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Day of the Tentacle 2 / Agent 47 / Turkey
Day of the Tentacle 2 / The Joker / Australia
In for Elmofongo

Day of the Tentacle 2 / Dimitrij Volkov / Norway
ooof, I haven't been able to keep up and don't know when I'll be able to. I might have to drop out of this one. ):
How can you leave Santa when he needs your help?
In for drealmer7: Sid Meier's Pirates! II / Astrid Voorhees / Italy
Aya Brea reporting for duty, dressed for the occasion and armed with MaGog's randomiser.

Christmas is a special season for Aya, for it brings back memories --- memories of Eve. Eve, who had erupted upon an unsuspecting New York City in the winter of 1997, unleashing her mitochondria and raiding sperm banks in her quest to give birth to the Ultimate Santa.

But, as Breja so colourfully put it, enough of the past; there is a task at hand, to put an end to a new nightmare, for neverending nightmares will not do. Needless to say, Eve is once more at the root of it, having duped a pigeon to do her bid, to kidnap Santa for her to harvest his genes, splice them into plasmids and integrate them into bacilli, to form an unstoppable army of big-bellied, bearded, bonneted bacteria. Unless, of course, Aya stops her first.

Yet what of the sack? For, the fate of humanity aside, one must remember that a video game is at stake. Santa's sack --- Eve had dismissively discarded it to a dark corner of her lair, where no sun shines and no bat flaps and no more clues, without even dignifying its content with a cursory glance. And what a pity; for the sack was full of presents aplenty, one for each goglodyte, nicelings and naughtilings alike.

A jar of red chrain for _Slaugh_; an alarm clock for Elmofongo; an apple that has seen better days for BranjoHello; a box of antibiotics for helpo1; a "Touch Me" vinyl in mint condition for XYCat; the 3D game that's not in the sack for seikus... And the list goes on.

But Aya is growing listless. She can no longer just sit around, twiddling her thumbs, and blindly guessing the names of planetariumless villains and wood-and-waterless countries. No, she must do something about it. She must uncover clues, follow them, and find Eve,

Come to think of it, _Slaugh_ seems to know quite a bit about the matter. And he's taking his pretty time revealing new clues, not to say actively dragging his feet. Is he in fact trying to delay us? Is he in fact colluding with Eve, buying her time enough to clone Santa's genes? Aya will soon find out; she will track _Slaugh_ down and make him spill the beans.

Using her faithful purveyor of useful information and cat pictures, Aya found out that:
1) The Slaugh family name was most common in the 1920's in Utah and Pennsylvania
2) Utah is famous for its Mormons and Pennsylvania is famous for its Amish
3) Mennonites are often confused with Amish and Mormons
4) Aya is not easily confused (P NSFW DOWYW)
5) The obvious logical conclusion of these four propositions is that _Slaugh_ lives in Canada

But where in Canada? For Canada is a large place, I think, possibly even larger than Dryfield, Nevada, though probably not as hot. Further investigation revealed that:
1) _Slaugh_ often refers to a place called GOG Manor
2) This clearly means he lives in Manor, Saskatchewan, Canada, which is where Aya is now headed.

The first thing Aya saw when she reached Manor, Saskatchewan was this sign. Then it hit her! She'd been looking at it all wrong! The vowels are reversed! _Slaugh_ is not a Slaugh, he's a Sluagh!

And if you're still unconvinced that the host of this giveaway is a sluagh, all you have to do is open Katharine Briggs' "An Encyclopedia of Fairies", page 225 to read "Host, the. See Sluagh".

But what is a sluagh? According to Alexander Carmichael's "Carmina Gadelica" (vol. II, p. 357), quoted by Briggs in her Encyclopedia (see above): "Sluagh , 'the host'... are the spirits of mortals who have died... the spirits fly about in great clouds, up and down the face of the world like the starlings", to which Briggs adds: "They are the most formidable of the Highland fairy people". To any discerning eye, this description is obviously a pre-scientific rationalisation of what modern science would simply refer to as "flocking bird-like neo-mitochondrial creatures ()". If you don't know what NMCs look like, here is a [url=]short video; if you don't know what birds look like, here are some pictures.

Now, however, as in all good RPGs, Aya is faced with a moral dilemma (translation: she needs to choose between two options in a dialogue box). She could either stand her ground and fight the sluagh, or she could rush to save the bler, who is in dire need of medical assistance. If she fights the sluagh, the bler may die; if she saves the bler, the sluagh will surely flee and pose a dire threat to Santa and the world. What should Aya do? Please vote here in the next 8 hours.

Guess #76:
System Shock 3 / Mileena / Australia

In for Dessimu

System Shock 3 / Abigail Williams / Cuba
Here come the clues...

 ▪  It's not a stereoscopic video game.
 ▪  The game is not published by Sierra Entertainment.
 ▪  uPlay is not required to play this game.
 ▪  It's possible to play without the Steam Client.
 ▪  Something appears eight times in <span class="bold">this video</span> and is not part of the game.

 ▪  James Gordon reports that no villain has left the city.
 ▪  The villain is not the owner of a planetarium in Hillwood.
 ▪  Lara Croft has never met the kidnapper.
 ▪  The kidnapper is not affiliated with the Umbrella Corporation and has never met Dalton Fiske.
 ▪  The villain is not wearing a hat.
 ▪  Nothing is covering the kidnapper's mouth.

 ▪  No sun appears on the country's flag.
 ▪  It's not the land of wood and water.
 ▪  No yellow star appears on the country's flag.
 ▪  The country's flag is not blue and white only.
 ▪  The red color appears on the country's flag.
 ▪  You won't find the national coat of arms on the country's flag.

 ▪  <span class="bold">All guesses in PDF format</span>  (Posts 1 - 922)
In for bler144

Little Big Adventure 3/Alma Wade/Denmark

And of course I voted to save the bler. I like saving people.
Day of the Tentacle 2 / Lucius Wagner / United States of America
So...1 game / 3 villains / 2 countries?

Technically the hint doesn't say "completely covering" and that is one awfully big mustache. ;)

System Shock 3 / Irenicus / Australia
And before one of these other guys beat me to it, here's an explanation of the new hints:
The video shows unicorns, meaning The Witcher 4 is out.
Scorpion, Mileena, and Darth Malak all have a mouth covering, so they're out. I'm assuming _Slaugh_ isn't referring to facial hair as well, meaning Marquis Montalban is still in.
Both Spain and Portugal have a coat of arms on their flag, so they're out. I think Egypt's included in this as well.
zeogold: And before one of these other guys beat me to it, here's an explanation of the new hints:
The video shows unicorns, meaning The Witcher 4 is out.
Scorpion, Mileena, and Darth Malak all have a mouth covering, so they're out. I'm assuming _Slaugh_ isn't referring to facial hair as well, meaning Marquis Montalban is still in.
Both Spain and Portugal have a coat of arms on their flag, so they're out. I think Egypt's included in this as well.
Oh, whoops - my guess was in for IAmSinistar.

Good catch on Egypt - it just says "emblem" on the flag, but said emblem does match their current coat of arms. So 1/3/3.

I was actually thinking of Volkov's mustache ;) But I tend to agree it's probably not what _Slaugh_ had in mind.
bler144: Good catch on Egypt - it just says "emblem" on the flag, but said emblem does match their current coat of arms. So 1/3/3.

I was actually thinking of Volkov's mustache ;) But I tend to agree it's probably not what _Slaugh_ had in mind.
For what it's worth, the Arabic wikipedia entry says that the current coat of arms is what appears on the flag, only that the one on the flag should be coloured in gold.

So I'd say Egypt is out. Its flag does contain the coat of arms, even if it's colourless.

Also, variants of the Peruvian and German flags for example contain their coats of arms, while variants of the Spanish flag don't. However I remember Slaugh mentioning in his previous GAs that the flags as they appear in his attachment is what we should go by.
Post edited December 16, 2015 by ZFR
ZFR: So I'd say Egypt is out. It's flag does contain the coat of arms, even if it's colourless.
Not to mention rather dull as a design for a coat of arms. ;) The older historical Egyptian coat of arms are more interesting.

But anyway...looks like 1,632 combos left with 259 of those guessed (not adjusted for duplicates).

So roughly 1373-1400 combos left to guess!