zordren3742: Others may see or think beamdog is slapping another enhanced edition on another game just to make a quick buck, and not buy into it......yes....there are some people feel that way.
Eh, I was a huge fan of NWN, still am, but I tend towards being in this camp. NWN isn't going to come back due to this, since it never really left in the first place, and I can't see why anyone not really interested in it before should become attracted to it now, due to minimal changes that only insiders will be able to appreciate. Except maybe that I suppose it's going to be released on Steam, so I guess there is a slight chance of reaching a bigger audience than before - namely all those people who only ever buy games on Steam. That's nothing to do with Beamdog's work on the new version though, only with distribution channels.
Btw, the thread title seems an unfortunate choice to me, since the "Campaign" is the last thing that NWN deserves a revival for. What makes it so good is that you can completely ignore that campaign and still have fun for years with all the topnotch community stuff created for it.
liquidsnakehpks: If any game that needed a fix and upgrade its nwn 2 man that game has some serious flaws.
True, but somehow I doubt that Beamdog would be able to fix them.