Posted October 14, 2016
EA is seen these days as the evil empire
the place that peddles shit
has an iron grip on sports games which allows them to release the same shit each year which people buy anyway
where studios companies and franchises go to die ( see origin westwood ultima )
where you are dlc'd to death
and where they shoe horn in multiplayer and questionable tactics in their games ( simcity 5 )
this was not always so
once upon a time ( ahem) EA like activision was not reviled
their games were actually good their games stood for quality
so what happend ?
when did the slide downards began and we ended up with the monolithic monster we go now ?
in other words when did EA turn to shit ?
the place that peddles shit
has an iron grip on sports games which allows them to release the same shit each year which people buy anyway
where studios companies and franchises go to die ( see origin westwood ultima )
where you are dlc'd to death
and where they shoe horn in multiplayer and questionable tactics in their games ( simcity 5 )
this was not always so
once upon a time ( ahem) EA like activision was not reviled
their games were actually good their games stood for quality
so what happend ?
when did the slide downards began and we ended up with the monolithic monster we go now ?
in other words when did EA turn to shit ?