jonwil: The Bards Tale Construction Set (my memories of this game feature an Interplay logo on the title screen but I have no idea if the rights exist with Interplay, with whoever bought the carcass of Interplay when they went bust a while back or with whoever published games for Interplay back then)
Interplay is still active as a company, but they never owned the rights to the Bard's Tale games. That's still EA.
jonwil: Strife (not a clue who owns the rights to this one although its DOOM engine based so ZeniMax may have some rights there since they own the copyright to that through their ownership of ID)
Night Dive Studios does. They even released an enhanced version of the game on Steam.
jonwil: Tron 2.0 (Disney owns the rights to the Tron universe AND have a relationship with GOG so that would probably be covered. The game uses the LithTech engine so I dont know if that would be an obstacle though)
Disney owns both the IP and the game and they publish it on Steam.
jonwil: Neuromancer (William Gibson owns the rights to the book but I haven't heard that he is particularly protective when it comes to the rights to his properties, maybe if the publisher is willing, it might be possible to get Gibson to agree as well)
Interplay probably owns the rights to the game, but as with every licensed game, a rerelease is more difficult than a normal game.