Posted November 22, 2015
Good shooters are incredibly difficult, but perfectly fair. You die in one hit, but you have perfect control over your character and perfect knowledge of exactly where the hitbox is at all times. Bad shooters, like Tyrian, have giant hitboxes and imprecise, floaty controls with inertial movement, and then make up for it with a lifebar.
This just reminds me of another discussion I had about a month ago with a guy who thought realistic pinball is too hard and video pinball should be much easier. And I'm like... why? For what purpose? There's no ending or plot, at least not that anyone would ever consider even remotely compelling. The entire point of these games are to be tests of skill. That's why the good ones tend to have involved scoring mechanics and difficult design balanced with perfect player control and information, so they've got an incredibly high skill ceiling and room for personal growth.
Essentially, your argument and his are "I like Tyrian because I can actually complete it." My counter-argument is "plenty of other shmups are far more replayable because they've got much higher skill ceilings, and they can also be completed with practice." I don't want a roguelike that I can beat the day I get it, I don't want a Dark Souls game that I can just saunter through, I don't want a version of Tetris that tops out at speed 3, and I don't want a shmup that lets me go through bullets like a fat guy at a buffet. You're removing the tension, you're removing the challenge, and in the process you're removing the entire thing that makes these games fun. If I'm going to spend an hour drifting through a game, I'm going to do it with a genre that offers more narrative interest than a shmup, and if I'm going to play a shmup, I'm going to play one that actually offers some adrenaline.
TL;DR: a shmup without difficulty is like poker without gambling. You've removed all the personality, tension and drama and left a dry facsimile of its real self.
a) what good games are being declined;
b) what licencing agreements existing between those 'old' games?;
c) what have you done to get the game you wish adopted here DRM free?
There are conditions to get a game here, and aside from copyright laws, permissive use licences, ecliptic of the moon, etc, etc., if you can't get someone to play ball, you'll have to play with your own.
b) None, the company trying to get them released here has full rights to do so. The only roadblock is GOG themselves.
c) Voting on the wishlist, writing to GOG, and participating in threads like these, here and elsewhere, to try and get other people to voice their desire for these games as well, and their concerns over GOG's clear bias toward certain genres over others.
This thread isn't about hypotheticals, we have an actual company (Degica) with actual games (Mushihimesama, XIIZeal, Deltazeal) they've tried to get released here.
Or anything from that awesome guy really.
Post edited November 22, 2015 by sethsez