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mrkgnao: Hint #1: You can figure it out by using the internet (Google, etc.).
Hint #2: I suddenly realised that some people might be offended by the solution, for which I truly apologise. If you believe there are some things that are not suitable material for artistic levity, you might want to forget about this thread.
Hint #3: Item (1) does not fit very well, if at all, so don't concentrate on it. I conceived of the scheme only after I had committed to items (1) and (2) and could not change them.
Hint #4: Item (11) is probably the most directly tied to the underlying scheme.
Is it some sort of ritualistic washing/cleansing of any sort?
mrkgnao: Hint #1: You can figure it out by using the internet (Google, etc.).
Hint #2: I suddenly realised that some people might be offended by the solution, for which I truly apologise. If you believe there are some things that are not suitable material for artistic levity, you might want to forget about this thread.
Hint #3: Item (1) does not fit very well, if at all, so don't concentrate on it. I conceived of the scheme only after I had committed to items (1) and (2) and could not change them.
Hint #4: Item (11) is probably the most directly tied to the underlying scheme.
zeogold: Is it some sort of ritualistic washing/cleansing of any sort?
Looks like it's finally over. Thanks for the GA slaugh. It was a lot of fun.

Also congrats to mrk (or whoever solves mrk's riddle).
Hint #1: You can figure it out by using the internet (Google, etc.).
Hint #2: I suddenly realised that some people might be offended by the solution, for which I truly apologise. If you believe there are some things that are not suitable material for artistic levity, you might want to forget about this thread.
Hint #3: Item (1) does not fit very well, if at all, so don't concentrate on it. I conceived of the scheme only after I had committed to items (1) and (2) and could not change them.
Hint #4: Item (11) is probably the most directly tied to the underlying scheme.
Hint #5: Just because the list refers to body parts, locations in an apartment, and internet quadrivia does not necessarily mean that the underlying scheme is related to any of those. The association might be a bit more subtle.
This is a long shot too.. and probably doesnt make any sense because im way too .."unstable"

Im guessing it have something to do with the historical art from the new testament.
Probably crucifixion. or below with when sorted.

- Annunciation
- Adoration of the Magi
- Ascension of Jesus
- Assumption of the Virgin Mary
- Coronation of the Virgin
- Crucifixion
- Descent from the Cross
- Kiss of Judas
- The Lamentation
- The Last Supper
- The Last Judgment
- Madonna and Child
- Maesta
- Mocking of Christ
- Nativity of Jesus
- Noli me tangere
- The Parables
- Pietà
- The Raising of the Cross
- Transfiguration

im not even close am i?
mikopotato: This is a long shot too.. and probably doesnt make any sense because im way too .."unstable"

Im guessing it have something to do with the historical art from the new testament.
Probably crucifixion. or below with when sorted.

- Annunciation
- Adoration of the Magi
- Ascension of Jesus
- Assumption of the Virgin Mary
- Coronation of the Virgin
- Crucifixion
- Descent from the Cross
- Kiss of Judas
- The Lamentation
- The Last Supper
- The Last Judgment
- Madonna and Child
- Maesta
- Mocking of Christ
- Nativity of Jesus
- Noli me tangere
- The Parables
- Pietà
- The Raising of the Cross
- Transfiguration

im not even close am i?
You're pretty close, but the answer is a not a list, it's just one term.
Way of the Cross.
Anything to do with 14 Stations of the cross??
ZFR: Way of the Cross.
And we have a winner.

Care to list a couple of correlations between the two lists?
Austrobogulator: Anything to do with 14 Stations of the cross??
Alas, ninja'ed by five minutes.


For those wishing to look it up, I used the list referred to as "Traditional Form" on Wikipedia.

P.S. The easiest way to solve it, I believe, would have been to google "14". The first hit (for me) is the Wikipedia entry for "14 (number)" and the Stations are the first item under "In religion and mythology".
Post edited December 22, 2015 by mrkgnao
I've been playing the Peter Gabriel soundtrack to 'Last Temptation' the last few hours.

Never saw the movie, but love the soundtrack.
ZFR: Way of the Cross.
mrkgnao: And we have a winner.

Care to list a couple of correlations between the two lists?
Austrobogulator: Anything to do with 14 Stations of the cross??
mrkgnao: Alas, ninja'ed by five minutes.


For those wishing to look it up, I used the list referred to as "Traditional Form" on Wikipedia.
Bummer, should have done less wikipeding and more posting. Congrats ZFR :D
bler144: I've been playing the Peter Gabriel soundtrack to 'Last Temptation' the last few hours.

Never saw the movie, but love the soundtrack.
You should read the book. In Greek.
Last Temptation is pretty good

The Passion of The Christ is SPECTACULAR!!
bler144: I've been playing the Peter Gabriel soundtrack to 'Last Temptation' the last few hours.

Never saw the movie, but love the soundtrack.
HypersomniacLive: You should read the book. In Greek.
My Greek proficiency is more or less "survival level," and a bit rusty at that

Can read the alphabet or street signs or a menu well enough to know the difference between shrimp and chicken (or monkey, I suppose), and some basic conversation.

Oh yes, and congrats to ZFR and mrk on the big victory, and a big thanks to _Slaugh_ and everyone else for another fun round of "Spreadsheet mystery!"
Post edited December 23, 2015 by bler144
Thanks. I was looking at religion when you mentioned hint 2, and with hint 4 made me get it. I come from a religious family so associated number 14 with the stations.

I have to say though, some seem a bit stretched (not even sure I got all the ones you meant). 11 is obvious, 6 is Veronica wiping Jesus' face. 13 made me see why the only non-organs where there (I was wondering if these were supposed to be eyes). 3 and 7 have to do with falling (buy why butt?) Not even sure about 8 or 10...

Thanks mrkgnao and Slaugh.

If bler wants to go "halfsies" (with me taking the bigger halfsy), and Slaugh is ok with it, I'll take Simon the Sorceror 4. Otherwise, I'll wait till something I want goes on sale (or something new is released).