mrkgnao: Which games? As there are some that never get flags...
Paraharaha: You´re right - should have mentioned that from the beginning. :-)
STAR WARS®: TIE Fighter (1998)
STAR WARS®: X-Wing (1998)
The Uncertain: Light At The End
"As there are some that never get flags.." -> Oh, there are? Did not know that.
Thank you for helping.
Basically, any game that has different store and library IDs never gets update flags. These would primarily be:
1) Unbundled games, namely games that have one store entry, but multiple library boxes (e.g. Ultima 4+5+6).
2) Games that were once sold under one ID (e.g. preorder, post-release bundle) but now under another
3) Games that some people got from elsewhere (i.e. not bought on GOG), especially kickstarted games
The two STAR WARS above are examples of #1, I know. The Uncertain is an example of #2, I believe.
So I wouldn't expect flags for these. Need to wait until a "normal" game you own is updated.