Posted July 18, 2013

Summer Sale - Kerbal, Footie 2013
Blocks That Matter - Big Mama
They Bleed Pixels - Clawed Girl, Wraith, Shambler
Hotline miami - Burn
Saints Row 3 - Pierce x2
Garry's Mod - Melon Racer, Spammerx2, Invasion, Physgun
Mount and Blade - Companion
Steam sale - Reus, Torchlight
Bastion- Wilds, Shrine, Windbags
Hotline Miami - any Animal
Dota 2 - Lancer, Tidehunter, Vengeful
TF2 - Any except pyro and heavy
Borderlands 2 - Zero, Axton, Salvador
Portal 2 - Glados, The lab, Mannequin
Super Meat Boy - Any
Serious Sam 3 - Spider, werebull, Khnum, Mechanoid, Cave deamon
Magicka - Life, shield, cold
The binding of Isaac - Justice (Will trade 2:1)
Saints row 3 -Walking Apo, Johnny, nyte blade, Oleg, Zimos
The Witcher 2 - any
Dust: An elysian Tail - card 1. 5, 6, and 8
Mount and Blade - Charger, Rider, Sister, Skirmisher, Marauder