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ZFR: I keep looking at zazak's avatar and thinking "Why is HSLposting?"
Oh shit, now I can't unsee it.
JoeSapphire: But I like the idea that you just plucked two scums out of thin air, so I'm going to put you in my town-lean pile
gogtrial34987: For real?
for realZ

(as in, do I think SirP is town? Not particularly, just a guess)

ZFR: Best maths ever.
gogtrial34987: We're over 100 posts into the game, and you haven't explained anything about statistics. (Or, y'know, anything else of substance besides a single super easy raised eyebrow.) Do you hate being scum that much?
JoeSapphire: :0!!!
I think the Z stands for Zcum.
gogtrial34987: Do you hate being scum that much?
You caught me.
JoeSapphire: Sorry about that man, that sucks. All my love
Yeah, I might make a small thread about it later to maybe talk about people's beloved pets(or find one to bump that someone else made) and dealing with their passing/etc.

But for now I am getting by as best I can.....we were ordered into a lockdown of our own(statewide...though NOT in a haunted hotel of course) on sunday, and a bunch I know rushed to party/do other things before streets are barren/businesses mostly shuttered. It sucks, like semi super bad level of suck.

zazak09: Regardless of who we decide to bandwagon, it shouldn't be left until the last minute.
Agreed 100%

Cadaver747: Anyway did anyone by any chance find some candy. I'm starving, it's cold here and it's going to be a very long night.

Why the hell can't we all sleep in one room???
Because of too much corona, duh. o.0

(The beer, not the virus...if someone drinks too much of it they might throw up on us all/etc)

PookaMustard: Working from home and not having to worry about the commute's fickleness is so good.
Maybe after lockdown suggest to the owners/boss that you maybe be allowed to keep working from home if it doesn't affect your work/can be done that way? Worth a shot, anyways. :)

gogtrial34987: Yes, let's. What are you doing in that department?
I meant for most others here(at least for "day one") I usually suck at finding scum(well except for the previous game, anyways).

Also I like "silly posting" a good chunk of "day one" until I can get a read on someone.
Lifthrasil: But if you feel more comfortable with sticking strictly to the 'vote XXX' format, then we can do that too. What do you think?
gogtrial34987: Personally I prefer sticking to a strict "vote X" format. It makes it much easier to search the thread for when you want to look up again in what order things happened. There's plenty of space to do flavourful stuff in regular text, and then a single clear and unambiguous line for registering the actual action.
Alright. You're right. Not only I have to search for votes. The players do so too. And I don't want to inconvenience anyone. Therefore, we stick to the 'vote X' format, so that we don't make it more difficult for anyone.

@all: The rules remain as they have been stated in the OP. Votes have to be of the 'vote X' format, have to be bold and have to be on a separate line.

@micro: that means your motion to throw GameRager into the snow-storm does not count as vote.
gogtrial34987: Do you hate being scum that much?
ZFR: You caught me.
I appreciate you admitting it like that. It has the ring of veracity. :)

vote ZFR

gogtrial34987: Yes, let's. What are you doing in that department?
GameRager: I meant for most others here(at least for "day one") I usually suck at finding scum(well except for the previous game, anyways).

Also I like "silly posting" a good chunk of "day one" until I can get a read on someone.
So, you're saying that you intend to let others do the hard work, while you sit back to be silly.

*probes the concept a bit like a sore tooth before shaking his head*

*sighs* Yeah, no matter how I approach it, I can only see the voicing of such an anti-town mindset coming from town!GR.
JoeSapphire: bleeeh can you be any more specific? As in they were making jokes?
ZFR shouted about him having PR and desire to be nuked, maybe he was on drugs or it's some kind of reverse psychology strategy so all of us would not think of him as a serial killer.
SirPrimalform changed his votes like gloves and mentioned a few times how everyone dislike him for being a scum one time before. Very suspisious.
Carradice expressed his wish to lynch everyone for RVS joke, apart from that he acts like a normal person.

ZFR, SirPrimalform, Carradice used to some cryptic way of talking, maybe it's just a code between possessed ones to know each other before the hunt begins. Anyway it's sounds fishy enough, normal people do not talk like this.

ZFR: "hI, all; i'm HAppy to take part in this game. VEry much. lovely dAy. Please be Respectful and stuff. "

SirPrimalform: "SAme hEre, Illinois Is great in this time Of the year, hopefUlly."

Carradice: "In Any case, fluff is going to Be the key for everything, Charming as it sounDs, tEenagers’s Fantasies and Glee HInt that Jocular Keyboards LaMiNate Obstetrical Procedures; Questions aRiSe: Too mUch Vodka or Whiskey on Xavier’s gut might impair Your chances?"
JoeSapphire: bleeeh can you be any more specific? As in they were making jokes?
Cadaver747: ZFR shouted about him having PR and desire to be nuked, maybe he was on drugs or it's some kind of reverse psychology strategy so all of us would not think of him as a serial killer.


ZFR, SirPrimalform, Carradice used to some cryptic way of talking, maybe it's just a code between possessed ones to know each other before the hunt begins. Anyway it's sounds fishy enough, normal people do not talk like this.
*likes* It's flocke 2.0!

Sadly, the things I've quoted here - and I'm really glad you mention them so clearly - consists of in jokes and references to previous games.
ZFR was NKed as town on N1 three times in a row, cutting the game short while he was super excited to be playing. So now he's taunting scum to do it a fourth time, since he's expecting them to have at least a grain of mercy.

tHE taLking with weirdLy capitalized letters is a reference tO game #64 when gamerager was town cop, and did super obvious breadcrumbing in that way, while breadcrumbing is supposed to be unnoticeable except when specifically pointed out after the fact.
OK, so far, here's what I think:

- ZFR is acting weird, but that's his recent D1 modus operandi, so I don't think there's anything behind it...but on further re-read, he doesn't have any sort of reaction to zazak's bombshells, and the only time he ever directly addresses him is only to tell him that I'm a male.
- Same for SPF, particularly the lack of reaction.
- You know, despite the thing with Joe not having his laptop anymore, he is more active than he was last game. Then again, thanks to a Certain micrOscopic and RandOm beiNg that caused mAny's doom, we're all more active than usual, but I'm still willing to think that Joe leans slightly-Town.
- Lift is modding the game. He must be Town the second time in a row, which is an anomaly in of itself.
- gogtrial is pretty vigilant right off the bat. That's the same gogtrial I remember back from...was it #57? The "Previously on Mafia" game. Though to be fair, I've never seen a scum gogtrial, only the Town one from that game.
- Thank to zazak for breaking the ice and kicking us off. Granted there's no conflicts or other exciting stuff going on right now, but we've moved from making jokes and talking about that microscopic being to reading between the lines. Leaning Town.

TL;DR - I'm a he.
Cadaver747: ZFR, SirPrimalform, Carradice used to some cryptic way of talking, maybe it's just a code between possessed ones to know each other before the hunt begins.
Oh My God. My time machine worked. It's #64 all over again.

yes, yes, yes.
Unvote ZFR

Vote SirPrimalform
OK, my ^previous post was ninja'ed twice
gogtrial34987: So, you're saying that you intend to let others do the hard work, while you sit back to be silly.
I am weak at some aspects of the game in the early stages, so I enjoy the game(it IS a game, after all...not a job ;)) in the meantime until I can figure who is what over time and build a suspect list. This usually takes a game "day" or so.

gogtrial34987: *sighs* Yeah, no matter how I approach it, I can only see the voicing of such an anti-town mindset coming from town!GR.
Tis good of you to suspect me(it IS a good idea in general to suspect all others until players are proven town somehow or one can more or less find a way to cross them off their suspects list).

That said this is how I me having fun comes first(else why play a game?)....winning comes second(though still somewhat important).
PookaMustard: - gogtrial is pretty vigilant right off the bat. That's the same gogtrial I remember back from...was it #57? The "Previously on Mafia" game. Though to be fair, I've never seen a scum gogtrial, only the Town one from that game.
#59. And I've never been a scum gogtrial. :( Though I was pretty anti-town in #55 if you want to compare.

ZFR: Oh My God. My time machine worked. It's #64 all over again.
You made me LOL.