skeletonbow: It has been impossible to see any replies on the forums now for weeks on end. Instead I just get the gogbear page with no writing on it whatsoever, no indication of what is wrong. I get the impression that the forums are just plain broken and GOG doesn't give the slightest shit about it right now because they've got bigger fish to fry and are swamped with virtually every type of workload imaginable.
If only their parent company would do something crazy like make a video game or something that sells millions of copies and makes them a half a billion dollars, maybe they could afford to hire new developers, system administrators, support technicians.
The forums are basically only useful for reading things or writing things you don't want or care about replies for right now. What a shame. I can only imagine that there are so few people using the forums overall compared to the total number of accounts and/or active users of the service, that the forums get the lowest possible priority imaginable.
They might as well just retire the forums entirely and build some new replacement for them inside of Galaxy client. Kappa
#JustSaying #FixYerShitAlready
I don't know about your gogbear problem, I haven't seen the gogbear when looking at forum posts in ages.
However, I do suspect that any gog employee who shows any kind of competence gets snagged up by CDPR (is that the right acronym?).