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Having a single jester in a game - Bullshit

Not informing players there is a jester - Even more bullshit

Having two jesters on the same team - Loads of bullshit

Having two jesters on the same team, with day chat, visitation powers, and permission to self vote - Mother of all bullshit

What the hell was Lift thinking, because there's absolutely zero chance this set-up is balanced.
zazak09: What the hell was Lift thinking, because there's absolutely zero chance this set-up is balanced.
My time machine *is* working! It's #64 indeed.
zazak09: What the hell was Lift thinking, because there's absolutely zero chance this set-up is balanced.
ZFR: My time machine *is* working! It's #64 indeed.
I love a good callback gag.
OK. We do have a hammer, in case that wasn't noticed.

About the Jester thing: these roles weren't intended as Jesters. They were supposed to be more fun for everyone than that. I was just too careless with how I worded the win-condition, so that this, admittedly far too easy, way out was possible. I noticed that after the game started and I even talked about this with the two. But there was no way to amend that after the game was already running. Because changing a win condition while the game is running, now THAT would be bastard modding.

So yes, I screwed up. But the game design is quite robust (as it has to be with swingy neutral roles) so I am confident that it is still balanced. All remaining sides can still win.

@zazak: if you really want out, I won't keep you and I'll try to find a replacement over Night. But I would prefer if you would stick around and try to help your faction win.
Lifthrasil: OK. We do have a hammer, in case that wasn't noticed.
I'd say it's a safe assumption that it was noticed. Revealing yourself as a jester before being hammered probably isn't a good tactic.
Lifthrasil: @zazak: if you really want out, I won't keep you and I'll try to find a replacement over Night. But I would prefer if you would stick around and try to help your faction win.
I'll stay in the game, but I wont contribute as much going forward. This revelation has killed most of my interest.
Suddenly everything goes quickly. The suspicion focuses on gogtrial until he suddenly shouts: "You're all so mean to me. I just wanted to play! And I miss my sister! I won't play with you anymore!" With that he jumps out of the window and runs out into the snow storm. And as expected soon after a new painting appears on the wall. A portrait of gogtrial and a little girl. But while you watch the portrait, the girl runs out of the picture and disappears into the wall. At the same time the girl in the Carradice portrait from last Night does the same. But the plaque below gogtrial's portrait reads:

gogtrial is dead. He was Carter Horton, a teen possessed by Alexa Gradie, Neutral Haunter
(Modified Compulsive Visitor)

Just as you start to discuss what the hell just happened, the lights go out. It should not be time for Night yet, but apparently the Hotel decided otherwise. As quickly as you can you run to your rooms and lock yourselves in.

It is now Night 2. Please cease posting!

If you feel the need to contact me to be subbed out, please do so via PM.
If you have Night Actions, please submit them at your earliest convenience.

Play will resume on Thursday evening.

Final Vote Count

gogtrial 6 - AFP (463), zazak (482), trent (503), GR (523), ZFR (559), gogtrial (560),
zazak 2 - SirP (369), Pooka (395)

not voting: Cadaver, microfish

with 6 votes majority is reached and gogtrial is lynched.


Lifthrasil: @zazak: if you really want out, I won't keep you and I'll try to find a replacement over Night. But I would prefer if you would stick around and try to help your faction win.
zazak09: I'll stay in the game, but I wont contribute as much going forward. This revelation has killed most of my interest.
Thank you for staying in the game. We can discuss the balance in post-game. You will see that it wasn't as bad as you imagine it now.
Post edited April 07, 2020 by Lifthrasil
You've been dreading this moment when you went to sleep. Waking up. Or not waking up. You shudder, when you think what you might find. You know, that someone, something is prowling in the Night. Then the moment is there - the Hotel's PA switches on again and plays a nice morning song. Those of you who know some German understand that the song's refrain means: "Get up!" ... so that's what you do

A while later you gather in the main hall and notice that trentonlf is missing. Reluctantly you go to his room and break down the door. Yes, it was locked. And yes, the room is a mess. Body parts everywhere. Does one human body really contain THAT much blood? Again the only clean spot in the room is the new portrait on the wall. There is no doubt:

trentonlf is dead. He was Laurie Strode, Town Vanilla

Sighing you close the door. Lucky that the Hotel has so many rooms. You will run out of people ten times before you run out of clean rooms. Especially if you don't manage to get whoever does the killing at Night. Time to get to work again.


It is now Day 3. All votes are reset. You may resume posting.
gogtrial34987: Oops, how clumsy of me! It's almost as if I fulfilled my win condition... *giggles girlishly*
Doh. I finally realized the reason behind your "balance the wagons" vote on D1 that I found so strange. You had to remove your vote from Carradice so you could hammer him.

OK, a quick reread during the Night made me not like SPF, especially for his end of D2 actions. He gave the appearance of someone happy with anticipation at a Townie being lynched and more Townies being blamed for the lynch the next Day.
(I thought the most like SPF partner was trent; but that's obviously not the case. Could be Pooka (though I really liked his D2), or lurker-Micro).

I also thought zazak would be the NK. I read him as Town and thought others would too.

Need to go; I'll be back to post more later.
Zounds! Another scary german song - hang on, is that peter stormare on guitar?

Zazak, it's a pity your enthusiasm has been killed but thank you for sticking around. No matter, "Onwards and upwards" as someone, somewhere probably said at some point. My opinion is that we're lucky to have got the 'jesters' out of the way, we can point fingers at the mod later. Obviously seeing as the jesters weren't real scum we can still do some wagon analysis.

Very happy to report that i didn't have any strange dreams on NIGHT 2, but lift told me i am allowed to quote it verbatim.

The wind deafened you, the snow throwing itself against your face blinded you. You were painfully walking in the middle of a vast white plain, although you could not see far. Eventually you find tracks, you decided to follow them. Your hands hurt. The tempest did not seem to be getting any better. You could not feel your feet. You wondered what would they look like. What were you doing here? You could not remember.

You thought you heard someone yelling at you. A hand sets firmly on your shoulder. A voice speaks to you in English with a heavy accent. “Follow me”. He was a broad, strongly-built man, from what you could tell. He wore a thick, old-fashioned jacket. You did. Now and them you stumbled. If not for him, you might have fallen twice. He moves well in the snow, while you painfully trod as you could. Eventually he caught your hand and led you, as you could see less and less.
After what might have been half an hour, or an eternity, you reached what seemed to be a sailing ship. It was surrounded by snow-covered ice. You climbed up the plank. The hull was painted black, and the sail rigs had been retired. You could distinguish the word ‘Fram’ on the side. Four men seemed to be spreading a tarp over the deck. Your rescuer talked with them in a language you could not understand. He took you downstairs. It is not the largest ship ever, but it seems to be sturdy, with quite a beam for its length. There was a spacious cabin with a sizable wooden table, together with comfortable chairs, a pianola, and, most important of all, a stove.

Soon you have a blanket wrapped around you. You get your hands closer to the stove. When your fingers started coming back to life the first you felt was an acute pain. The broad man had left. A crewman replaced him. He did not speak English, but he had a warm smile and a blonde mustache. He even played checkers with you. This feels like a nice place. When was the last time that you felt this comfortable? Out of the chamber, the rest of the crew seemed to be rather busy, but you could not tell what were they doing exactly.
After a couple of games, your companion left as your savior came back. He had shed his jacket and was holding a couple of mugs. “Here”, he said, “some prefer coffee, others, cocoa, but I have nothing against some warm punch, especially on long watches.” You accepted one. Your hands hurt even more when holding it, but you knew it was a good thing. The man went on. “You are safe now. Now, will you tell me what you were doing here? What is your ship?”. You tried to explain but you really did not know. In fact, you find that no words come out of your throat. For some reason, you suddenly realize that both the sound of the wind and the noises of a busy crew had vanished. The man, a minute before friendly and somewhat laid-back, looked concerned for the first time. He rose from the chair. “Wait here”, he said. Then, after what seemed a second of hesitation: “It’s not your fault”. He departed. You could hear his step as he climbed towards the deck.

The whiteness you could see through the porthole had turned dark gray. You expected something to happen. An argument, a fight. Instead, only silence. How could this happen. Suddenly you realized that, under your jacket, you were wearing what seemed to be a sort of funny pajamas, stamped with drawings of little cute baby elephants. There is only the candle to lighten the chamber. No other light is visible through the door of the ship. You heard one heavy step. Then another. A pause. The kerosene light died. You were all alone in the darkness now. Another step. And another. Soon you are going to meet whoever, whatever is coming down. You wish you could move, but your limbs do not obey you. Terror has chilled you to the bones. You hardly dare breathing for fear of making any noise. Then, what feels like a small hand grabbed your left wrist. “Come with me”. The most subtle of whispers, from what seems to be a girl. In total darkness it suddenly pulled you with unexpected strength, almost dislodging your shoulder and elbow.
Vote Pooka
SirPrimalform: i didn't have any strange dreams on NIGHT 2, but lift told me i am allowed to quote it verbatim.
I'm confused. Lift told you you can quote a dream you didn't have?
ZFR: I'm confused. Lift told you you can quote a dream you didn't have?
Whoops, a bit of sentence went missing in the cracks between my brain and fingers. EBWOP:

I didn't have any strange dreams on night 2, but Lift told me I am allowed to quote the dream from night 1.
SirPrimalform: I didn't have any strange dreams on night 2, but Lift told me I am allowed to quote the dream from night 1.
Ah OK.
Fun fun.

Did you forget that I mentioned the dream towards the end of D2 or were you just splitting hairs? I would have thought it was reasonably clear that I was quoting the dream I already mentioned having.

Interestingly, the information that I was allowed to quote the dream came completely unprompted. I wonder if someone else asked Lift about it and he decided to tell me to make sure things were fair.