It seems that you're using an outdated browser. Some things may not work as they should (or don't work at all).
We suggest you upgrade newer and better browser like: Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer or Opera

BreOl72: Not sure, how recently this is, but I just noticed, that the search function in my "ORDERS HISTORY" isn't working anymore.

It has always been a bit 'finicky', but now nothing shows up at all - no matter what I look for.

The "result" is alway the same: the "search loop" is spinning for way too long, and then it displays the message: "No results found".

Edit: attached a few screenshots of my attempt to find the game "Anodyne" in my "Orders History".
Works fine for me.

Maybe you have too many games as others suggested.
Thanks! I didn't know news was being updated in on the blast from the past page. (and there is even a news specific page there but it only shows one at a time :(, although there is an awkward list on the right that should work nicely with a few css changes).

The giveaway part of the promo was quietly removed although there is still a top banner for Fallout London. However, I suspect it is the changes that I was complaining about that are the cause of your issue and those may continue. Such a GOG thing to do to make a major site change at exactly the time they are trying to impress potential new customers, ensuring they will be turned off for good if something goes majorly wrong.

In your case it is almost certainly due to an ad blocker or other addon. I can repeat the issue blocking (CNAME decloaked from so unblocking one or both of those should fix it for you.
joveian: I can repeat the issue blocking (CNAME decloaked from so unblocking one or both of those should fix it for you.
joveian, thank you! : )

My dnsmasq.conf file indeed contained an entry (manually-added on 2024-03-11) redirecting to -- is also redirected, but, commenting (initial #) the entry is sufficient to rectify the issue (just as you had suggested).

I am appreciative of the fact that you had made the effort to identify and post the cause! (^_^)

For now, as the main page is of no particular (immediate) value, I will obstinately maintain the course of redirecting the aforementioned GOG sub-domain, as well as the other non-essentials (including, but not limited to:,,

I continue to lament the rarity of simple (yet functional), static HTML pages. For entirely unrelated reasons, Space Jam (1996) and GNU Nano are some of my favorites (both render well within the Links browser).
Palestine: I continue to lament the rarity of simple (yet functional), static HTML pages.
Indeed. And they don't need to be fixed in the backend either, nothing stopping the server from generating the page dynamically at the time of request but serving a plain, static HTML to the browser.
Good to hear that was actually it :). Redirecting the main site doesn't do anything for subdomains as you noticed (if you managed to redirect all subdomains a lot of sites will break). I use uBlock Origin with everything third party blocked unless I manually allow it per site. It isn't quite as nice as the old uMatrix but not too bad (there is a side panel in advanced mode that lets you unblock from the icon). You can just enable sites when used from the particular sites that you want to work instead of enabling or disabling everywhere (and even after enabling the lists you subscribe to are applied unless you additionally override those so it still blocks known ads).

I'm also a fan of static HTML :). I wouldn't personally give design awards to either of the sites you mention but they are quick at least (I use the nano editor but have only looked at the site maybe threeish times ever :/ ). One game in the Humble Ukraine bundle was a choose your own adventure implemented as a single html file that worked without javascript, that was nice to see.

Thanks again for the blast from the past page mention. It took longer than I expected but I made CSS changes with Stylus to make it work with my large font size and will try to post that and the /form page adjustments for large fonts in a new thread tomorrow in case anyone is interested. I also found this post by MarkoH01 and adapted it (see that thread) to put the news on the top of the current home page (it might still take a while to load, though).
Post edited July 29, 2024 by joveian
Update: Thank you to the anonymous GOG employee that had fixed the issue with the main/front page!

Even with resolved to, the main page no longer exhibits the redirection to error message behavior. Yay! (^_^)
Yay :). I was curious what it does and it seems right now there is only really one section that uses, which is the "Games for You" section. I was scratching my head why they would have a different CDN just for that but I see right now is just a CNAME destination of so possibly I was just too tired and read it wrong :/. Or possibly it changed; the home page does seem quite a bit faster now.

There is one other connection to right now but it just returns json with isOfferAvailable: false. Searching the sources this seems to be related to the "welcome offer" whatever that is. The one hint I found is this background that looks familiar but I can't place it (though maybe it was also used for something else).
Post edited July 30, 2024 by joveian
The "Friends" section is not working. It just shows a picture of a Gog bear holding up the world. Is it working for anyone else?
The GOG frontpage exists completely removed from reality's timeline.

The attached screenshot shows how the numbers of comments change, simply by refreshing the page.

Mind you: the one showing 2 comments was made seconds before the one showing 1 comment.
And yes: there are two comments.

Just one of many possible examples, how the front page is not anchored in the general timeline.

Edit: it just took the front page15 minutes to acknowledge a third comment made under that thread.
Post edited July 31, 2024 by BreOl72
BenKii: The "Friends" section is not working. It just shows a picture of a Gog bear holding up the world. Is it working for anyone else?
Same here.
BenKii: The "Friends" section is not working. It just shows a picture of a Gog bear holding up the world. Is it working for anyone else?
...Hmm, neat! Not working here either.
Notified GOGers about 'friends' page.

Hope it will be fixed soon(tm).
More of a who than a what, but whoever's supposed to be writing the news seems to have had quite a problem today. Several new releases but no announcement about any of them, wrong link for the shooter promo and still not fixed, and what seems to be a typo made diagonally across the keyboard in the CDPR sale announcement...
... and now the forum, it seems.

Click on general and it looks fine, open threads and it acts as if I'm signed out, though at the top it still shows me signed in and elsewhere on the site it all seems just fine. Eventually it seems to have fixed itself, but now it shows me signed out on the top bar on the forum, though that's obviously not the case and the behavior is normal for being signed in...
Cavalary: ... and now the forum, it seems.

Click on general and it looks fine, open threads and it acts as if I'm signed out, though at the top it still shows me signed in and elsewhere on the site it all seems just fine. Eventually it seems to have fixed itself, but now it shows me signed out on the top bar on the forum, though that's obviously not the case and the behavior is normal for being signed in...
Same here. Additionally, I cannot log in on my PC. I get a gogbear after credential input. This is being posted from my phone, where I am still logged in.