Update: Just gave my key to some guy who asked for it via PM. Thanks goodness someone asked for it since it's going to expire pretty soon...:-)
Treasure: Another code that will expire soon:
Razer GOG deal-expires Dec 31,2014
BlackThorny: Hey, thanks for sharing that one in the thread, where did you get it so I can update the OP? :) (which is btw updated with everything else)
Sorry for the delay, but I was away for the holidays somewhere without internet and saw your reply just a while ago.
Well, on October I saw from the gaming deals thread that Razer (the company with the gaming mice and keyboards) gave this 80% off coupon to members of its site. I happened to be a member too, because I had bought a mouse a few years back and had made an account there for some reason or another about which I had promptly forgotten. I thus revisited my account and got the coupon, which I planned initially to use myself. But then I decided I didn't really want any of the games which I didn't already have and decided to giveaway the coupon-only problem was, how could I giveaway something that still made someone pay with a straight face? So, a while after you made this thread, I finally decided to give the coupon here. Which means there might be some others with the coupon but not many...