ashwald: How is he drawing attention AWAY if he points out gloves that apparently fit the
heh man to a T?
Fitting gloves aren't much of a thing, are they? They're big - they'll fit anybody.
It's his appearance itself - the Mob is all over this thing.
If the evidence were overwhelming against Chef Boyardee over there, I would say it was a frame job by the Mafia.
But since it's the opposite - there is essentially no evidence and the entire prosecution is hopelessly botched - the conclusion is the opposite. The Mafia is trying to get this guy off scott-free. I've got my own theory as to why (was part of my PM to Zeo) but who really knows. Who cares?
There's a traitor here, and it's not the defense attorney, who's doing a right bang-up job.
Enh, whatevs. I'm comfortable being the only one right in the end. :^)