JDelekto: Did you play on BBS'es by any chance?
HunchBluntley: Nope -- no Internet access back in the day. : )
I got all my shareware retail -- either shareware/demo compilation CD-ROMs, or full games that included shareware/demos of other games from the same company.
Well, most BBS's (which were more prevalent in the 80's) were dial-up modem like a Hayes or US Robotics and not actually "internet" connections. A company I worked for in the 90's started out with BBS software called "The MajorBBS", which was used by companies such as "Sierra Online" to allow people to download patches and updates to games.
There were several boards which also distributed Shareware and demos of games and apps, before CD-ROM started to come down in price and they were publishing the "Shareware Collection" CDs.
While many BBS software packages only supported single user's dialing in at a time, MajorBBS was unique in that it could have multiple people call in at a time, allowing them to play games in real time or chat with other users who were logged in. Eventually TCP/IP connectivity was added in, which was kind of neat, because your board could have an internet "presence", as well as useful applications like forums, file libraries and multiplayer games.
Ah, those were the days. :)