ssokolow: ...and now mine are gone but "Account" and "Library" are badged with "2" while the library filters say I have 0 updated entries.
HypersomniacLive: The notifications are even more borked than before. Chat notifications show next to "Chat", but are never counted in the total, total Chat notifications don't correspond to the actual number of messages one has on their Chat page, forum notifications refresh at random, it's a big fat mess.
I asked Chamb in the "My Account - big change on the horizon" thread if anything will be done about this mess, but (unsurprisingly) got no reply.
It's not just the notifications.
Now the library is showing "My Collection (837, 2 updated)" but, for reasons unknown to me...
1. I noticed it was showing DROD: King Dugan's Dungeon as Windows-only and expanded it to check
2. I discovered the language had been set to русский (Sure, my family name is what it is because customs misspelled what my Russian+Ukranian grandparents said as they were on their way to Canada, but I'm in Canada and I've never touched anything Russian-related on GOG.)
3. Switching it back to English grants access to the Linux binaries and that setting appears to be remembered.
4. After a reload, the collection list still shows only the Windows icon despite the popup showing Linux+English downloads.
EDIT: And now the forum seems to be silently discarding my attempts to reply to Sude over in the LGOGDownloader thread. What the hell did they just do?!