Johny.: Yes, we're using external service to measure and improve our performance and track errors on your (user) side.
In current moment I don't know whether it's possible for website to work with it blocked by noScript.
You could enable scripts from these domains to prevent JavaScript from crashing + help us improve performance and track errors.
With this new change, all features on GOG, aside from the forum and the contact us form, are unusable without enabling Personally, I think the best way to improve performance is to not require javascript.
Nearly all features on GOG currently require javascript to function. Even making this forum post requires javascript.
More crucially, please allow users to use the account page to download purchased games without javascript. Even if this is just a fallback menu with a plain list of links, we should have the choice.
As for javascript errors, here are some scripts currently generating errors right now: This browser does not support Web Storage! Line11:Char106
g.setItem is not a function Line11:Char670
Each is generated once on every non-forum page, or every time one clicks on a game in the collection. However, when idling on the GOG main page, it generates the latter error every second. This browser does not support Web Storage! Line5:Char28721
g.setItem is not a function Line5:Char29285
Each is generated once per forum page. Use of getPreventDefault() is deprecated. Use defaultPrevented instead. Line15:Char0
Generated once per forum page. Exception Line419:Char263
can't establish a connection to the server at wss:// Line 12274:Char0 "error, handle it somehow." null 0 Line3519:Char17
"error, handle it somehow." Object { error: "access_denied", error_description: "OAuth2 authentication required" } 401 Line3519:Char17
I'm unable to use the chat. The page exceptions, reloads, and repeats.