clarry: My kitchen knife has a handle too! It must be portable! Or wait, is it mobile? Maybe it's automobile because sometimes it seems to spin on the counter all by itself.
People carry knives with them all the time. At any given time you might count 5 knives on me. Though they are often sheathed, unsheathed is just a dangerous hazard.
timppu: Weeell... you need the screen though...
Friend's house and the hotel rooms have screens. No problem there.
Judicat0r: I mean, my PC has two handles on the top so that it can be carried around and moved easily, could be even be defined as portable but it's not a mobile standalone device
Microwaves, TV's and other things have 'handles'. Lugging a half tower or full town i wouldn't really put in the 'portable' department, unless you had a van with appropriate racks and you were going between servers.
Hmmm... guess it depends on what it means to a particular person. But with miniaturization and faster chips, what used to take an entire room at 70 tons can be done in hand-held calculators. Modern phones are tens of thousands of times faster than the 8bit computers (
and desktops even more powerful); I think most people don't really appreciate how far it's come. I hear kids complaining they get lagging and speeds on Netflix and Fortnite, who never had to deal with any dialup speeds.