Posted August 08, 2014

The Big Gog
Registered: May 2011
From Italy

Battle Sister
Registered: Feb 2014
From United Kingdom

New User
Registered: Apr 2012
From United Kingdom
Posted August 08, 2014
Not in, but +1 and a bump for your generosity.

Mortes best mate
Registered: May 2011
From Ireland
Posted August 08, 2014
Not working , but NOT IN (have quite a backlog to get through thankfully), +1 for the giveaway, its a beautiful gesture.

Old User
Registered: Oct 2008
From Finland
Posted August 08, 2014
I've managed to find work only for a few weeks this year (it's better than nothing, though not much), but fortunately I have a huge backlog of unplayed games, so I'm NOT in, but I wanted to post my support for such a great and generous gesture.

Registered: Oct 2011
From United States
Posted August 08, 2014
I am (thankfully) employed, so don't qualify, but I love what you are doing. It is stuff like this that makes GOG great!
Thank you!!!
Thank you!!!

Fulvus Forever !
Registered: Apr 2012
From France
Posted August 08, 2014

Awesome giveaway by the way, very generous of you!
Peace all!!
I hope to find a job quickly to be able to be as generous.
Thank you ddickinson for this GA, hope the others in the same situation will be as happy as I'am right now !
Of course, I relinquish my entry here ;)
Thanks to all !

The Reluctant Voter
Registered: Sep 2011
From Vatican City
Posted August 08, 2014
I was laid off in Summer 2007, after which I went into freelancing. Things were pretty good up until 2011, when the EU crisis found its way into my line of work. Contracts got more sparse with the last decent paying one in early 2012. Ever since, I got almost no paid contracts (last time was a small one in early 2013), and am basically living on my savings which are running pretty thin. Trying to land an employee's position is practically impossible for someone not in their twenties or early thirties, and with considerable expertise and experience in a specific field - in my own field of expertise, no one is hiring, and looking outside of it, being my age and having my qualifications is a major downside that puts you at the bottom of the candidates list; the only positions regularly on offer are for telemarketing, a line of work where, apart from long hours with no guaranteed income, my age and my qualifications are still an obstacle.
I keep looking and applying for a paid position and trying as a freelancer, but good news has yet to arrive.
Being this inactive and feeling unwanted after many years of working long hours daily and even many weekends in a row is very frustrating; the uncertainty of no steady work and income at my age is extremely stressing, as asides from living costs, I'm burdened with taxes and the cost of my social security coverage.
Since I'm a freelancer I don't count towards the statistics of unemployment, so I'll let others have a chance at the prizes of this very kind and thoughtful giveaway, i.e. I'm not in.
Big thanks to the host and everyone else that contributed, and good luck to those that entered. :-)
EDIT: Damn typos! ;-P
I keep looking and applying for a paid position and trying as a freelancer, but good news has yet to arrive.
Being this inactive and feeling unwanted after many years of working long hours daily and even many weekends in a row is very frustrating; the uncertainty of no steady work and income at my age is extremely stressing, as asides from living costs, I'm burdened with taxes and the cost of my social security coverage.
Since I'm a freelancer I don't count towards the statistics of unemployment, so I'll let others have a chance at the prizes of this very kind and thoughtful giveaway, i.e. I'm not in.
Big thanks to the host and everyone else that contributed, and good luck to those that entered. :-)
EDIT: Damn typos! ;-P
Post edited August 08, 2014 by HypersomniacLive

Battle Sister
Registered: Feb 2014
From United Kingdom

Registered: Aug 2009
From United States
Posted August 08, 2014
I saw this earlier but didn't have time post and now that I do...
I am NOT in but just wished to thank ddickinson and everyone else who has contributed, and say that even though I am working I certainly don't have job security. With that in mind, I have a game I was either going to gift on these forums or the steamgifts group...I'll make a decision and then perhaps add that game here.
Cheers and beers!
I am NOT in but just wished to thank ddickinson and everyone else who has contributed, and say that even though I am working I certainly don't have job security. With that in mind, I have a game I was either going to gift on these forums or the steamgifts group...I'll make a decision and then perhaps add that game here.
Cheers and beers!

The Reluctant Voter
Registered: Sep 2011
From Vatican City
Posted August 08, 2014

If you change your mind and want to be in at a later date then you are more than welcome.
And thank you very much for the open invitation, but I'm good - life has taught me to be patient and work towards fulfilling any wishes, so I view my wishlist as a bag of goodies to look forward to in the future. ;-)

garbage features like achievements.
Registered: Apr 2009
From Other
Posted August 08, 2014
Not in but thank you for your giveaway .

Registered: Nov 2012
From United Kingdom
Posted August 08, 2014
Not in +1 for awesome giveaway, i don't have a job either, it's such a hard time to get 1 these day

Registered: May 2011
From Australia

Registered: May 2011
From Australia
Posted August 08, 2014
high rated
My mother kicked me out of home on Christmas eve when I was 19. She ironically couldn't handle my drinking. Pot. Kettle. Black. I had $35 to my name, no life experience, no job and a lot of pain and a lack of understanding of it. Fortunately friends that I drank with took me in. At one stage we had 14 people living in a 3 bedroom house. I just wanted to die. What was the point of life? No love, no money, no support, constant pressure that I was "bad" for the naive choices I had made. At every stage where I was in a situation where I had the opportunity to die, love saved me. Love from strangers, animals from an unseen force that I felt strongly. I am the luckiest person I know. I am always taken care of but it is challenging to have this in the forefront of one's mind with so much struggle and adversity.
I did what I could to find joy, motivation and not give up on life. Love is the healing force of the universe. Those who are unable to see it, feel it or find it in it's many forms(I consider the sun shining to be a form of love, just as I do when the birds come to my balcony every morning to ask for food and cheer me up with their songs) have the most difficult time out of any I have met. So why is there all this focus on earning money (differs from "work") in environments that are totally devoid of love? (time to bring it back to unemployment lol)
We currently live in a world where there has never been such an inequity in the distribution of wealth. The basis of all wealth is the fallacious concept of land ownership(it can only be occupied and used, never 'owned') and all wealth derives from that. Sorry I do not have the time to write an economics essay so my apologies to those who do not understand what I mean by that nor do I have references on hand to point others in the direction of that concept. Use a search engine <3
We live in a world where we are willing slaves to sell our labour short in order to keep a very small minority insanely rich. We are taught that through hard work we can make it too. This is complete bullshit. This way of human existence is unsustainable. Money has no intrinsic value, it is merely a means of exchange with no value in itself. We are heading towards a global economic collapse and this is constantly being propped up by band-aid measures. Our species cannot continue to live this way without a collapse. It isn't a matter of if but when.
How would you live in an interdependent specialised society with skills that have very little application to survival if your way of life vanished now? Can you source your own food, water, shelter etc? In the Great Depression(something I have researched extensively) people grew food and knew how to find it. People went bush and built squats. People had a far greater understanding of nature and life and how to survive. Community and family existed in a way then that has since been fractured for many. These days it is far more of an "everyone for themselves" mentality.
How can I live freely as a being when I am not allowed to "trespass" or live where I choose or source or share food without breaking so many stupid laws that are merely there to protect the interests of the elite? Why is law applied differently based upon wealth? (my reason for ceasing my legal studies, too much injustice in the legal systems worldwide) If I simply wish to "be" and live, why is there a threat of force if I choose that path?
I am fortunate to currently be taken care of financially through a disability pension but the way this country is heading, that won't last. I can survive myself without money, I have no doubts about that and have spent the past 8 years learning anything and everything I can about survival - sourcing water, food, building shelter and tools, learning the land, medicines, combat, networking with the community here and elsewhere, etc. My greatest concern is my dependents (animals in particular).
So fellow unemployed people(I manage to get some casual gardening work illegally as is the most common form of labouring where I live as it suits the employer best due to the extra costs of doing it legally, so I have no history of official paid work since the year 2000) I would like to say this:
1/ You are not the problem in this world, no matter what others tell you. The most generous people I have ever met are always poor and are often willing to help. The poor are the majority in this world.
2/ Try your best to find joy and motivation as being poor and unemployed has enough challenges without adding the judgement of others to your burden
3/ If any of this resonates with you and you want some basic tips on survival knowledge, PM me
4/ Love (as is being shown by this giveaway) is the answer. People do care, especially once they get an understanding of what your hardships have been like, even if you have not found people who care.
5/ Find your own path in life and do what feels right no matter what anyone else says and whether it is paid or not. That is the key to finding a place of belonging and finding some form of validation. The universe rewards those who give <3 Give your labour to those who reward you for doing so, even if that payment is a 'thank you' or smile or cup of tea. Remember money is only one means of energetic exchange.
I did what I could to find joy, motivation and not give up on life. Love is the healing force of the universe. Those who are unable to see it, feel it or find it in it's many forms(I consider the sun shining to be a form of love, just as I do when the birds come to my balcony every morning to ask for food and cheer me up with their songs) have the most difficult time out of any I have met. So why is there all this focus on earning money (differs from "work") in environments that are totally devoid of love? (time to bring it back to unemployment lol)
We currently live in a world where there has never been such an inequity in the distribution of wealth. The basis of all wealth is the fallacious concept of land ownership(it can only be occupied and used, never 'owned') and all wealth derives from that. Sorry I do not have the time to write an economics essay so my apologies to those who do not understand what I mean by that nor do I have references on hand to point others in the direction of that concept. Use a search engine <3
We live in a world where we are willing slaves to sell our labour short in order to keep a very small minority insanely rich. We are taught that through hard work we can make it too. This is complete bullshit. This way of human existence is unsustainable. Money has no intrinsic value, it is merely a means of exchange with no value in itself. We are heading towards a global economic collapse and this is constantly being propped up by band-aid measures. Our species cannot continue to live this way without a collapse. It isn't a matter of if but when.
How would you live in an interdependent specialised society with skills that have very little application to survival if your way of life vanished now? Can you source your own food, water, shelter etc? In the Great Depression(something I have researched extensively) people grew food and knew how to find it. People went bush and built squats. People had a far greater understanding of nature and life and how to survive. Community and family existed in a way then that has since been fractured for many. These days it is far more of an "everyone for themselves" mentality.
How can I live freely as a being when I am not allowed to "trespass" or live where I choose or source or share food without breaking so many stupid laws that are merely there to protect the interests of the elite? Why is law applied differently based upon wealth? (my reason for ceasing my legal studies, too much injustice in the legal systems worldwide) If I simply wish to "be" and live, why is there a threat of force if I choose that path?
I am fortunate to currently be taken care of financially through a disability pension but the way this country is heading, that won't last. I can survive myself without money, I have no doubts about that and have spent the past 8 years learning anything and everything I can about survival - sourcing water, food, building shelter and tools, learning the land, medicines, combat, networking with the community here and elsewhere, etc. My greatest concern is my dependents (animals in particular).
So fellow unemployed people(I manage to get some casual gardening work illegally as is the most common form of labouring where I live as it suits the employer best due to the extra costs of doing it legally, so I have no history of official paid work since the year 2000) I would like to say this:
1/ You are not the problem in this world, no matter what others tell you. The most generous people I have ever met are always poor and are often willing to help. The poor are the majority in this world.
2/ Try your best to find joy and motivation as being poor and unemployed has enough challenges without adding the judgement of others to your burden
3/ If any of this resonates with you and you want some basic tips on survival knowledge, PM me
4/ Love (as is being shown by this giveaway) is the answer. People do care, especially once they get an understanding of what your hardships have been like, even if you have not found people who care.
5/ Find your own path in life and do what feels right no matter what anyone else says and whether it is paid or not. That is the key to finding a place of belonging and finding some form of validation. The universe rewards those who give <3 Give your labour to those who reward you for doing so, even if that payment is a 'thank you' or smile or cup of tea. Remember money is only one means of energetic exchange.