradox cost on Time Shield, Webs of Fate, and Temporal Fugue
Twist Fate gives audio feedback when an anomaly is held
Twist Fate gives better messages when an anomaly is targeted
Paradox Modifier can not reduce duration below one turn
Added text to antimagic quest to explain why Ogres can do it
Reckless Charge can once again go through crowds
Makes doors and known traps detected at range remembered (and on the minimap)
Makes non-player actors get the effects of their on-birth stats.
Make ALL_DREAMS unlock be granted even after killing the Mindworm.
Cancelling secondary target for Nature's Equilibrium now targets self

Dev Stuff
Added "callbackOnChangeLevel"
If a module or addon errors out on the loading screen it will jump into a "safe mode" to display the error message and then go back to the main menu
Changes disease spreading code to be more general to works nicely with any future or addon diseases.
Added Map:setScroll
Opening a door triggers a "on_door_opened" event on all entities at the same spot on the map
New ActorProject:getTargetLimited method
Added a util.show_function_calls() function to help find infinite loops and such
Combat:combatSpeed can take an additional speed
Added Map:findObject method
Added a generic way to get total shield block value, actor:combatShieldBlock()
Simplified support of double shields by enhancing actor:hasShield()
Forest map generator can require rooms
GameState:findEventGridRadius also returns the center of the grids
Generic triggers mechanisms added to let static maps do funky stuff
Moved greater vaults into data/maps/vaults/auto/greater; any files that addons add there will automatically be added to the list (for zones that do not enforce a specific list)
Entities lists loaded with Entity:loadList now remember which files were used Modify module() a bit to prevent leaking the global namespace into each and every module and object.
Added an options menu to the birther dialog, for addons registering to it with "ToME:extraBirthOptions" hook. Only appears if addons fill it.
Added Game:isAddonActive method to let an addon check the presence of an other addon
Added "superload" function
Added hook ToME:birthDone
Resources now can have a wait_on_rest flag to make resting wait for them (if possible)
Move useResources to engine/interface/ActorResource.lua
Object's special_desc can return nil
Weapons can now have the "double_weapon" property to enable two handed weapons to count as dual wielding
"callbackOnTemporaryEffect" can now return true to cancel
New callback callbackOnDeathbox
Added hook "Faction:setReaction"
Allow static maps to define callback to be ran when the level is finished generating
Moved Resource definitions to data/resources.lua
Added support for depleted resources canceling sustained talents (resources_def.depleted_unsustain and talents_def.remove_on_zero flags).
Temporary effects on_gain/on_loose definitions can simply have "true" as the second return to make a flyer of the form +/- "effect name"
Added a combat_generic_power
New level generator algorithm "Hexacle" (yes the name is stupid, so what?!)
Cavern map generator can now accomodate rooms
Updated damage_types to use initState & useImplicitCrit; update your addons if needed
New extensible command-staff system. Possibly callbacks may be added to it, too.
In developer mode an error popup forces all other dialogs to disappear; making sure even level generation errors do popup correctly
Improve lore templating capabilities

To be continued... :P
Post edited January 26, 2016 by Grargar
Part 2

Try to fix the gamma issue on some computers
Fixes bugs with sleeping characters being able to change equipment (put on a lucid dreamer robe, for example), drop and pickup objects.
Fixes bug allowing stealth to be used with heavy armor (by changing gear while it is active).
Enhanced stealth info.
Occasional turn loss fix.
Fix Rune: Biting Gale not being used by tactical AI
Solipsist unlock didn't work on dream altar, should now
Fixes a crash when the caustic ego corrodes armor.
Savefiles from previous minor patch versions will not require to check the "old savefiles" checkbox anymore
Savefiles from previous minor patch versions will not display the "download old data" popup anymore
Fix Temporal Fugue on traps
Fixed teleportation/phase door ending in walls in the Charred Scar
Fixed the racial talent description of Thalore
Fixed errors on death for players with a % in their names
Fixed Greater Crypt vault
Fixed windows scaling bugs on high DPI screens
Fixed the game not starting on some latest ubuntu installs
Fixed Skirmisher's Swift Shot abuse
Make Contingency and Matrix respect fixed cooldowns
Fixed flying text to not stutter while disappearing
Fixed targetting bugs in Retch and Stone Wall.
Fixed Twist Fate
New string.prefix and string.suffix functions
Fixed archery to properly do on_hit, on_crit, and on_kill effects for ranged weapons and ammo. It now properly handles single and
Fixed digging into icewalls
Fixed Tirakai Maul; lets see what bug it does next!
Fixed Frost Lord Chains
Fixed Time Stop + Contingency (hopefully)
Fixed The Mouth sometimes erroring out
Tentacles spawned by the tentacled totems are correctly named
Fix Overseer of Nations double bonu
high rated
From MaGog's logs for 26 January:

NOTE! Probably ADDED FILE Renowned Explorers: International Society, all_files, patch 274 (gog-18) [Windows], dl_ver: ***TO*** 267 -> 274

NOTE! Probably CHANGED FILE Renowned Explorers: International Society, all_files, Mac OS X installer, English, dl_ver: 267 (gog-16) ***TO*** 274 (gog-17)

NOTE! Probably CHANGED FILE Renowned Explorers: International Society, all_files, Linux installer, English, dl_ver: 267 (gog-14) ***TO*** 274 (gog-15)

NOTE! CHANGED Renowned Explorers: International Society, changelog (
NOTE! ADD +++ Patch 274 (26 January 2016)
NOTE! ADD +++ fixes a crash when encountering The Sunken Cathedral

NOTE! CHANGED FILE Tales of Maj'Eyal, downloadables, Original Game: Windows installer, English (setup_tales_of_majeyal_2.3.0.5.exe ***TO*** setup_tales_of_majeyal_2.4.0.6.exe; 1.3.3 (gog-5) ***TO*** 1.4.0 (gog-6); Tue, 01 Dec 2015 14:22:00 GMT ***TO*** Tue, 26 Jan 2016 15:05:44 GMT; 364,508,152 ***TO*** 366,987,176)

NOTE! CHANGED FILE Tales of Maj'Eyal, downloadables, Original Game: Mac OS X installer, English (tales_of_majeyal_2.3.0.51.dmg ***TO*** tales_of_majeyal_2.4.0.54.dmg; 1.3.3 (gog-51) ***TO*** 1.4.0 (gog-54); Wed, 02 Dec 2015 13:33:41 GMT ***TO*** Tue, 26 Jan 2016 15:56:42 GMT; 403,463,179 ***TO*** 407,005,419)

NOTE! CHANGED FILE Tales of Maj'Eyal, downloadables, Original Game: Linux installer, English ( ***TO***; 1.3.3 (gog-7) ***TO*** 1.4.0 (gog-8); Tue, 01 Dec 2015 13:51:31 GMT ***TO*** Tue, 26 Jan 2016 15:08:11 GMT; 780,801,581 ***TO*** 784,774,571)

NOTE! CHANGED FILE Tales of Maj'Eyal, downloadables, DLC: Ashes of Urh'Rok: Mac OS X installer, English (dlc_tales_of_majeyal_ashes_of_urhrok_dlc_2.3.0.51.pkg ***TO*** dlc_tales_of_majeyal_ashes_of_urhrok_dlc_2.4.0.54.pkg; ***TO*** 1.4.0 (gog-54); Wed, 02 Dec 2015 13:28:39 GMT ***TO*** Tue, 26 Jan 2016 15:55:47 GMT; 28,583,400 ***TO*** 28,535,198)

NOTE! CHANGED Tales of Maj'Eyal, changelog (
NOTE! ADD +++ Patch 1.4.0 (26 January 2016)
[Too long to post here. See link above or Grargar's posts.]

NOTE! CHANGED Tales of Maj'Eyal, file_size: 347 MB ***TO*** 350 MB

NOTE! Probably CHANGED FILE Windward, all_files, Windows installer, English, dl_ver: 2016-01-09-1 (gog-15) ***TO*** 2016-01-23 (gog-16) (same for all other languages)

NOTE! Probably CHANGED FILE Windward, all_files, Mac OS X installer, English, dl_ver: 2016-01-09-1 (gog-23) ***TO*** 2016-01-23 (gog-24) (same for all other languages)

NOTE! Probably CHANGED FILE Windward, all_files, Linux installer, English, dl_ver: 2016-01-09-1 (gog-19) ***TO*** 2016-01-23 (gog-20) (same for all other languages)

NOTE! CHANGED Windward, changelog (
NOTE! ADD +++ 2016-01-23 (26th January 2016)
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed the Menagerie achievement not unlocking if you happened to unlock the 16th ship on a server that had more ships. Menagerie will now trigger off of 11th ship, so you don’t need to unlock everything anymore.
NOTE! ADD +++ It’s now possible to change world options using /set:
NOTE! ADD +++ /set war = [true/false] ← Permanent PvP or not
NOTE! ADD +++ /set playerShips = [true/false ← allow player ships or not
NOTE! ADD +++ /set challenge = [0.0 - 1.0] ← 0 being 50% challenge, 0.5 being 100%, 1 = 200%
NOTE! ADD +++ /set damage = [0.0 - 1.0] ← 0 being 50% damage, 0.5 being 100%, 1 = 200%
NOTE! ADD +++ Inferno’s damage to sails now scales the same way as hull damage (reduced at low lvl)
NOTE! ADD +++ Spending talent points to upgrade items now subtracts a proper amount of XP.
NOTE! ADD +++ XInput is now enabled automatically for XBOX One controllers.

NOTE! CHANGED Windward, file_size: 79 MB ***TO*** 98 MB
Tales of Maj'Eyal has been updated (again).

Patch 1.4.1 (27 January 2016)

Protected Doomed talents that use shadows from being activated with no shadows
Fixed Vim color bar when not using shaders
Fix Spellhunt Remnants so that they have stats if they generate below material level 2
Fix Ascii mode
Kill Bill is achievable again even on insane & madness
Fixed crash on startup error for some rare people
Fix taking a screenshot while loading a level
Egos are again displayed in the NPC's tooltips

By the way, it seems that Ashes of the Singularity was removed from the upcoming games.
Post edited January 27, 2016 by Grargar
From MaGog's logs for 27 January:

[The section on the the game page that used to be called "Modes" (single-player, co-op, multi-player) has been renamed "Features". I wonder if that is in preparation for supporting additional information beyond game mode (e.g. controller support? achievements? big boobs?]

NOTE! CHANGED FILE Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition, downloadables, Linux installer, English ( ***TO***; ***TO*** gog-4; Thu, 27 Aug 2015 08:59:01 GMT ***TO*** Wed, 27 Jan 2016 10:19:20 GMT; 2,311,651,950 ***TO*** 2,301,497,781)

[No changelog]

NOTE! CHANGED FILE Still Life, downloadables, Mac OS X installer, English (still_life_1.0.0.3.dmg ***TO*** still_life_2.0.0.10.dmg; ***TO*** gog-10; Wed, 13 Nov 2013 19:14:26 GMT ***TO*** Wed, 27 Jan 2016 13:10:44 GMT; 1,358,391,547 ***TO*** 1,364,467,150)

NOTE! CHANGED FILE Still Life, downloadables, Mac OS X installer, French (still_life_fr_1.0.0.2.dmg ***TO*** still_life_french_2.0.0.10.dmg; ***TO*** gog-10; Wed, 13 Nov 2013 19:18:10 GMT ***TO*** Wed, 27 Jan 2016 13:11:38 GMT; 1,349,512,371 ***TO*** 1,355,730,192)

NOTE! CHANGED FILE Still Life, downloadables, Mac OS X installer, German (still_life_de_1.0.0.2.dmg ***TO*** still_life_german_2.0.0.10.dmg; ***TO*** gog-10; Wed, 13 Nov 2013 19:14:21 GMT ***TO*** Wed, 27 Jan 2016 13:11:14 GMT; 1,359,072,543 ***TO*** 1,365,252,819)

NOTE! CHANGED FILE Still Life, downloadables, Mac OS X installer, Italian (still_life_it_1.0.0.2.dmg ***TO*** still_life_italian_2.0.0.10.dmg; ***TO*** gog-10; Wed, 13 Nov 2013 19:19:59 GMT ***TO*** Wed, 27 Jan 2016 13:10:58 GMT; 1,366,799,554 ***TO*** 1,373,028,746)

NOTE! CHANGED FILE Still Life, downloadables, Mac OS X installer, Spanish (still_life_es_1.0.0.2.dmg ***TO*** still_life_spanish_2.0.0.10.dmg; ***TO*** gog-10; Wed, 13 Nov 2013 19:13:37 GMT ***TO*** Wed, 27 Jan 2016 13:11:25 GMT; 1,360,426,080 ***TO*** 1,366,243,842)

[No changelog]
mrkgnao: [The section on the the game page that used to be called "Modes" (single-player, co-op, multi-player) has been renamed "Features". I wonder if that is in preparation for supporting additional information beyond game mode (e.g. controller support? achievements? big boobs?]
'Shower with your dad simulator' confirmed.
mrkgnao: [The section on the the game page that used to be called "Modes" (single-player, co-op, multi-player) has been renamed "Features". I wonder if that is in preparation for supporting additional information beyond game mode (e.g. controller support? achievements? big boobs?]
Hopefully, though if they just stick those were they list single player, etc, I for one will be a bit disappointed. I'd rather see them display them like they do goodies. A little image to represent the feature along with the text and right in front of you and easy to spot. I would also like to see sort options for controller support, achievements, etc.
Post edited January 27, 2016 by user deleted