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I forgot to change my vote... although I'm not sure who to.

Unvote Joe

at the very least.

I agree with Trent to an extent, it did seem like Pooka was pressuring to get others to back him up. While that looks a bit scummy, there's also the possibility that Trent is opportunistically jumping on that.
To put it clearer: Zazak’s game is all about having lynched someone other than him, not about hunting scum.
Carradice: To put it clearer: Zazak’s game is all about having lynched someone other than him, not about hunting scum.
I've been trying to give new players (new to GOG at least) the benefit of the doubt so far, but perhaps you're right. Zazak at least claims to be experienced at mafia even if it isn't the GOG "house style".
Carradice: To put it clearer: Zazak’s game is all about having lynched someone other than him, not about hunting scum.
Tell me....what kind of good town player wants to get lynched(I am guessing there might be some exception where this would help town but I don't know of such atm)?
To be clear, the reasons I'm voting Trent is because...

1. His initial participation in the Microfish topic didn't seem genuine. It was right out of my scum playbook.
2. He ignored me twice when I called him out. In previous games he would act defensive when accused.
3. Pooka is my strongest town read, so him focusing all of his energy on her is a bad sign.
4. If he turns out to be scum, I already have a good idea who his buddies might be. Lynching him would help me establish better reads on those players.
5. He is a light poster, which doesn't help town
6. Someone needs to be lynched on day one, and I prefer him to the alternatives.

He's the best candidate to be lynched in my opinion. I'm all in if you guys want to bandwagon someone else, as long as we don't end up in a no lynch situation.

Carradice: To put it clearer: Zazak’s game is all about having lynched someone other than him, not about hunting scum.
Do you honestly believe scum would draw as much attention as I am on day one? Give me a break.

GameRager: Tell me....what kind of good town player wants to get lynched(I am guessing there might be some exception where this would help town but I don't know of such atm)?
You haven't stated if you will vote Trent yet. So?
PookaMustard: There's more: voting Micro based on past behavior, or the other ones he'd like to focus on, all at this very very early stage of the game. It would've been great seeing a response now that things are star-
Yet you singled me out?
zazak09: Do you honestly believe scum would draw as much attention as I am on day one? Give me a break.
Good points....also I find ANY player saying such about new players on D1 to be a bit, eh, not so fair.....I agree with the usual stance that new players(even those with experience to mafia in general) be given at least one "day" to have fun and settle in.

zazak09: You haven't stated if you will vote Trent yet. So?
On D1 I usually go for a wagon with more votes so as to ensure it isn't a waste of time(like a prior game I was in did, going back and forth from wagon to wagon)...also Post 147 and others by Trent seem to lean them more in the direction of being town than scum, imo.

As such, I would rather vote someone else, but would be willing to vote for them if need be(to prevent no lynch/analyze the wagon). So no, I won't be voting for Trent as of now, but that could change later on before the end of D1.
zazak09: 3. Pooka is my strongest town read, so him focusing all of his energy on her is a bad sign.
Perhaps you should pay more attention to the current game, it's been pointed out multiple times that Pooka is male. :P
zazak09: 3. Pooka is my strongest town read

zazak09: 3. Pooka is my strongest town read, so him focusing all of his energy on her is a bad sign.
SirPrimalform: Perhaps you should pay more attention to the current game, it's been pointed out multiple times that Pooka is male. :P
To be fair, it can become a habit. Last game I thought Carradice was female for some reason and caught myself a few times changing pronouns before posting.
zazak09: 3. Pooka is my strongest town read, so him focusing all of his energy on her is a bad sign.
SirPrimalform: Perhaps you should pay more attention to the current game, it's been pointed out multiple times that Pooka is male. :P
Her tag says Miranda, so I was confused. Anyways, let's please stay focused on having civilized discussions. Mafia should be a fun game, and the current atmosphere feels rather toxic.

I made my case for why I believe Trent is a good choice to lynch, and would like to hear others thoughts on it.
Carradice: To put it clearer: Zazak’s game is all about having lynched someone other than him, not about hunting scum.
GameRager: Tell me....what kind of good town player wants to get lynched(I am guessing there might be some exception where this would help town but I don't know of such atm)?
Pro-Town gameplay consists in help hunting scum as the first priority, and GameRager knows that well. Attacking others just out of fear for one’s sorry ass deserves a number of labels, let us leave it at anti-town. GameRager know all this, but of course he likes to play the contrarian.

An aside: all the sympathy to the feline friend... Hopefully she has her favourite toys around. Even if she is not strong enough for playing, just having them nearby might provide some measure of comfort. At least that is the way with dogs.
zazak09: Her tag says Miranda, so I was confused. Anyways, let's please stay focused on having civilized discussions. Mafia should be a fun game, and the current atmosphere feels rather toxic.
Just to be clear, I stuck a :P at the end in the hope you wouldn't read it with the tone you seem to have done. Oh well, I guess :P isn't an airtight way of preventing people from taking you seriously. No anger was intended, I assure you.
I thought it was funny because you've put quite an emphasis on reading past games to try and meta-read people, but missed multiple mentions from different people that Pooka's pronouns are he/his. For some reason you're still ignoring this after it's been pointed out to you...

zazak09: I made my case for why I believe Trent is a good choice to lynch, and would like to hear others thoughts on it.
I'll get to that.
zazak09: To be clear, the reasons I'm voting Trent is because...

1. His initial participation in the Microfish topic didn't seem genuine. It was right out of my scum playbook.
2. He ignored me twice when I called him out. In previous games he would act defensive when accused.
3. Pooka is my strongest town read, so him focusing all of his energy on her is a bad sign.
4. If he turns out to be scum, I already have a good idea who his buddies might be. Lynching him would help me establish better reads on those players.
5. He is a light poster, which doesn't help town
6. Someone needs to be lynched on day one, and I prefer him to the alternatives.

He's the best candidate to be lynched in my opinion. I'm all in if you guys want to bandwagon someone else, as long as we don't end up in a no lynch situation.

Carradice: To put it clearer: Zazak’s game is all about having lynched someone other than him, not about hunting scum.
zazak09: Do you honestly believe scum would draw as much attention as I am on day one? Give me a break.

GameRager: Tell me....what kind of good town player wants to get lynched(I am guessing there might be some exception where this would help town but I don't know of such atm)?
zazak09: You haven't stated if you will vote Trent yet. So?
1. I wasn’t participating in the Microfish discussion, I was applauding your stance on gathering info because too few people have the same mindset and it’s needed IMO.

2. You have not said anything regarding me that warranted a response. I also don’t see where you called me out twice, I only see one post where you said I was buddying up to you (that is something I never do as Town or scum LOL )

3. I don’t see him as Town

4. Hate to disappoint you but I’m not scum, and if I we you would have a hard time determining who my partners were from any post I did. I don’t change how I play Town or scum.

5. Not a light poster at all, but Day 1 RVS shenanigans I don’t participate in for the most part beyond a post or two.

6. Lynching me would be lynching a Town player.
zazak09: 1. His initial participation in the Microfish topic didn't seem genuine. It was right out of my scum playbook.
2. He ignored me twice when I called him out. In previous games he would act defensive when accused.
3. Pooka is my strongest town read, so him focusing all of his energy on her is a bad sign.
4. If he turns out to be scum, I already have a good idea who his buddies might be. Lynching him would help me establish better reads on those players.
5. He is a light poster, which doesn't help town
6. Someone needs to be lynched on day one, and I prefer him to the alternatives.

1. It seems pretty Trenty to me. If you can elaborate, please do.
2. Outside of your vote, I don't see you calling him out on it.
3. Well this is just part of the strange dance involving you, Pooka and Trent. I thought Pooka's fixation on you was strange, but I'm starting to understand it now.
4. I guess we'll have to wait and see there.
5. Not a bad reason for D1.
6. Also quite normal.

Well I'm torn. I think someone amongst this mess might be scum, but I'm not sure who.
zazak09: Her tag says Miranda, so I was confused. Anyways, let's please stay focused on having civilized discussions.
He was, I believe.

Btw a head's up: players will and often do chide each other in such ways during the games, but it's usually all in good fun.