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That Genocide vote is a bad look.

Furthermore... Carradice may have been third party, but it was extremely obvious that he wasn't town. SirP never voiced any suspicions even after that insane meltdown of his. I can understand noobs like GameRager overlooking clear scum tells, but not an experienced player like SirP.

gogtrial34987: Welcome A_Future_Pilot to this madhouse!

So, wagon analysis. From the point of view of scum, Carradice was likely to be town, so preferably they would've liked to stay off the wagon and let town lynch their own. Same probably goes for zazak.
Assuming there is more than one scum player, we know at least one of them had to be on a wagon. If so, they were more likely to be on me than Carradice.
ZFR: I'm thinking this derplears Cadaver.
gogtrial34987: That's the second time you're trying to derpclear Cadaver in the same game.
Would be very embarassing if I turn out wrong about him.
Lifthrasil: He was Clear Rivers, a teen possessed by Alexie Gradie, Neutral Haunter.
(Modified Compulsive Visitor)

I will not specify the 'modified' bit further. But a little hint: read carefully! To haunt and to hunt are two different things.
A Visitor can visit someone. Compulsive means he has to do it each Night.
Yes, I noticed that "haunter" thing (something about spirit possession I guess). I understand that you can not answer that question fully. I was asking if it even possible for such a creature to have another night ability/role like killing, but not necessary killing.

Lifthrasil: I don't know what a "modified watcher" is. Why do you ask? None of the flips contained that term.
I searched the Wiki for "Modified Compulsive Visitor" and came up with compulsive watcher somehow, that's why I messed up with terms.

What do you think, guys, can we have 3 neutral haunters and 0 mafia, or 1 mafia 2 neutrals haunters (Grady/Gradie twins) one of which we lynched yesterday?
Cadaver747: I might subconsciously defending Zazak. To be honest I'm afraid of his active detective stuff.
The only player who should have something to be afraid of - particularly detective stuff - are scum!
gogtrial34987: The only player who should have something to be afraid of - particularly detective stuff - are scum!
Agree, yet I was afraid of him.
Vote Pooka
SirPrimalform: Attempted derpclear?

"Oh, I don't know anything about what's going on! What does neutral mean dear mod?"
zazak09: Accusing me of being scum is not making a good case for yourself.

Knowing the alignment of the person lynched is vital information. There can't be any ambiguity.

I'm not making a case for myself, I'm analysing your behaviour. The alignment was obvious and since you're an experienced player the cluelessness comes across as incincere. What about my post made you think I was making a case for myself?
Hello everyone! Glad to finally be here!

After reading through the thread, my primary suspects are Cadaver, zazak, and Microfish.

It seems to me like both Cadaver and zazak have been very eager to cast a lot suspicion at a lot of people. Zazak has given better reasons and been more systematic about it, while Cadaver seems to have had less reasons for his accusations and suspicions.

Microfish has been pretty absent it seems, as well as trent.

I'm not entirely willing to give gogtrial a "he didn't realize it was L-1" pass, but overall I'm still on the fence about him, ZFR, SPF, and Pooka.

For now I'm gonna go ahead and

Vote Microfish
zazak09: Vote Pooka
Haha, WTF? Your fidgety vote hopping aside, you didn't even back this one up. Maybe you always play this way, but I don't know you and in isolation this looks awful.

Vote zazak
SirPrimalform: What about my post made you think I was making a case for myself?
Your "analysis" comes off as a deflection tactic given the position you're in. I correctly identifed a non-town player on day one and pushed forcefully to get them lynched, despite taking a huge risk in the process. All while you sat on the fence.

Now is the time to stand up off the fence and tell us who you think we should vote for, because otherwise it's going to be you.
A_Future_Pilot: Hello everyone! Glad to finally be here!
A_Future_Pilot: It seems to me like both Cadaver and zazak have been very eager to cast a lot suspicion at a lot of people. Zazak has given better reasons and been more systematic about it, while Cadaver seems to have had less reasons for his accusations and suspicions.
ZFR (1 vote), SirPrimalform (1 vote) and Carradice (1 vote / L-1).

Gogtrial after ZFR pointed out about L-1 claim situation.

So do you really think, it's a lot?
Also when you were wearing different clothes you voted SirPrimalform with no reason, then voted him again with no reason, also mentioning that you'll be watching me. I don't know what to think of it, maybe another neutral haunter? Just saying.
zazak09: Vote Pooka
SirPrimalform: Haha, WTF? Your fidgety vote hopping aside, you didn't even back this one up. Maybe you always play this way, but I don't know you and in isolation this looks awful.

Vote zazak
I voted Pooka because he logged on and off four times since day 2 began without posting (even after my vote) .

My belief is that Pooka is town, and I would like to hear his input as he's the strongest player in the game.
OOOP and I welcomed you, too.

Well, glad to have you!

@JOE @SPF HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!! Here's a vidya for you.

@A Future Pilot, why me?

I agree that Gogtrial ought to have known better, but I have slipped often and posted without reloading to see new posts, so this is NAI, but leaning un-town. Direct Contrast to his D1 where he leaned hard town for me.
[note to self, reload this page before posting!!]

Zazak should know some of this stuff unless it has been so long that he simply forgot.

Also, the bit about Peeves should have been obvious to one who read game 64. Zazak said he was reading it; has he not yet read it?

@Zazak why vote Pooka, whose logic was proven valid enough on D1, especially without explanation?

Word of advice for those perusing the mafia wiki. Take the role noun, and look that up. Don't take the entire role (adjectives and all).
As used on GOG mafia, the format when reported by the mod seems to be [Qualifier and/or Modified status] [alignment] [role]
the "modified" bit merely means the mod (Lift in this case) isn't following the standard role.
"Neutral" is affiliation and "visitor" is the role.

thus "Neutral Haunter. (Modified Compulsive Visitor)" is alignment + rolename-in-flavour (modified + qualifier + role). You'd find it under "visitor" on the mafia page, with common twists explained. You can also often find the qualifiers on the wiki or in this post.

We never did find out if Joe got his laptop back.

I would expect ZFR + SPF to not take each other at pure face value; the lack of doubt is unsettling. The lack of doubt implies they are teammates, but their actions read town for me.

Willing to vote in order:
cadavar (Rookie mistakes. Understandable, yet cannot always be cleared of them forever.)
Pooka (I should fault him for thinking Carradice scum, but at least he was right in saying Carradice wasn't town.)
Trent (quiet but NAI?)
Gamerager (NAI)
Joe (a really nice guy, probs town)
Micro (a really nice guy, definitely town.)

IF zazak is town, I suspect we had one scum per wagon on D1, in order to help town miss lunch.
OTOH, if zazak is scum, expect 2 scum on Carradice?
Would 2N+2scum vs 8 town be underpowered for scum?
I suspect that we have 3 scum and 1-2 N, leaving 7-8 Town.
Neutral are, of course, Neutral. They have all the advantages and disadvantages of town, can choose to help fight scum, etc. The only disadvantage for them is that they have to survive to the end.
Microfish_1: Willing to vote in order:
Ah, I was waiting for that after I said at the end of yesterday that you had my attention! Nice how I moved from being the only one you're not willing to vote for, to second place!

Microfish_1: Joe (a really nice guy, probs town)
LAMIST, I'm not even aware of who was the NK target!

vote microfish