Posted May 31, 2020
low rated

i.e. they sold to who bought the games and media in the past(they didn't, for example, make too many games to get girls and women into gaming way back then to pander to them when they could've), and now they pander to some other groups to lure them into buying just because someone that looks like them is in the game.
So you *are* saying that including diversity in entertainment goods means lower quality vidya games and movies?
Apparently adding much requested extra content (romances) for ME: Andromeda angered you.
Apparently a fictional retelling story of Nazi's angered you.
Apparently the mere mention of Anita Sarkeesian angered you.
Of course you seem to like doing that......maybe because you feel you cannot prove your point or convince people of what you say otherwise?
As I said, you should move to reset'd be at home there, among the hivemind like users who all side with each other & plug their ears at opposing thought, and use the same debating tactics you yourself employ.

(Also the circular discussions both of us are having are likely mostly a waste of our time as well)
(Edit: His method of "debate" reminds me of this one guy[vegan I think] who "debated" a YTer with the same tactics: Pointing out fallacies and gotchas, misrepresenting what the other party[the YTer] said or putting words in their mouths, using subtle mocking and jabs, not considering much[or at all] of what the YTer said, etc.
At one point the YTer saw the guy's mind was closed and he was being less than civil so he just cut the "debate" short and "walked away"....that's my advice here, as I said least on this topic[It is POSSIBLE he might be more open on other topics])
Though feel free to keep trying to move the mountain by talking to it, if you want.....I gave up for the most part yesterday.
Post edited May 31, 2020 by GameRager