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Day of the Tentacle 2 / Kane / Sweden
System Shock 3 / Jack the Ripper / Norway

Day of the Tentacle 2 / Agent 47 / Ireland
Guess #59: Portal 3 / Kane / Uruguay.

(Yes, I know.)
Little Big Adventure 3 / Tanya / South Korea
Sid Meier's Pirates! II / Mankar Camoran / Switzerland
for mchack

Obscure 3 / Jack the Ripper / Italy
No One Lives Forever 3 / Sephiroth / Germany
And before Slaugh arrives, the 30th and last "Portal 3 / Kane" guess:

Guess #60: Portal 3 / Kane / Vietnam.

(Yes, I know.)

Muhahahaha! #2
The Witcher 4: Rise of the Unicorns / Challus Mercer / Australia
For the Puzzlemaster

Little Big Adventure 3 / Tanya / Denmark

Good night
I will guess

SWAT 5/ Alma Wade/ Canada
ZFR: For the Puzzlemaster

Little Big Adventure 3 / Tanya / Denmark

Good night
Thank you kindly! That makes up for my earlier screw-up.
Aya Brea reporting for duty, dressed for the occasion and armed with MaGog's randomiser.

Christmas is a special season for Aya, for it brings back memories --- memories of Eve. Eve, who had erupted upon an unsuspecting New York City in the winter of 1997, unleashing her mitochondria and raiding sperm banks in her quest to give birth to the Ultimate Santa.

But, as Breja so colourfully put it, enough of the past; there is a task at hand, to put an end to a new nightmare, for neverending nightmares will not do. Needless to say, Eve is once more at the root of it, having duped a pigeon to do her bid, to kidnap Santa for her to harvest his genes, splice them into plasmids and integrate them into bacilli, to form an unstoppable army of big-bellied, bearded, bonneted bacteria. Unless, of course, Aya stops her first.

Yet what of the sack? For, the fate of humanity aside, one must remember that a video game is at stake. Santa's sack --- Eve had dismissively discarded it to a dark corner of her lair, where no sun shines and no bat flaps and no more clues, without even dignifying its content with a cursory glance. And what a pity; for the sack was full of presents aplenty, one for each goglodyte, nicelings and naughtilings alike.

A jar of red chrain for _Slaugh_; an alarm clock for Elmofongo; an apple that has seen better days for BranjoHello; a box of antibiotics for helpo1; a "Touch Me" vinyl in mint condition for XYCat; the 3D game that's not in the sack for seikus... And the list goes on.

But Aya is growing listless. She can no longer just sit around, twiddling her thumbs, and blindly guessing the names of planetariumless villains and wood-and-waterless countries. No, she must do something about it. She must uncover clues, follow them, and find Eve,

Come to think of it, _Slaugh_ seems to know quite a bit about the matter. And he's taking his pretty time revealing new clues, not to say actively dragging his feet. Is he in fact trying to delay us? Is he in fact colluding with Eve, buying her time enough to clone Santa's genes? Aya will soon find out; she will track _Slaugh_ down and make him spill the beans.

Using her faithful purveyor of useful information and cat pictures, Aya found out that:
1) The Slaugh family name was most common in the 1920's in Utah and Pennsylvania
2) Utah is famous for its Mormons and Pennsylvania is famous for its Amish

Guess #54:
Day of the Tentacle 2 / Challus Mercer / Norway

In for foxworks
Day of the Tentacle 2 / Sagat / Norway