Reznov64: CPU usage is still limited and DLC is still missing. Game cannot be played past certain points without crashing due to the CPU restriction which GOG refuses to remove the limiter. Due to a blank file, the DLC does not exist.
Edward_Carnby: Just made a fresh install of the latest build.
All the DLC looks like in place - I can run DLC campaigns, get DLC items & so on (
Maybe I'm missing something ?
As for CPU limiter - I replayed entire game some years ago & this CPU fix was a must have for me back than (to avoid crashes).
Right now I don't have time to replay the entire game - so just for my curiosity - can you share a save file before crash ?
Want to check it out on my rig.
I'm still waiting for GOG to patch the game again before I again waste memory space on my SSD and wait several days for it download. My internet is shit which is why I hate this digital only era we live in. For a 23GB game it can take over 4 days for it to download so I want to ensure it can run before I try to download it again. I uninstalled it because of the patches breaking everything.