Tauto: Tauto sneaks back in disguised as Perry Mason and draws a bit of attention from the court room as the Judge calls for QUIET!!!! When things quieten down Tauto lobs a stink bomb at the jury and hits the railing which then ricochet's the stink bomb towards the judge.
ok dude, i got it perfectly clear that you despise and cant stand the zeogold guy at all for whatever reason of yours. Granted.
now if you could keep your vendetta and petty quarrels for other parts of the forum, even if i understand that the mere thought of zeogold existence is unbearable to you and your gang...
i would like you to realise that other people registered this thread just to have fun, and those people have NO BUSINESS with you or whatever friends of yours, nor those people ever did anything against you, AFAIK.
but i guess you are the kind of person who like to shit over anyone's mouth just because you think anyone else is worthless and you are entitled the right to stomp them ? great mentality, dude... Do you apply same policy IRL ? i mean, without getting punched or kicked now and then ?
do me a favor: pm the people you dont like, troll them on regular threads and dont come sabotage one here, or annoy strangers in the process, thanks a lot