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low rated
GameRager: Women in games can't show navel? What is this....the 60s or 70s?

(I dream of Genie did the same thing, iirc)
Believe it or not it was the mid 10s. The artist said on their page that the change was forced upon them, because Larian had felt threatened by the fact that people were ready to boycot the game if they didn't make the change. They wrote about it on their deviantart page but I can't find the link right now.
low rated
Mr.Mumbles: I have absolutely no problem as to what the BLM movement is trying to achieve, barring the exceptions of fringe fuckheads/vandals, but this has absolutely nothing to do with gaming. Keep that stuff to the real news sites.
They do the same thing(people pushing things) in games and media for ideological purposes over entertainment has no(imo) place in such media, but they inject it and put it there anyways in some games/media.

So their way to be progressive with females is to cover all their skin?

Gods they are dumb.

(i.e. somehow now covering skin is progressive, whereas in the past showing more skin was progressive...they need to make up their minds already)
Post edited June 02, 2020 by GameRager
GameRager: So their way to be progressive with females is to cover all their skin?

Gods they are dumb.
To be fair, that battle bikini makes no sense in the first place.
low rated
That question was rhetorical(as in I was asking if the devs somehow thought they were back in the 60s or 70s).

That said, this is what I meant earlier(and others mentioned as well). Some more "progressive" types keep saying(here and elsewhere, online and offline): "Oh go play the game made for you bro" or similar. Thing is, with their meddling in the "games made for us" as well(instead of them sticking to the games made to cater to their likes and stances), that becomes harder and harder to pull off.


Mr.Mumbles: To be fair, that battle bikini makes no sense in the first place.
Fair enough/fair point....that said: And a world of magic, dragons, etc does?

Tbh I don't think they edited that content for those reasons(realism).

(Also I added a bit to that reply I made to you above, about how they[devs, some more "loud" customers] don't seem to know what they believe to be progressive)


Addition: Also all the men back then weren't hunky beefcake gotta make the men on the boxes/covers all slightly fat with potbellies and less muscle tone....if were going for realism, I mean. ;)
Post edited June 02, 2020 by GameRager
It looks to me that someone pointed out that the first one isn't functional armour. Why would you go into battle with armour in some places and a bare midriff?
Mr.Mumbles: To be fair, that battle bikini makes no sense in the first place.
GameRager: Fair enough/fair point....that said: And a world of magic, dragons, etc does?
It does if they exist in that universe. If the writers also want to say she has a magic bellybutton that means she doesn't need armour then fair enough. If not, then no it doesn't make sense.
Post edited June 02, 2020 by SirMrFailRomp
low rated
SirMrFailRomp: If the writers also want to say she has a magic bellybutton that means she doesn't need armour then fair enough. If not, then no it doesn't make sense.
Well maybe it does make sense somehow and maybe she does have such a do we know? o.0

What i'm saying is that such shouldn't be removed because of such flimsy reasons as "muh realism", else we should remove/change many other things as well(if we're really striving for such in games).
SirMrFailRomp: It looks to me that someone pointed out that the first one isn't functional armour. Why would you go into battle with armour in some places and a bare midriff?
Mr.Mumbles: To be fair, that battle bikini makes no sense in the first place.
SirMrFailRomp: This.
GameRager: Fair enough/fair point....that said: And a world of magic, dragons, etc does?
SirMrFailRomp: It does if they exist in that universe. If the writers also want to say she has a magic bellybutton that means she doesn't need armour then fair enough. If not, then no it doesn't make sense.
The argument presented was not practicality, but the fact that the female warrior's appearance was deemed sexist and exploitative, and such depictions aren't acceptable. As I said, the artist was threatened personally because of the drawings they made. It was a "either you submit to our orders or we'll destroy your product and yourself" kind of situation.
SirMrFailRomp: It looks to me that someone pointed out that the first one isn't functional armour. Why would you go into battle with armour in some places and a bare midriff?
If you want to go that way then 99.99% of all armors you find in fantasy games don't make any sense at all regardless if they cover 5% or 150% of the body, they are made for one purpose and one purpose only : to "look cool" not to be realistic at all.

All those spikes, single sided shoulder pads, belts on top of belts, don't serve any purpose apart from greatly increasing your chances of getting killed by anybody with less fashion sense but more common sense.

And not just armors, most swords you find in those games make even less sense than the most extreme armor thongs, if similar designs were used in a real fights you would end up at best with your sword being stuck and rendered useless or at worse killed. And it's not really any better for the other types of weapons.

If you want "realistic" armors and weapons then everything should look like in Deliverance Kingdom Come.

Remind me in Xenoblade where one of the possible armor was "oil", yep as the name indicates it was literally oil your put on your body (and not even magical oil), and as in this game everything was based on level, a level 70 "oil" armor was giving you a lot more protection than a level 65 full body plate armor. (and in case you are wondering while wearing it women were in swimsuit top and men were shirtless)
Post edited June 02, 2020 by Gersen
conan the barbarian makes me angry because he has long hair. doesn't he realize that an enemy could easily pull it? that's why medieval knights had bowlcuts. conan the barbarian is a bad franchise because it's not realistic.
USERNAME:XYCat#Q&_^Q&Q#GROUP:4#Q&_^Q&Q#LINK:192#Q&_^Q&Q#is this a new "gamergate" thread?#Q&_^Q&Q#LINK:192#Q&_^Q&Q#
No means no! So... please don't start an answer that says "yes" with a "no".

Sorry, couldn't resist ;P
I don't know. I went poking around, finding out some things about the whole Larian DOS cover art controversy and it doesn't seem as clear cut as you portray it.

Larian specifically wanted to target female gamers with DOS, something to be played with your partner. To do that, they felt that, after feedback from their backers, the cover art wouldn't endear women to their product, so they made the change. Random threats from loonies seemed to be at the bottom of their priority list. They got a bunch of feedback for it during the Kickstarter campaign, and changed it, like they did dozens of other aspects of the game, without anyone crying about censorship.

In particular, here is a quote from a Larian employee from their forums:
The original cover art was not an accurate depiction of the game.
People being offended was not the only objection to the original artwork, nor was it even the main objection (in forum discussions it wasn't even a significant objection). Who are these people who were offended by the original artwork, and yet were fine with the design of the female orcs, or a nature spirit you meet periodically wearing only a vine?

There were many, many changes to the game (including to the main plot, quests, skills, attributes, the magic system, etc), as part of the normal development process and as a result of feedback during and after the Kickstarter and Early Access periods. The only change anyone ever cried censorship over was the cover art (and the same group went into high gear over a request to have an option for a female character to wear something other than high heels).
Seems to me Larian made a calculated decision - listen to feedback from their backers, or pander to the extremist boycotters who got outraged about alleged censorship. I hope the number of people boycotting a vidya game is very low on both sides of the extremist spectrum, and that most people judge a game by its own merits.
high rated
The long hair serves a purpose for Conan, it creates a diversion for the enemies who would otherwise pull his massive balls.
Well let's be honest, the reason for her original armour was blatant fanservice and lazy design. I haven't seen any direct evidence of what the reason for the change was, but I think the fact that the second version is more realistic is reason enough.
low rated
SirMrFailRomp: Well let's be honest, the reason for her original armour was blatant fanservice and lazy design.
What about all the fanservice that is big beefy male characters?

SirMrFailRomp: I haven't seen any direct evidence of what the reason for the change was, but I think the fact that the second version is more realistic is reason enough.
You know, some also believe they can actually fly if they flap their arms hard enough as well.

When you get some time, go look at all the companies that have removed such showing skin and covered women up in games after similar backlash....I doubt they all did it because of lack of realism.
Post edited June 02, 2020 by GameRager
GameRager: You know, some also believe they can actually fly if they flap their arms hard enough as well.
I direct you to rojimboo's quote. Seems like they weren't bullied into changing it after all eh? There are outrage-mongers all over the political spectrum.
Post edited June 03, 2020 by SirMrFailRomp