From MaGog's logs for 22 January:
NOTE! Probably
else Heart.Break(), all_files,
Windows installer, English, dl_ver:
1.0.7 (gog-6) ***TO***
1.0.8 (gog-7) (same for all other languages) NOTE! Probably
else Heart.Break(), all_files,
Mac OS X installer, English, dl_ver:
1.0.7 (gog-15) ***TO***
1.0.8 (gog-16) (same for all other languages) NOTE! Probably
else Heart.Break(), all_files,
Linux installer, English, dl_ver:
1.0.7 (gog-7) ***TO***
1.0.8 (gog-8) (same for all other languages) NOTE! CHANGED
else Heart.Break(), changelog (
NOTE! ADD +++ Patch 1.0.8 (22 January 2016)
NOTE! ADD +++ ADDED: GetTypeOfThing() function added to some computers
NOTE! ADD +++ ADDED: Not operator in Sprak (i.e. if !hungry)
NOTE! ADD +++ ADDED: NPC:s with modifiers will fix doors that have been modified
NOTE! ADD +++ TWEAK: Can't teleport when in a conversation (prevents quite a lot of buggy situations)
NOTE! ADD +++ TWEAK: Can't fall asleep when in a conversation (hopefully prevents several buggy situations)
NOTE! ADD +++ TWEAK: Upgraded Unity to version 4.7
NOTE! ADD +++ FIXED: Bug where the soda salesman got messed up at Plaza
NOTE! ADD +++ FIXED: Crash bug that could happen when pressing the button on a vending machine
NOTE! ADD +++ FIXED: Made sure Felix doesn't get stuck after the party at his place
NOTE! ADD +++ FIXED: Prevented getting stuck at warehouse corner in the harbor
NOTE! Probably
Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime, all_files,
Windows installer, Russian, dl_ver:
1.2.0 (gog-4) ***TO***
1.3.2 (gog-5) NOTE! Probably
Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime, all_files,
Patch 1.3.2 (gog-5) [Windows], dl_ver: ***TO***
1.2.0 (gog-4) -> 1.3.2 (gog-5) NOTE! Probably
Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime, all_files,
Mac OS X installer, Russian, dl_ver:
1.2.0 (gog-5) ***TO***
1.3.2 (gog-6) NOTE! Probably
Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime, all_files,
Linux installer, Russian, dl_ver:
1.2.0 (gog-5) ***TO***
1.3.2 (gog-6) [No changelog] [All the other languages (Brazilian-Portuguese, Chinese, German, English, Spanish, French, Italian, Japanese, Korean) are gone from the language drop-down menu. Only Russian is left.] NOTE! Probably
Punch Club, all_files,
DLC: Deluxe Edition Upgrade: artbook NOTE! Probably
Punch Club, all_files,
DLC: Deluxe Edition Upgrade: soundtrack (MP3) [No changelog] NOTE! Probably
Renowned Explorers: International Society, all_files,
Windows installer, English, dl_ver:
264 (gog-16) ***TO***
267 (gog-17) NOTE! Probably
Renowned Explorers: International Society, all_files,
patch 264 (gog-16) [Windows] NOTE! Probably
Renowned Explorers: International Society, all_files,
patch 267 (gog-17) [Windows] NOTE! Probably
Renowned Explorers: International Society, all_files,
Mac OS X installer, English, dl_ver:
264 (gog-15) ***TO***
267 (gog-16) NOTE! Probably
Renowned Explorers: International Society, all_files,
Linux installer, English, dl_ver:
264 (gog-13) ***TO***
267 (gog-14) NOTE! CHANGED
Renowned Explorers: International Society, changelog (
NOTE! ADD +++ Patch 267 (22 January 2016)
NOTE! ADD +++ Added some new adventures on the Highlands, as well as a new treasure.
NOTE! ADD +++ When you revive a crew member, the reviver gains bonus defenses for 2 turn.
NOTE! ADD +++ You can no longer equip trinkets brought from the overworld when on expedition
NOTE! ADD +++ Emotion Resistances are more clearly displayed during encounters.
NOTE! ADD +++ Most Shangri-La treasures got extra Renown bonuses.
NOTE! ADD +++ Gold, Status and Research tooltip now show extra info about Renown gain.
NOTE! ADD +++ Balance:
NOTE! ADD +++ Cooldown of Strike of Fear raised to 6.
NOTE! ADD +++ 3rd and 4th tree of research significantly more expensive. This will allow you to actually OVER commit into science.
NOTE! ADD +++ Lowered the Renown Gain from the research masteries to 50% to reduce dependency on them.
NOTE! ADD +++ Gold and Status now have the same Renown modifier: 8%. Research still has 12%
NOTE! ADD +++ Boosted the healing power of all speech abilities: "Try to.." from 20% > 30% (Impress stays at 25%) and normal from 25% > 35%.
NOTE! ADD +++ Tranquility base power down to 40%.
NOTE! ADD +++ Rivaleux has a ranged Physical attack
NOTE! ADD +++ Scientist senses give +1 Study on a node of choice instead of +2.
NOTE! ADD +++ Writing History gives +1 Campaign token instead of +2.
NOTE! ADD +++ Apparatus Artists triggers on lvl 3 instead of lvl 2.
NOTE! ADD +++ Changed psychology a bit.
NOTE! ADD +++ The entourage for attitude (Pinkerton, Vaduva, etc.) is now pooled with same attitude: you will always have something useful per attitude instead of per resource type.
NOTE! ADD +++ Moved Monymusk Relinquary to the Scottish Castle and McRea.
NOTE! ADD +++ Cassandra in Egypt has lower defenses, mixed up resistances, Rivalini's have lower spirit
NOTE! ADD +++ Demon battles in Shangri changed, both the characters and the way they respond to your attitude.
NOTE! ADD +++ Red, green and blue demons all have different stats.
NOTE! ADD +++ The Red Demon can now pin you down.
NOTE! ADD +++ Shangri-La better advertises possible Supply stashes.
NOTE! ADD +++ Changes to a few Shangri-La stories to have slightly more control over Resolve loss.
NOTE! ADD +++ Shambhala key bonusses for Rivaleux lowered:
NOTE! ADD +++ Strength: Armor 25->20, Attack 10->6
NOTE! ADD +++ Heart: Terrified Nullify -> Resist, Speech 10->6
NOTE! ADD +++ Mind -> Impressed Nullify -> Resist, Speech Defense 25->15
NOTE! ADD +++ Captains:
NOTE! ADD +++ Anna's captain perk nerfed, AGAIN. If she's still that much out of line, I declare her a cockroach and unnerfable. Bonus for gold and status reduced to 1-2 from 1-3.
NOTE! ADD +++ Charles's captain perk bonus for gold and status reduced to 1-3 from 2-4 and curio reduced to 0-1 from 1-2.
NOTE! ADD +++ Lowered Hildegard's science gain from 2-6 to 2-4.
NOTE! ADD +++ Philippe now gains +4 Study token per medkit left at the end of an expedition.
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed:
NOTE! ADD +++ Galaxy achievements are now stored correctly when the internet connection is interrupted
NOTE! ADD +++ Renown multiplier bonuses for Gold didn't work. Now they do.
NOTE! ADD +++ Slight changes to the way stories are placed in expeditions.
NOTE! ADD +++ 'Practical supplies' icon during expeditions changes to 'supplies' as they were only used to advertize supplies.
NOTE! ADD +++ Zombie encounter no longer freezes when the Zombie frightens a Cultist
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed an exploit where Undo move could be used to use abilities from farther away.
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed an exploit where moving in steps avoided the slow of difficult terrain.
NOTE! ADD +++ Items don't count as treasures any longer.
NOTE! ADD +++ One.. More... Expedition is no longer still enabled after starting a new game
NOTE! ADD +++ Revisitable nodes are now actually revisitable!
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed an exploit where you could get treasures multiple times by click spamming
NOTE! ADD +++ Item Shop, Passport and Entourage Shop work a little better on smaller aspect ratios
NOTE! ADD +++ Final node in Shangri-La now shows an objective cross.
NOTE! ADD +++ Abilities that couldn't be used from next to opponents (like Piercing Shot) can now be used while standing next to Friendly defeated opponents on the edge of the arena.
NOTE! ADD +++ Some typos.
Renowned Explorers: International Society, file_size:
707 MB ***TO***
80 Days, os: Windows (XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10) and Mac OS X (10.
6.8 or newer) ***TO*** Windows (XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10) and Mac OS X (10.
7.0 or newer)