rojimboo: Extreme viewpoints happen on both sides - and it's wholly possible both of those extremist views are wrong and misguided.
rojimboo: And this is basically whataboutism and the 'both sides' argument. "What about the other side?! They are doing it too! Thus justifying our actions!" No, two wrongs don't make a right.
Two wrongs don't make a right, still a point: Not everyone points out the "other side" doing something to excuse their own behavior.....some point such out just to point it out. etc.
rojimboo: Once again, my entire point with my example and otherwise in general, was that stop jumping on hate bandwagons and pretending to be edgy by boycotting vidya games on misguided hateful ideals.
What if some ( a few) people have good reasons(or think they do at least in their minds) for doing so?
babark: Are minorities more easily influenced?
I said easily influenced people from ALL groups(I am going to hazard a guess that there are easily influenced people in any group of people).
rojimboo: So in the story, the bad guys happen to be white religious people, and good guys trans or diverse. Do you think this makes people think that ALL white religious people are bad guys? Do you think this makes people think that ALL trans people are good guys?
You obviously don't know how easily influenced some people(of any group) can be.....there are some(for example) who take social media posts by random people as the truth without checking.
rojimboo: My point is that it's confined to a single story (that might have some factual accuracy looking at some views on trans and gay people by the religious right in some countries), and that most people understand that. They won't massively stereotype an entire group of people because of one vidya game...?
Read above
rojimboo: Did vidya games where you could play as a nazi killing allied troops make us into blood thirsty nazis IRL? I think not.
I don't think those games pushed a nazzis are good, everyone else bad message.
rojimboo: You keep on going about the 'right' and 'wrong' reason to include diversity in entertainment goods.
But you've never once elaborated on what the 'right' reason to include diversity is. With examples.
I'm not here to do all your can do some yourself....or do I have to spoonfeed you all the way?
rojimboo: You've clearly mentioned all the 'wrong' reasons to include diversity (omg, making stories more relatable to minorities, shock horror), but not really talked concretely about the 'right' reasons.
The fact you put those bits in quotes and the bits in parenthesis show me you're not likely willing to bother seeing this from my POV.....again why should I bother if your mind is likely closed to all but your take on the matter?
rojimboo: Yeah um, if you can get away with racial slurs in 2020, good for you. Actually, scrap that, not good for you.
As the saying goes(that people should imo follow more): Sticks and stones can break my bones....also as I said, some groups joke about their own group(as in their own sexuality/gender/race) all the time & have a laugh with it without any problems
Words only hurt if you let them, and people are way too over sensitive these days.