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Tarm: I can't breathe through my nose and I can't sleep. I hate having a cold!
NuffCatnip: Had that a couple days ago - listening to these while trying to sleep really helped.
Amazing. He made watching paint dry interesting. I want that painting.
NuffCatnip: Had that a couple days ago - listening to these while trying to sleep really helped.
Tarm: Amazing. He made watching paint dry interesting. I want that painting.
Yeah, I love his voice, its so soothing.
Tarm: Amazing. He made watching paint dry interesting. I want that painting.
NuffCatnip: Yeah, I love his voice, its so soothing.
He speaks a bit like the six fingered man. :)
NuffCatnip: Yeah, I love his voice, its so soothing.
Tarm: He speaks a bit like the six fingered man. :)
Now thats a name I havent heard in a long time. :)
Tarm: He speaks a bit like the six fingered man. :)
NuffCatnip: Now thats a name I havent heard in a long time. :)
One of my all time favourite films. :)
NuffCatnip: Now thats a name I havent heard in a long time. :)
Tarm: One of my all time favourite films. :)
*walks in with straw hat, pinstripe suit, and cane*
Is this where we start the musical number?
No singalongs?
mystikmind2000: Oh yea, i saw the news on the floods.

I was very confused actually? .... my dad is from England, so i sarcastically gave my interpretation of what the bystanders in England were thinking.... "dahh, um, i think its rain?" As if the British never saw rain before and are acting all surprised by it! ???

But seriously, what i don't understand is how a country that experiences constant rain would be so surprised and unprepared for floods??
adaliabooks: There are three things at play here:

1) It rains all the time here but over the last couple of months we were hit by three storms and I think we had something like a years worth of rainfall in a very short space of time (I seem to remember the news saying we had that in one weekend..)

2) We're ridiculously under prepared for any weather event; rain, snow or heatwave we always get caught unawares (though we're getting a little better at it, we had three inches of snow here on Saturday and the county didn't grind to a halt)

3) The government canceled most of the planned flood defences they were supposed to build after the last time this happened (particularly in the North), because they are a useless bunch of arseholes who don't really give a shit (particularly about the North)

Also, it's stopped snowing here but there is still snow on the ground and it's bitterly cold. So about the same as everyone else it seems.
Ahhhh, now i understand, especially number 3! Because politicians with big mouths spouting big promises to get elected need to fund those promises by taking the money away from old promises.

But you know what.... i don't actually blame the politicians, because the fundamental problem with politicians is that they have evolved to survive in the political environment generated by the stupidness of the general public (voters).

And i am not just saying English voters are stupid.... Australian voters are stupid too, if not more stupid i think?? Now excuse me while i go and watch that movie 'idiocracy' again..... i just love movies on current events!!!!
Well, I'm in Norway, so.. I'm waist-deep in snow, of course.
Random_Coffee: Well, I'm in Norway, so.. I'm waist-deep in snow, of course.
Just shovel it over the fence into Sweden's back yard. Why not? They'll accept just about anything being dumped into their country. *rimshot*
Random_Coffee: Well, I'm in Norway, so.. I'm waist-deep in snow, of course.
Emob78: Just shovel it over the fence into Sweden's back yard. Why not? They'll accept just about anything being dumped into their country. *rimshot*
We only take premium snow!
Emob78: Just shovel it over the fence into Sweden's back yard. Why not? They'll accept just about anything being dumped into their country. *rimshot*
Tarm: We only take premium snow!
I was going to suggest Syrian snow, but I guess it doesn't really snow in Syria. Though it does sometimes rain bombs.
Tarm: We only take premium snow!
Emob78: I was going to suggest Syrian snow, but I guess it doesn't really snow in Syria. Though it does sometimes rain bombs.
We have enough rain already. No need for more of that.
Emob78: I was going to suggest Syrian snow, but I guess it doesn't really snow in Syria. Though it does sometimes rain bombs.
Tarm: We have enough rain already. No need for more of that.
Premium snow but no more rain. Got it... Ok, but what does Sweden really want? What... inspires Sweden to get up every morning and take on the day? What motivates Sweden? Sit down on the couch. Please, help yourself to some hot chocolate and Surströmming. Help me help you, Sweden. You can tell me anything. Let's just... talk.
Tarm: We have enough rain already. No need for more of that.
Emob78: Premium snow but no more rain. Got it... Ok, but what does Sweden really want? What... inspires Sweden to get up every morning and take on the day? What motivates Sweden? Sit down on the couch. Please, help yourself to some hot chocolate and Surströmming. Help me help you, Sweden. You can tell me anything. Let's just... talk.
Coffee. Lot's and lot's of black and strong coffee. That's probably the foundation our whole society is resting on.
Emob78: Premium snow but no more rain. Got it... Ok, but what does Sweden really want? What... inspires Sweden to get up every morning and take on the day? What motivates Sweden? Sit down on the couch. Please, help yourself to some hot chocolate and Surströmming. Help me help you, Sweden. You can tell me anything. Let's just... talk.
Tarm: Coffee. Lot's and lot's of black and strong coffee. That's probably the foundation our whole society is resting on.
Well, as both a psychologist and a former space engineer I would like to suggest stronger corner pins. Black coffee is not a very sturdy foundation for load bearing pressure. You might also want to look into getting some earthquake insurance. Always hedge your bets, Sweden. Never put all of your furniture or coffee or immigration policies in one basket.